Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

When to Stay in a Nightlife Venue vs. When to Go

Alek Rolstad's picture
stay in a nightlife venue or leave it?Some bars and nightclubs are worth remaining in. Some are not. To decide which, you must consider the variables: vibe, crowdedness, sex-ratio, and more.

Hey guys and welcome back.

Decision-making is under-discussed and making the right decision while in a venue can make your seduction successful. A bad one can kill it. And you will often need to make quick decisions.

This post covers decision-making during night game: whether you should stay in the venue or leave. It's similar to choosing the wrong girl to commit to and seeing your results go downhill (see 4 Signs a Girl Can Be Picked Up THAT Night). Some decisions you make are crucial, like selecting the right venue (Picking Up Girls: Selecting the Right Venue). You typically choose a venue based on past positive experiences there. Perhaps you know the venue, the crowd, and how to run it, and you enjoy being there, but when you return another night, it's a less-than-positive experience, and you may need to venue change.

But the grass is always greener somewhere else, right? Sometimes, changing venues may not be the best idea, even if the venue is suboptimal that night.

So, today, we will discuss the different variables that should be considered when deciding whether to stay or change venues.

A few things to keep in mind before we begin:

  • If you leave a venue, do not come back that night. It looks bad, and you do not want to look bad at a venue where you are a regular.

  • Venue changing is easier if alternative venues are nearby, and they should be venues you know (as discussed in my recent post on finding venue clusters). Use this as an opportunity to find new venues.

Tactics Tuesdays: Using "No-Spirals"

Chase Amante's picture
the no-spiralA ‘no-spiral’ is a way to get a girl to undermine her own objection – by getting her to say “no” to one absurd question about her objection after another.

What do you do when a girl gives you a somewhat tough objection that you nevertheless know is not impenetrable? For instance, she tells you something like:

  • “I think I’m probably too old for you, don’t you think?”

  • “I’m not really dating right now, if that makes sense.”

  • “My friends asked me to wait here and not go anywhere.”

  • “I’m seeing a guy non-seriously but I don’t think he’d like me going out with anyone.”

Well, you can try to debate with her, but that won’t get you much of anywhere. Debating women is not usually seductive. You can try teasing her, but that doesn’t address her objection, and won’t normally go anywhere either.

What you can do instead to fly past her objections and free her to comply is to create and use a “no spiral” – a nifty little technique that gets her refuting her own objections.

All Future Girls Chase Articles to Be Written by AI

Chase Amante's picture
Girls Chase AI articlesUsing the proprietary ‘Slayer AI’, Girls Chase embarks on a new era of quality content: precise, useful, and respectful AI-authored articles on seduction.

In an unprecedented shift, the digital landscape is witnessing a quiet revolution—one that promises to redefine the very essence of content creation. Imagine a world where every article, every blog post, and every news update is meticulously crafted not by human hands, but by the intricate algorithms of artificial intelligence. Welcome to the era of AI-authored content.

Not too shabby an intro, right? Well, I didn’t write that. Slayer AI, the large language model (LLM) we’ve trained in-house for half a year on a steady diet of Girls Chase articles, videos, comment responses, and forum posts, did.

I know folks are likely to be shocked and taken aback a bit at this change, but it’s a necessary one to make – and overall it’s the right move for Girls Chase and the seduction world in general.

StrayDog's #1 Shopping Opener

Skilled Seducer's picture
shopping openerUse this simple opening line to engage any girl out shopping. It doesn’t matter where you meet her or what she’s shopping for – this line kicks things off!

This post originally appeared on our forum here.

Thought I'd share my #1 opener when shopping. It's so simple, and the opportunity so common I rarely need another opener.

Basically, you see a babe standing in front of a shelf/rack considering some items, you approach and open with

I can tell you are putting a lot of thought into this decision.

Granted your fundamentals are decent you will always be met warmly. Often with a laugh.

Now, obviously you have to follow this opener up to generate conversational momentum. But you can definitely consider the ice broken at this point.

When Should You Look for New Nightlife Spots to Meet Girls?

