Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Lay Report: Hispanic Leg Influencer

Skilled Seducer's picture
lay report: Hispanic leg influencerProper spies a Latina with sexy legs in leggings walking down the sidewalk at night. How can he approach her without startling her – and get the lay?

This post by Proper originally appeared on our forum here.


Me: 5'10" Asian Male in Finance, stylishly dressed, early 30s
Her: 5'7" Hispanic Girl, stylishly dressed, very long thin legs, early to mid 20s


I've been getting back into the swing of things recently. My new micro-goal is to be much more time/energy efficient about my Cold Approaches, i.e. instead of making a big thing of it every weekend afternoon, I just head out for groceries or quick dinner after work on weekdays and get in some quick Cold Approaches. This ends up being much faster, and also less socially draining for me.

What Is Push-Pull? Scientists' vs. Seducers' Definitions

Chase Amante's picture
TEXTThe push-pull of Edward C. Tolman is very different from push-pull as seducers understand it. But what makes these two push-pulls so discrete? And can they be combined?

The early days of seduction saw a lot of concepts from psychology introduced to the art of bedding women. Approach solicitations (we call them ‘approach invitations’), compliance, indicators of interest, sexual market value, token resistance, the concept of the alpha male of a group, and many others come directly from the psychological literature.

One concept that is well-established in seduction is that of push-pull. Every veteran seducer is familiar with it – and every veteran seducer swears by it as a powerful technique.

Yet the way seducers define push-pull today has evolved away from its origins in psychology.

In fact, the modern seduction version of ‘push-pull’ and the psychology version of ‘push-pull’ are now more like distant cousins than anything else.

What was the original concept of push-pull, is it still useful in any way for seduction – and how did the way seducers use and define push-pull change?

Developing the Seducer's Killer Instinct

Alek Rolstad's picture
achieving that killer instinctA seduction ‘killer instinct’ separates the men who want a girl but cannot close her from the men who want her and can. The ability to persist past obstacles makes the difference.

Hey guys and welcome back. I hope you are all doing well.

I received the following question from a reader:

Is there a chance you’ll come up with a series on increasing your persistence/killer instinct?

I avoid subjects that may lead to overly abstract discussions. I am skeptical about the board concept of inner game (you can do mental work to achieve X). I favor practical subjects, so I provide empirical details and observations. I’m a technical guy, so I give a technical perspective.

Some may interpret this question in different ways. What do we mean by killer instinct?

My interpretation of this question leads to an interesting post. It’s why I enjoy getting article suggestions; I always consider these ideas.

Keep reading for an answer to this question.

Tactics Tuesdays: 6 Good Topics for a Same-Night Lay

Chase Amante's picture
good topics for same-night laysTo pull off a same-night lay, you can’t just talk about any old topic to girls. Instead, you must focus on topics that seduce: the ASSTAP topics.

What you talk about with women helps frame the interaction with them – and the ultimate end result.

Spend a couple hours talking to a girl about My Little Pony and her string of no-good ex-boyfriends, and you’ll likely find yourself with a magical ticket to the friend zone.

Devote your time with a woman to nothing but career advice and tips on how she can live her best existence, and you’ll have talked your way into being her new (and unpaid) life coach.

If instead of those or other less desirable outcomes you wish to end up with a girl undressed in your bedroom with you this very night, you are going to need to talk about something different.

The best things to talk about with her if the lay is your goal are six (6) particular topics:

  1. Adventure
  2. Spontaneity
  3. Sexuality
  4. “Tomorrow we may die”
  5. Autonomy
  6. “Peas in a pod”

… six little topics, which we can innocently abbreviate as ASSTAP.

Because when you talk to girls with these topics, you’ll be tapping that ass.

Let’s dive in.

How Come Looksmaxxed Men Don't Get Laid?

Chase Amante's picture
looksmaxxed but still an incel; why?Looksmaxxed men can look very good. Some become truly beautiful men. So why, if they look so good, and get so many likes online, can’t they get laid?

Over on the forum, we have a thread by a Singaporean guy planning to travel to the US for school who is concerned American white women won’t want him because he is 5’9” and Asian.

For a while we talked to him about what he needs to do to attain the results he is after (namely, Caucasian-American girls on his cock). We talked about numerous examples of men like him, or even men who (according to his looks-based paradigm) should be ‘worse off’ than him (e.g., shorter, heavily accented Asian men) who excel with precisely the demographics he longs for.

This forum member brushed all our guidance aside and kept returning to his looks, saying he wanted to get plastic surgery, and finally saying this:

So yeah, maybe I have just watched too many lookism / looks-maxing videos, but they seem to make some valid points about how shallow white women can be and how critical first impressions are. I just want to know if investing in my appearance will potentially make a huge difference.

Aha. So it’s media influence.

Yet however ‘valid’ the glowing screen’s points may appear, it doesn’t change the fact that the guys who pour heaps of time and energy into extreme looksmaxxing (mewing, plastic surgery, bone smashing – which started as a joke meme, FYI, before looksmaxxers started taking it seriously; Poe’s law in action) often still end up dateless, sexless incels.

