Leave Her Better Than You Found Her

Anyone who’s spent any time in the seduction community has come across this phrase sooner or later: “leave her better than you found her.”
Newer guys can be skeptical of it. “That’s just marketing talk,” they say. “It’s something to brand seduction as more mainstream friendly.”
Or they might argue that the phrase is a “cope”, as seducers pursuing their nefarious ends are forced to justify their own guilt for plucking a nubile girl’s flower without next taking her to wed.
One newly joined member of our forum (who has been bouncing around arguing with everyone about everything) had this to say about the phrase:
The "leave her better off than you found her" thinking is just dumb and false. Just some train of thought prob concocted by some marketer to counter act the cognitive dissonance nice guys may feel at the thought of picking up women. It paints women as damsels in distress that need your rescuing as if. Fact is she'll be worst off bc she'll be a little older and a little looser after you're done with her.
In a single paragraph, he managed to insult:
The originator of the phrase as a cynical marketer
The targets of the phrase as conflicted, gullible rubes
Women as inexorably falling in value with each passing partner and every passing minute (reality check: while it is not my personal preference, tons and tons of guys go for higher count and older chicks. We also have men come onto Girls Chase complaining that now, in their 50s or 60s, women their own age are still too picky and will not date them. “The Wall” does not actually hit anywhere near as hard as red pill manosphere guys tend to want to believe it does)
Anyway, I’ll bet this guy’s a real gas at parties!
Is he right though, is “leave her better than you found her” mere cynical marketing tripe, or a phrase concocted to allay the player guilt nice guys experience seducing but not committing to girls?
Or is this mantra something else?