Get Girls to Kiss You Passionately with the "10 Seconds to Live" Gambit

This post by Mr.Rob originally appeared on our forum here.
This post by Mr.Rob originally appeared on our forum here.
Hi guys. I hope you are all doing great.
Today, I would like to discuss a relevant topic when you are on a first date with a girl: whether you should sit next to or across from a girl on a date.
I have yet to hear discussion on this topic. I believe that many men have asked themselves this question. This post can benefit beginners as well as experienced guys.
Beginners may not know how to position themselves during dates. It may seem minor, but even the little things can make a huge difference, especially for beginners. Pros can usually damage control or make up for mistakes, while beginners often cannot.
The bottom line is that everyone will benefit from this.
You meet a girl, she’s pretty hot, se seems to be into you, but you can’t pull her right now. Maybe she’s with a friend or two. Maybe she has things she needs to do.
Interruptions happen. She’s pulled away. Other men start competing for her.
You can keep hanging around with her, but you cannot take her home. Not right now.
Should you stay or should you go? How should you deal with these wildcards? Should you give up and switch to a different target?
Just last week, I wrote a post on endurance game – which is where you hang in there and keep at it with a girl until she cracks on whatever the resistance point was, and things move forward.
This can work very effectively at any point in a seduction, but especially later on: once you know a girl is into you, you have a fair bit of compliance established, and no one’s likely to be taking her away from you.
Sometimes, however, ‘sticking around no matter what’ is not the best call for the situation you’re in. Other times, merely enduring is not going to be enough – you need to be totally on-point seizing every opportunity you have to escalate things with a girl and hook her deeper and deeper into the seduction, before other forces in the environment can yank her away.
Today, I want to explore this other side of things: how do you deal with lengthy, wildcard-laden seductions – and when does it make sense to pull the rip cord and step away from such a seduction, and NOT endure?
I have spent quite a bit of time in cafés and coffee shops over the years. That happens when you run an Internet business and do not have a traditional office-building office.
The right coffee shop/café is great for meeting attractive, cool girls at – but you need to know what you’re doing.
I have seen guys fumbling around trying to be very direct with girls in coffee shops. This only makes things awkward. I have also seen a lot of guys who fall for a barista and get focused on trying to ask out their favorite coffee brewer; they see her every time and gradually fall in love with her and get oneitis.
This guide is not on any of that stuff. This is not a “how to do tons of volume hitting on women in coffee shops” guide. Nor is this a guide to “how to pick up your favorite barista” (if you’re looking for something like that, check out my guide to picking up waitresses).
Instead, this is a guide on how to pick up girls in coffee shops and cafés strategically while you are in these places – so you are operating within the ‘rules’ of the venues while not missing out on interested & available girls.
This report by Lao Che originally appeared on our forum here.
I've been wondering about posting LRs because I'm not sure what the point is. Lately I've been thinking it seems like bragging. I've written this now so I'll post it in the hopes that maybe some guys can pick up something, or at least enjoy the read. Let me know.
III. Conclusion
Hey guys.
Today I’ll share tips on how to make a girl feel more comfortable when you arrive at your place. This can help you dodge potential resistance, and help you deal with it if it arises.
If you have brought girls home and realized they stiffen up or appear uncomfortable, this post is for you. If you are dealing with last-minute resistance, this post is also for you. And if you are experienced and want to reduce facing resistance and escalate more quickly and safely, this post is for you, too
I’ll discuss are basic techniques suitable for beginners, but they also apply to experienced guys.
I keep seeing stuff like this over and over again from guys and it’s driving me slightly batty:
The argument is that Instagram and dating apps have flooded white women with an overwhelming number of sexual options, including countless tall, good-looking white Chads. This, in turn, has supposedly inflated these women's standards and made them less receptive to less remarkable-looking men they encounter in real life
The irony of course is that 100% of the men who talk about women “drowning in overwhelming options” in the sexual marketplace due to a superabundance of digital Chads consider themselves ‘red pill’, but they live almost wholly online in this weird 2D LED digital echo chamber matrix where the ‘women’ they are interacting with are carefully posed and curated avatars (and in some cases aren’t even women at all), wholly unlike who these women are in-the-flesh.
So come along on a wild ride, and take the red pill with me:
Because I’m going to show you you’ve been living in a dream world, Neo.
Are you ready to see how deep the rabbit hole goes?
On a recent article of mine, a reader asked:
You've repeatedly said to move "fast." But I'm seeing field reports of beating around the bush for hours on end. There's one from a dude who was "vibing" for 90 mins. Another one was from a guy who expended three hours before doing constant thigh rubbing. After some resistance, he gave up.
Maybe you could do another article about "moving things along purposefully"?
I like the topic suggestion.
However, reading this comment actually makes me think of a different topic that I feel like writing about more today instead. So, with apologies to our commenter (and perhaps I will circle back to purposeful forward movement… although I have already covered making invites, getting compliance, dealing with girls telling you no, and forward movement; how to time your moves and use ‘timers’ to not stall out, what creates resistance; plus a whole slew of ways to bust through it somewhat to death already), I’m going to write on that topic instead.
The topic for today’s Tactics Tuesday is endurance runs… a surprisingly simple girl-getting strategy, which we have talked about here and there, but one I am frankly a bit surprised more men don’t employ.
This post by Richard originally appeared on our forum here.
Hey gentleman, I've kept a journal of my daily pickups, though they've slimmed recently because I'm getting more involved with a single girl rather than many. Anyway, I was reviewing my journal, and I noticed my success increase when I started to implement something I personally call SINGULAR FLOW.
I define this as: Following up an opening with a question that directly relates to the opening, environment, or reaction by the girl.
Hey guys. I hope you are all doing well.
Let’s discuss a phenomenon I regularly encounter with students and see on forums: the lack of patience when learning to pick up girls.
Some guys join this community to get a few quick fixes: they want to find out how to deal with a particular situation. For example, “So, there is this girl in X setting. What do I do?” Others join to improve, learn a few tricks, and move on. Then there is the last group, which consists of most forum members and active readers. These guys are in it for the art. They strive to get as good as possible, reach mastery, and make seduction a primary hobby.
The Girls Chase staff of writers, video creators, and coaches was once part of that group. Despite reaching mastery, most are still fascinated by this process and want to learn more to develop their skills further. As I always say, I will forever be a student of seduction.
This post is for those in this category: you find seduction exciting and want to perfect your game. You choose to focus on your skills and aim to be a master. You want to become a modern Casanova.
This post is also for those who want to improve, although it may resonate more with the former category.
So, today, I will discuss mental roadblocks and provide solutions to ease frustrations and biases you may encounter in the field.