Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer


Skilled Seducer's picture
show her the leashA simple way to quickly sexualize things with girls and open them up to kinky sex: show them the leash and collar in your place (or pics on your phone).

This post by Hector Papi Castillo originally appeared on our forum here.

Just spent a beautiful night with a beautiful girl.

We had some VERY kinky sex. First night lay (and first "date," actually). We met through social circle while out at a club. I was with a different girl that I'm banging (who is a friend of her friend), but I still got her Instagram I think afterwards while adding all the people I met (I don't think I directly asked her though; I just knew she would add me back and be responsive to messages).

Then I ended up seeing her at a different club (but now I wasn't with the other girl) and we flirted hard. Chatted a BUNCH over Instagram then had a dinner/movie date at my house. Banged within ~5 minutes of being in the house.

Anyways, I started going into details on the forum chat (which is dope; we should get that going hot. Conversation is more insightful than a post), and realized quickly something that I do a lot these days to help make seductions faster/more fun.

So I came to post about it.

Modern Man Problem: Clamoring for Respect & Submission (Rather Than COMMANDING It)

Chase Amante's picture
why don't men respect you? why don't women submit to you?You don’t get respect from other men or submission from women by asking, begging, or pleading for it. You get it by commanding it – PERIOD.

As the enfeebling of Modern Man continues apace, I’m seeing an explosion of angry men all over the place grousing about the same complaints again and again:

  • “People need to respect men more!”

  • “Women need to learn how to be submissive!”

It’s painful as a man when no one respects you.

It is painful as a man when women refuse you submission.

It is painful, and makes you feel as if you are less than a man.

It’s because you ARE, until you get that fixed: if you are not a man able to command respect from other people and submission from women, you are a lesser man.

But you won’t attain respect + submission by whining, stomping, pouting, or complaining.

If you wish men to respect you and women to submit to you, you must do something else.

Give Girls "Escape Routes" When You Isolate Them (+Comfort)

Alek Rolstad's picture
open exits, open trustAs things progress with a girl, you’ll want to get her isolated. Once you do, however, to make it go smooth, you must ensure she feels she has an “out”!

Welcome back.

In the last few weeks, I’ve discussed giving a girl space to opt out and allowing exit routes to build comfort. The idea is to help her feel she can leave any time if things are not to her liking. The purpose is to reassure her. If she knows she can easily leave, your girl will be more likely to go with things, viewing them as less risky.

The idea is not to make her flee but to make her feel as if she can. The result? More often than not, she will stay. If she does not, she would have left anyway. So, it is a win-win.

Today, we will discuss how this applies to isolation and extraction.

"Women Didn't Use to Be So Slutty or Have So Much Sex"

Chase Amante's picture
the truth about female promiscuityWomen did not use to sleep around so much or be so promiscuous. Except, well, the men of the past had this very complaint about the women of THEIR days!

There is this meme that’s been going around for about 8,000 years now that women in the past didn’t use to have as much sex with guys as they do today, that previous generations were purer, and that only recently have women become a lot more promiscuous and started sleeping around with men more.

You can read about it in the complaints of ancient Greeks, Romans, and Arabs from 1,500 to 2,500 years ago.

The ancient Chinese 2,000 years ago were so upset about women acting sluttier than they had in the past that they wrote an entire moral guide for women on how to not act slutty and be a good wife entitled Biographies of Exemplary Women and used it in the moral instruction of girls and women for two millennium.

Jesus’s apostles marched all around the Mediterranean 2,000 years ago, inveighing against the promiscuity they found everywhere (too many verses to list), and the Hebrew Bible from hundreds or thousands of years earlier found promiscuity such a problem it had to add specific instructions telling the daughters of priests not to go whoring (Leviticus 21:9) and women to stop cheating on their husbands (Hebrews 13:4).

We don’t have records dealing with increasing promiscuity in the women from ancient Sumer 8,000 years ago (so far as I’m aware) but based on this complaint occurring in every other epoch it was almost certainly a complaint of the civilized men then too.

Jean-Jacques Rosseau, writing in France in the 18th Century, called female promiscuity a “threat to social order” and recommended that women be taught to focus on domesticity rather than intellectual pursuits, lest they run around sleeping with men everywhere and upend society.

Men are still complaining about this phenomenon today: the apparent continuously rising tide of sluttiness in the women of every passing generation.

Men have complained of this phenomenon so long in so many places that by now you’d expect there to be some kind of SLUT APOCALYPSE, with women going to bed with hundreds of men before they even leave their teens.

But instead, the median number of lifetime sex partners for an American woman in the 21st Century is not hundreds nor thousands, but 3.

Yet why does it seem always, at all times and places, that women were purer in the past?

DOORS CLOSING for My Lush Teases Method

Chase Amante's picture
last call for Lush TeasesDoors close tonight on your chance to learn to tease women so well they become fans, open windows, and laugh their ways all the way to the bedroom.

It’s almost time to shut the doors.

If you haven’t grabbed Lush Teases™ yet, now is the time.

You can go direct to the order page to grab your copy now ASAP before the doors close.

Or if you’ve been under a bit of a rock and haven’t seen the video yet(!), go here first to watch my presentation on Lush Teases™ (so you can get some idea of just how awesome & innovative this seductive humor method is).

We’re only keeping the doors open until midnight tonight.

Past then, you won’t be able to get Lush Teases™ anymore.

