Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Book Excerpts: Signs She Likes You

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

signs she likes youA few days back, in the Tactics Tuesdays post on how to get approached by women, we talked about some of the ways you can tell a girl likes you. Learning how girls show interest helps you out in a variety of ways: it lets you zero in on the girls who already like you; it lets you discriminate between women who will be receptive to you and women who will take your time but not give much back; it lets you move faster and get results faster. There are tons of benefits to being able to read the signs she likes you.

But what are those signs? If you read that second article linked to above, I outline a bunch of them. You need to get in the habit of recognizing them when you see them - and acting on them when you do.

In today's excerpt from my eBook How to Make Girls Chase: Every Tactic and Technique You Need to Get the Girl(s) of Your Dreams, I give you some of the most common of those signs she likes you that you'll see. Look for these when you're out - and capitalize on them when you get them.

Day Pick Up: Take Girls from Street to Bed in a Snap

Ricardus Domino's picture

day pick up…and when I say “street-to-bed” in a day pick up, I’m not talking about the red light district either!

When I first started approaching women, that was THE big motivator for me – okay, at the time it wasn’t even about taking them straight back to my bedroom just yet; in fact, if we’d have sex on the third date that would have been fine for me back then.

But, all the beautiful girls I’d see downtown every day had me *wishing* I knew what to say and do to meet them, and to start some form of relationship with them.

Today, first sex on the third date has become a very rare occurrence, and I’ve since learned that given the right circumstances and the right guy, almost all women will have sex on the first date, no problem… so all you need to do is CREATE the right circumstances, and BECOME the right guy.

We’ve talked about this topic on the blog before, and about what it takes to be that sexy man that women want and to create these circumstances to pick up a girl fast - feel free to review these two articles real quick and then come back here.

Back with me?

Great… then let’s talk about how to make that happen RIGHT after you approach a girl in the street during day pick up.

Want to Meet a Girl? 16 Tips That Will Make It Easy

Ricardus Domino's picture

want to meet a girlIn a previous article, we discussed contingency planning for questions like "What if she doesn't have time?" in great detail – and today I want to go into more depth and give you some SPECIFIC things to say in situations you will inevitably find yourself in sooner or later… word by word, what to say if you want to meet a girl.

Yes – it doesn’t matter that much WHAT you say, as long as you project the right vibe - see our series on how to pick up girls for more on that. That is true.

But, I clearly remember when I was first learning this stuff, I got incredibly frustrated with that advice.

“Okay, it doesn’t matter what I say – but I still do have to say SOMETHING… can you at least give me a few examples of what to say? Surely I don’t want to talk to her about the weather or about how bad traffic was today?”

There are some topics that girls respond better to than others, so ideally you want to have the right vibe AND an interesting conversational repertoire.

But especially for beginners and for people who are just getting back into the “game” after a long hiatus, it can be useful to have some training wheels and crutches to get yourself up to speed again quickly.

Tactics Tuesdays: Get Approached by Women

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

get approachedYesterday evening I was out walking home, when I noticed a tall, thin girl with long hair and a good body in front of me, walking very carefree in heels, tight jean shorts cut off just below the butt, and a tank top, swinging her hips very sexy as she went. She turned around and looked back in my direction, then started singing in a very sweet voice. She turned around to look back a few more times - I was walking faster than her, so gaining on her and closing the distance. I thought about approaching, but then thought about what it takes to get approached by women.

Here was a girl throwing off tons of the things you'll see when girls show interest:

  • She was blatantly looking back at me (she probably knew I was there before I knew she was; even when you're very socially aware, girls are still often going to be the first to spot you before you spot them)
  • She kept looking back at me, which means there was something that was very interesting to her... or, she was trying to get my attention
  • She started singing, which you might not realize, but women will often start to sing or talk on their phones to attract male attention (you can use this same tactic yourself; we'll see that in a moment)

I didn't particularly feel like approaching - I was tired and worn out from a long day, and I wasn't dressed the best. So instead, I wanted to see if I could get approached.

And that's what I'm going to talk with you about today: how can you get women to approach you instead of you having to always approach them?

Announcing... The Carnival of Dating Advice

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carnival of dating advice

What's a blog carnival, you ask?