Alek Rolstad's picture
when to try new venues to meet girlsIf you’ve been going the same places to meet girls for a while, they can die off or you can find yourself in a rut. That’s when it’s time to shake it up!

Hi guys and welcome back.

Today, I want to discuss a little-known night game topic: whether you should try out new venues or stick to your favorites.

It depends on where you are, and many factors come into play.

Going to a familiar venue (home turf advantage) where you know the crowd, the staff, the venue codes and social culture, understand the logistics and what strategies work, and feel comfortable will make your night easier.

It is an instinctual response to feel anxious in new venues. A new environment makes you more alert, which makes sense from an evolutionary perspective, as it ensures your survival to be alert in a foreign environment.

And, of course, being anxious and overly alert may affect your mood, impacting your results negatively.

If you know the venue well, you'll know how to play it and feel at ease there. You feel at home and safe, thus, feel more liberated. You know what is appropriate versus inappropriate behavior, allowing you to let go. If you are unsure what is acceptable, you may over-restrict yourself and be too risk-averse.

You may also know people at the venue who enhance your feelings of familiarity, making you even more at ease. Similarly, knowing some people may put you in a talkative, social mood, further contributing to a good state.

Good seducers have home turfs-venues they frequent often. From my own experience, most prolific night gamers become regulars at venues they like and usually rotate between three to five venues. They don't go to new places every weekend. Why? There are benefits to being a regular, and it would be unwise not to enjoy them. Advanced gamers know this.

There are venues I like and that I often return to. Moving around, changing cities every three years, I automatically find a few venues I enjoy (clusters, see my previous post), ranging between two and seven venues at any time. Each venue serves a different purpose.

So, should you even try new venues? And when?

Tattoos on Women: Are They a Red Flag?

Chase Amante's picture
tattoos on women56% of women ages 18-29 have at least one tattoo. With tattoos so common, are they still “red flags” in women… or have they been fully “normalized?”

Recently we had a forum member asking about a girl he’s started dating, wanting to know if she’s girlfriend material or not. About her, he says:

Her first tattoo she got when she was 16 with her friends in school. On the inside of her lip which says ‘babygirl’ She’s a little bit embarrassed about that one. She got a couple other classier looking ones on the inside of her wrists and back of her ankles which look nice.

Another forum member referenced my 2017 article of yellow, orange, and red flags to watch out for in girls. One of the nine red flags I listed there was “more than one small tattoo.”

Here’s an excerpt from that article, in which I cite a bunch of the research on tattooed women:

[W]omen with tattoos are more impulsive than untattooed womentake more risks, and are also more likely to use drugs, shoplift, and have non-ear piercings (more on that in our next red flag). Women with four or more tattoos are 4x as likely to attempt suicide as women with three or fewer tattoos. And yes, your instincts are correct – they also engage in riskier sex. Remember, we said red flags are signs a girl is both nutty and easy, right?

Of course, as the years march by, more and more women are getting tatted up. According to the latest Pew survey, a whopping 56% of American women aged 18-29 have at least one tattoo.

Is it still the case that tattoos are a potential red flag in girls you want to date?

Tactics Tuesdays: Telling Girls "You're Blowing It with Me"

Chase Amante's picture
you're blowing it with meWhen a girl is laughing a lot but also blocking you from moving forward, what do you do? Simple enough: you tell her she’s blowing it – and WAKE her up!

Here’s a tidy little kit of banter lines you can use to enliven the dynamic with a girl.

Sometimes you’ll get a girl where there’s a good playful/flirtatious vibe with, who is also testing you a lot or being resistant to your moves. There are different reasons this may be:

  • She likes you but is treating it too much like “a game.”

  • She likes you but is self-conscious due to people around.

  • She likes you but not enough to go past flirtation.

You can get stuck in a loop here, continuing the playful banter, going nowhere. But then you aren’t moving forward, the banter gets stale, and the girl gets bored and leaves.

You can eject and go talk to other girls. If you’re somewhere social or it’s social circle, perhaps you’ll run into this girl again. If you’re texting her or it’s online dating, maybe she’ll be easier to crack the next time you talk to her.

Or, perhaps if you eject now, that’ll be all she wrote – you won’t get another real shot with her again.