Exhibit A:

How am I attractive but can never get laid?

Exhibit B:

I've looksmaxxed to HTN and for the most part I've seen the results of it, but for the terminally-online types like myself and most people on here, that just means internet-based stuff. I've gotten the matches on OLD, gotten follows from hot girls on insta, but it doesn't translate to shit lol. Most matches don't mean shit, even girls who message you first will not respond a lot of the time. Chats end nowhere (i'm putting in no effort tho tbh, refuse to jestermaxx). Even girls who follow you on IG won't respond to DMs.

Exhibit C:

Lookmaxxing was not enough to get me the results I wanted, it is part of what I needed to do to get results but only part of it.

If I isolate the kind of improvements I got only for the changes I made to my looks and discard the improvements I got for the changes I made to my status, finantial situation and social skills then... No... looksmaxxing does not provide enough results to be worth the effort.

So, riddle me this, Batman: what’s the difference between getting romantic advice from a voluntarily celibate monk who lives in a monastery and has pledged his life to chastity versus getting romantic advice from an involuntarily celibate looksmax guru who splits his life between the gym and the plastic surgery clinic and has pledged his life to vanity?

Will the romantic acumen of one celibate man surpass the romantic acumen of another?

Would you take dietary advice from an obese man, or career advice from a beggar?

And for that matter – why don’t looksmaxxed men get laid?

If Your Life Sucks, Does It Affect You with Girls? (Macro Momentum)

Alek Rolstad's picture
high and low macro momentumWhen life is good, it’s easy to do great with girls. But when the road gets bumpy, how do you keep your momentum up in dating – instead of let it fall?

Hey guys and welcome back.

Today, I want to talk about macro-momentum. I know it’s a fancy word, but its definition is simple and likely concerns you. Macro-momentum is how well you are doing over an expected period, usually depending on your life, emotional situation, and overall results in field.

You have probably noticed that during pickup and seduction, there are times when you have plenty of results and all is going perfectly. The girls like you; it is easy to open and hook; you are confident in your skills. Seduction feels simple—you are excited about the entire process. We call this high macro-momentum or simply high momentum. Your success from previous nights will spill over into the next, continuing until the pendulum swings the other way.

Then, there are times when things don’t go so well. You have off-periods, or what we call low macro-momentum or low momentum. You are struggling and not getting many, if any, results. Everything you try feels like work; hooking is challenging, and women do not seem to respond well to your approach. You have to work much harder for results.

And just like that, your mojo is gone; you lose motivation.

The pendulum eventually swings back into high momentum. It continues to go back and forth. It’s the nature of the game. The sooner you accept it, the better.

When Girls Won't Sleep with You at Your Place

Chase Amante's picture
she won't put out at your place?When you bring back girls but they won’t sleep with you and end up leaving, why is that? It’s due to 3 reasons: lack of arousal, unresolved objections, and/or not liking you ‘like that’.

A month and a half back, I asked the members of our forum for the various sticking points they were encountering in their seductions. A member named scartissue commented the following:

How to escalate once I get the girl back my place on date.

I've had five times over the last fourteen months (need to put in more volume...) where I get the girl back on a first day from day game. Things are very pleasant and we have good rapport before coming back to my place. I have convenient logistics to go "oh hey haha my place is right here let's go inside?" but the move to anything sexual once we go in either doesn't happen at all or gets slowed down heavily.

This happens a lot to a lot of guys with a lot of girls. It’s not just a day game problem. Guys have this problem in social circle too. It happens to men with nightlife and online game as well… however, not as much.

The reason why it happens at all – and why it happens more to men in day game and social circle – has to do with the nature of the different types of game, and the preparedness of the women you meet via each type.

Tactics Tuesdays: "Can I Borrow You?" Opener

Chase Amante's picture
can I borrow you openerIf you’re talking to your buddies somewhere social, and you want to talk to girls but can’t think of a smooth way, “Can I borrow you?” will save the day.

Want an opener that’s fun, positions you as an authority, gets girls investing right from the outset, and immediately makes them follow your lead?

Meet The “Can I Borrow You?” Opener, a short and sweet opener that does all these things for you right out of the gate. It is both a compliance opener and a high authority opener.

To use this opener, you’re simply going to ask a girl if you can “borrow” her – and then you are going to pull her into whatever scheme you have to get her talking to you.

I’ll explain.

Social Circle Isolation via Eye Contact and Touch

Skilled Seducer's picture
isolating girls in social circle gatheringsIsolating a girl during a social circle gathering where everyone sees everything is tricky. Use Ross’s eye contact flirting + touch technique to make it happen.

This post by Ross originally appeared on the forum here.

So, you're out and about with some friends messing around and doing God knows what, but this one girl met this other awesome girl and they are hanging out. She decides to bring that girl (who happens to be attractive) and you all hang out.

What do you do if you want to get this girl into a relationship, especially a sexual one?

What I have been using for some time now is an eye contact technique. You're set up in this group situation, and let’s say y'all are just messing around in someone's room. You want to create something personal and 1 on 1 with a girl, so anything vocal is out of the question, as your friends can hear it. So my solution? Eye contact and touch.