Don’t miss out (and be stuck fumbling your way through jokes with girls, or unable to break through resistance or out of awkward situations) –

Snag your copy of this game-changing program before you won’t be able to!



Expertly Calibrating Your Teases: Tease Tone & Length

Chase Amante's picture
advanced tease calibrationOnce you’re good at using teases, it’s time for the next level: expert CALIBRATION of your teases to match the tone and length of what you’re reacting to.

We’re deep into the launch of Lush Teases™, my unique method for constructing seductive humor that moves girls resistlessly along to the bedroom.

Sales are going at a relatively brisk pace of one sale per hour since the start of the launch. More and more men are receiving access to this unmatched ability to tease – one that gives them a colossal unfair advantage of all the other men out there who don’t have access to the method.

Today we’ll be talking about a more advanced tease topic: namely, how to calibrate the tone and duration of your teases to the recipient and situation.

[LIVE] Lush Teases Out NOW; Learn My Unmatched LUSH Method

Chase Amante's picture
lush teases is now liveLush Teases™ is available to own for the next four days. See how to create humor that attracts the fairer sex & seduces them ALL the way to the bedroom.

The day has arrived, and Lush Teases™ is ON SHELVES NOW (digitally speaking).

There’s never been a step-by-step formula to follow for creating seductive humor with women like this before.

Guys have put out pickup line books. They’ve shared flirtations. But no one has ever given men a METHOD they can use in real time with girls to seduce the fairer sex with resistless wit.

Lush Teases™ does that. And what’s more, it gives you a deep, natural-tier understanding of how humor that works with women works – and why goofy clownish humor doesn’t (nor being “the super serious guy” either).


Giving Girls "Room to Escape" When Positioning Yourself in a Seduction

Alek Rolstad's picture
positioning for connectionWhere and how you position yourself relative to a woman can make or break your seduction. Many guys try to “block women in” & cut off their exits. YOU want to do the OPPOSITE.

Last week, I discussed the importance of giving a girl the opportunity to opt out at any time, giving her a way to exit so she feels she may leave at any time.

The idea is not to motivate her to leave—quite the contrary. You want to make her feel secure. If she feels she has an easy way out, without consequences, you won’t get angry or create bad vibes; she will feel much more comfortable sticking with you.

In practice, she should always have an opportunity to exit, whether that’s your place, the conversation, or the venue, but she is likely to do so with good feelings about you when you make her feel more comfortable.

If you’d like empirical facts about how this works, consider any Girls Chase product you may have bought or similar products. You may be initially skeptical, especially if unfamiliar with the provider. They typically offer an option to unsubscribe anytime or a money-back guarantee. And those who provide this are confident with their product, meaning they know you will like it and won’t “leave” or “unsubscribe.” They gain the benefit of trust.

You may notice that those who offer no money back or ask you to commit usually do so because they are afraid to lose you. Often, it is because the product is substandard, and the only way to keep you is to lock you in. Yes, you will get mad when you dislike the service or product, but on their end, they at least got to cash in X amount, which is a success for them, considering you wouldn’t have stuck around anyway.

Good products offer a way out or a money-back guarantee. That’s not to say all products or services that do this are good, but all good products usually provide this.

So, if it’s a good product (an attractive guy; if you are not, become one), it allows you to use the same technique to establish trust.

Today, I’ll give practical tips you can use in your interactions to build more comfort. I’ll discuss other benefits of using this concept, too.

Using Humor with Women in a Romantic Relationship

Chase Amante's picture
using humor in romantic relationshipsHumor plays a key role in healthy romantic relationships. Not everyone uses it well, though; some barely use it at all. Here’s how to use it to buoy up & solidify your relationships.

We’re a few days away from the launch of my novel tease-the-girl method, Lush Teases™ (you can find the latest Lush Teases™ video here). In keeping with this week’s theme (‘tease weak’), I’ll be discussing the use of humor with women – in your romantic relationships.

While much of what I’ve been marketing Lush Teases™ for is the dating/seduction aspect of humor, the fact is humor plays an outsize role in your ongoing romantic relationships, too.

In the Lush Teases™ sales presentation (which will be live in a few more days), I quote a number of studies on the effects of humor. Some of these are on humor’s impact on your relationships – and the effects are LARGE:

  • 92% of couples say humor makes “significant contributions” to their romances (source)

  • 75% of couples laugh together once per day

  • Partners’ humor use is strongly tied to relationship quality & satisfaction

  • Constructive humor in particular dramatically raises long-term relationship satisfaction (source)

  • Women rate their partners’ sense of humor as one of the four most IMPORTANT factors to them staying in the relationship (source)

Humor is important enough for relationship health that women strongly look for it when selecting long-term partners. It plays such a role in relationship success that men’s poor use of humor in their relationships is actually predictive of divorce.

In other words, humor is vital – if you want a good relationship that is.

In this article, we’ll look at HOW you should be using humor in your relationships, and in WHAT ways you can use it.

[WATCH] Teases MUST Be Sensual

Chase Amante's picture
want to seduce? your humor must be sexy!A good seductive tease is a sensual one. Why? What’s so important about SENSUALITY? Well, without it, you very quickly end up in the “jester zone”, for one.

We’re closing in on the launch of Lush Teases™ -- just four days away.

I hope you’re ready.

Today I have a video for you on one crucial element of teasing (and the FIRST of the four elements of the Lush Teases™ Method I’ll be revealing to you):

Your teases MUST BE sensual!