How to Stop Playing Games (in Your Relationship)
used frames a lot for the sake of getting sexually intimate
with women quickly… now let’s look at the power of frames in the
context of exclusive relationships a bit more.
Let’s take the example we used in our last post, "How to Not Fall in Love"… she’s not texting you, and you’re starting to freak out a little.
Does she not miss you?
Is she with another guy?
What is going ON?
The first thing to realize is that one of a million things could be going on…
- Maybe she’s busy
- Maybe she’s asleep
- Maybe she’s out of phone credit
The last one is the biggie… and if she’s really into you, then that’s probably the one you’re facing. As I said, women read dating advice too… from the gossip with her girlfriends to the women’s magazines she reads on a regular basis, she’s being primed for playing the GAME like a PRO.
But as I mentioned above… if you’re trying to move things forward, from dating to a proper relationship, you want to stop playing games; to get rid of all games you guys are playing with each other.
Of course, it’s easy enough for YOU to stop playing games if you so
The question is, though… how can you stop HER from playing games?
How can you disarm them before they even come up?
And THAT is an excellent question.