How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor, Part IV
Note from Chase: this is Part IV in our series on How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor. Be sure to read Part I, Part II, and Part III first before reading this post, if you haven't already.
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Anyway, that's the science side of state control.
Now you may think, well – these are great ideas, but is it really possible to control your state of mind at every moment? After all, we think tens of thousands of thoughts per day.
Actually, you really only need to put yourself into the state you want when you start any activity… whatever state will be the most resourceful one for that specific task.
If you can then get into the activity and get positive feedback from it, the state will reinforce itself. If it does drop, you simply notice the change in your emotional state and repeat the focus exercise… and correct your physiology along with it.
Keep doing it.