Women you have relationships will try to control you, no doubt. But they don’t want to control you. They want to fail at controlling you.
The doom and gloom narrative promoted by philosophies like “the red pill” suggests that relationships and marriages resemble a covert tug-of-war match.
If the man wins the struggle, the woman remains submissive and compliant, allowing the man to maintain his authority. If the woman wins, she becomes defiant and disrespectful, and the man loses power.
As the man wins more fights, he solidifies his masculinity. His woman stays attracted and loyal. He’s a confident, strong, boss pimp daddy gigachad.
As the woman wins more fights, the man becomes castrated and weak. She loses attraction, and if it reaches a breaking point, she will cheat on him and suck the cock of a superior, dominant male. Later, she kisses the cuckold on the mouth so he can have a taste of what he used to be—a real man.
It’s a brutal zero-sum view of relationships.
Is it true? In some ways, yes. In some ways, no. It’s not sexy to answer things like that, but it’s true.
Can reality be that harsh? Yes, it can. I know this because I’ve experienced both sides. I’ve been the guy whose woman slowly wore him down and betrayed him. I’ve also been the guy who confidently pushed and took the women of other men, only to see those women return to their boyfriends to sleep with them the very next day
I’m not proud and profoundly regret it, but it happened.
I’ve also been witness to many men getting screwed over, either by the woman or by the woman and another man. However, these are rare.
Usually, when I pursued girls with boyfriends or husbands, they would firmly reject me, and the girl remained loyal to her man. Considering how most relationships go, I don’t think the man was always smashing her right or being overly dominant. Most guys struggle to manage their relationships well (more on that later). This part of my answer discusses how “reality can be brutal, and guys ARE getting slowly castrated.”
But despite guys not running relationships well, their girls were not ready to hop on Hector’s chorizo and take a ride to pound town.
Why not?
Unless the girl’s a piece of crap, her threshold for “I’m going to cuck the man I love” is relatively high. For some girls, it’s so high that it would take a miracle of perfect circumstances for it to happen.
For some girls, the bar isn’t quite so high. A small percentage of girls will cheat even if their man sneezes wrong.
There are three major factors for a girl to reach the point where she will cheat:
Her character (habits, values, personality)
The man’s performance (his level of dominance, his level of loving and caring for her, how he is in bed)
Her environment (she meets a hot guy with game, has protective friends, or friends who encourage cheating)
This article is not about cheating, but we use this scenario to illustrate my point. We are focusing on #2, your performance.
Why do you need good performance? Because girls will test you.
Most tests are mundane, day-to-day trials that seem inconsequential. But, as with most things in life, how you perform those small things is how you do everything.
If you don’t see how your small interactions with your girlfriend or wife set the tone for the entire relationship, you need more self-awareness or knowledge if you want a successful relationship.
Women test their men all the time. Every moment of a relationship may be a test. It’s not a test in the sense that she is sitting there plotting scenarios to see how you react. Those situations are rare. The word “test” is too melodramatic most of the time.
Women see how you react over time and will form opinions of you depending on how you handle yourself in different settings. I’m not saying women never test men. There are certainly times when women will actively test men, both subconsciously and consciously.
However, this doesn’t really matter. You need to perform. If you can perform at 95% efficiency, then all the better. But if your performance drops to 40%, you risk losing your partner over time. Sometimes, you may find yourself in a nightmare scenario without realizing that small, poor decisions have slowly accumulated over months and years leading to this situation.