What you can do INSTEAD – to get yourself unstuck from that loop, flip the frame on her, and avoid having to hit ‘eject’ – is to tell the girl she’s blowing it with you, and put the pressure on HER to get things moving.

Even Sweet Nice Conservative Girls Are Dirty Sexual Deviants

Chase Amante's picture
dirty girlsFemale sexuality is different from male. While men want more partners, women want deeper (and quite often DIRTIER) experiences with those men they accept.

It couldn’t possibly be… nice girls are just nice, right? They couldn’t POSSIBLY be dirtier than men are!

We had a comment from a reader on my article about girls acting loose and slutty saying he thinks men are actually the dirtier, more sexual sex (after I stated the opposite).

There’s a big misconception here a lot of men have because they see “the male desire to have sex faster, with less information, with more partners, held to generally lower standards” and conflate that with ‘dirty sexual urges’.

But male sexuality is DIFFERENT from female sexuality, in some very KEY ways – and this is one of them.

When I say women are dirtier, naughtier, and more sexually deviant than men are, I am not talking about number of partners desired or lack of standards. Sure, if we talk about that, men in general are going to win out: dudes want to get it on with more partners on average than chicks do (though many exceptions abound for both sexes).

No, I am talking about something else.

Planning Out Your Night (When Out to Pick Up Girls)

Alek Rolstad's picture
night game planningIt’s easier to have a successful night out with girls when you plan for it. The keys to successful night out planning: triangulation, transit time, & more.

Hi everyone.

Today, I'll discuss night game logistics and share a strategy for an optimal night out. In the past, I've covered similar topics, such as preparing your place for pulls, and provided checklists before heading out at night, see Logistics Checklist: What to Prepare for Good Seductions

In this article, I'll continue along those lines. I'll go through the steps for planning your night out. When you combine the content in this article with the checklist at the link above, you have your night planned to a T. Everything should go more smoothly. Logistics can make or break a seduction. Good logistics will help; bad logistics will ruin you. It is your duty, I repeat, DUTY, to do all you can to take care of logistics.

You cannot prepare for every aspect of logistics and foresee all logistical hoops. Yes, poor logistics happen, and often they are beyond your control (examples: your favorite venue is dead, your girl lives far away, various wildcards, and more). What you can do, however, is do your best to ensure that you take care of what you can control and prepare for the rest.

The good news is that logistics is one of the easiest factors to fix, and you can implement many measures to ensure your night goes smoothly.

It's one aspect of the game that does not require practice. Just read about how to handle logistics and implement the measures. (You don't need to "practice" to ensure your flat is clean.) That said, experience helps because you may not care about logistics until you lose a good lead (a tough lesson to learn!) And experience helps when you must use logistical thinking to handle difficult and unpredictable situations. However, the latter becomes easier when everything you can control will be in check. And this is what we will cover today.

Do Women Become Less Loyal as Men Age?

Chase Amante's picture
TEXTAs you age, what is the risk your once-loyal woman becomes disloyal? Do relationships destabilize with time – or if hard times come upon you?

Commenting on my article “Why Can’t You Find a Loyal Woman?”, Shankar asks:

Bro, can a girl stay loyal to you in your old age if there are young guys who are hotter than you due to age factor?What if girl invested a lot while the environmental and personal conditions were favourable in the past and in future only the investment remains but environmental and personal conditions will change in due to age factor?In that case, would she still cheat despite travelling with that guy through good and bad memories and having children?Also keep in mind the girl is more or less the same age as guy? Have you ever though about this in your relationship with your girlfriend like if you are old, she would lose respect towards you and progressively attraction and hence cheat on you(no offense to you, it was a genuine doubt I wanted to clarify)?

I often find this brand of age-related question a tad… surprising? The natural order, of course, generally speaking, is that male value rises with age while female value gradually erodes. More often than not, it is women who worry about being discarded in their golden years.

Nevertheless, I am aware that some portion of our readership worries about age-related abandonment too.

So, today, let’s talk about what happens to relationships as men and women age. We’ll also look at all those divorces that happen between long-time married couples with children, which men often seem to think come from out of left field.