Well, it's a regularly occurring collection of selected articles and blog posts from around the Internet, and because there isn't one in the pick up / dating / relationship space right now, I'm opening up one for business here.

Each week I'll be bringing you some of the best news, blog articles, and information from across the web on dating, seduction, and more.

What categories will we have?

Here's what we've got:

  • Dating Tips and Advice
  • Relationship Advice
  • Pick Up Advice
  • Sex and Seduction
  • Self Confidence
  • Self-Improvement
  • Product / Training / Website Reviews

How Do I Get Motivated? Tips on Motivation

Ricardus Domino's picture

how do i get motivated“How do I get motivated?”

It’s a question you run into at some point when you start tackling something you know you ought to do... but just can’t seem to get yourself to do. And getting better at dating and relationships - while certainly one of, if not the, most rewarding skills to get down - is quite possibly one of the most difficult things to get yourself motivated to work on.

One of the hardest things in this game – and in any endeavor in life, really – is to stay motivated when the going gets tough.

And it will.

In fact, many people argue that the most important part of Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich is Chapter 9 – the chapter on persistence.

Because if you think about it – if you just stick with ANYTHING long enough, you’re BOUND to get better at it… and eventually the results will come as a mere side effect of getting better and better at your craft.

But if that’s true, then the question is… why isn’t everybody doing this?

Why aren’t all people more persistent with their goals, if that’s really all it takes?

Book Excerpts: Be a Strong Man

Chase Amante's picture

be a strong manThere's no denying it - women love a strong man. Forget the whole "sensitive man" fad that swept through the West... women might say they want a sensitive man, but the sensitive man isn't the one who actually stirs their heartstrings... or their loins, for that matter.

But how do you be a "strong man?" Do you have to be a bodybuilder, or be skeptically squinting your eyes at everyone and everything all the time?

In fact, that's hardly the case. To be a strong man is something entirely different from muscles or a stubbly face (although, those two can certainly help). It's about a lot more than that, as it were.

In this section from my eBook How to Make Girls Chase: Every Tactic and Technique You Need to Get the Girl(s) of Your Dreams, I detail for you some of the most important elements in coming across with the women (and the men) you meet as a strong man. And they aren't what you might think they are... read ahead.

How Many Partners Has Your Girlfriend Had? Find Out Here

Chase Amante's picture

how many partnersHere's a post that's sure to raise some ire.

Ricardus and I were discussing men's tendency to want to sleep with sexually open women, but to date or settle down with or marry sexually conservative women - and how difficult it is actually figuring out how many partners women have actually had because of this. You see, women are acutely aware of this male bias against sexually experienced women when it comes to getting into serious relationships - and they do everything in their power to avoid getting pinned as such a woman.

"Everything in their power" here including, sometimes (okay, oftentimes), stretching the truth, leaving things out about their forgotten pasts, and, well, lying.

Of course, women don't think of it as lying. It's more like, "Well, I slept with that guy on vacation, so he doesn't count," or, "That guy was totally gross, I should never have hooked up with him... as far as I'm concerned, that didn't really happened."

It's a form of selective memory used by a woman to preserve her idea about herself as fitting perfectly into society's recommended mold: that of the "good girl" who doesn't give it up too often to men. Women who do part with their bodies too easily, society tells women, aren't valued as highly, so it's a big no-no.

But, well, women are people, and people like and want sex, and sometimes it... just happens. Of course, a woman doesn't want other people to know it just happened... at least, not as much as it actually has just happened... because that impacts her perceived social and reproductive value.

So, she stretches the truth, leaves things out, and, where necessary, tells a lie or two.

Any women reading this site may not especially like this article, but if you're a man who's seriously considering a relationship with a girl, and you want to know what you're actually getting instead of what you're being told you're getting... how do you tell who's whom?

How to Get Laid Every Time, Part II

Ricardus Domino's picture

how to get laidIn the first edition of this two part series on how to get laid every time, we covered all the ground rules… all the fundamentals about why girls sometimes resist having sex at first, and all the most important ways to deal with it.

Now let’s dive into the topic a bit deeper and look at a few more little ninja tricks and tactics – so you will always know what to do, no matter what the situation.

This is called contingency planning, and we discussed it more broadly in the post on when she doesn't have time (and other contingencies)… today we’ll look at it specifically in the context of the last few yards.