Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Naturalized Game: Make Seducing Women Work Your Way

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

naturalized gameWant to optimize your seductions? Step 1: learn effective canned routine concepts. Step 2: “naturalize” those concepts to fit your personal approach and style.

Hey guys!

Last week, in response to a reader’s question, I detailed the pros and cons of using canned routines to seduce women.

To recap, the benefits of using scripted gambits are:

  • You have well-thought-out techniques that have been tried and rehearsed by others designed to work at your disposal

  • Others can try your routine, comment, add changes and tweaks. This benefits the community

  • You have a working tool in your arsenal. You avoid talking for the sake of talking, and you can accomplish a specific goal with your words

  • It can reduce your nervousness when opening since you have a well-tested routine or gambit that has worked in the past. You don’t have to rationalize for not opening because you don’t have a good opener. Now you have one

  • Beginners especially can benefit from having clear guidelines for what works and what doesn’t in seduction. This is likely THE MOST important point

The cons:

  • Even though gambits show you what to say, you may find yourself in a protracted interaction where you run out of gambits and are left with nothing to say

  • The delivery can sometimes be artificial since it may not calibrate to you or your personality (probably why many men got seduced by the idea of “natural game” since it focuses on being more “you”). Guys can get stuck delivering a rehearsed script that mismatches the vibe of the interaction and the venue

  • You have little flexibility; you end up stuck within the gambit

  • Sometimes a magical gambit that worked 90% of the time will not work on a certain chick for whatever reason. (A dogmatic routine user would argue that you should learn more routines; a good solution, but it’s not the most effective, as we will see, and surely not the most pleasant)

  • You may feel alienated from the material since it is not yours (the exception is when you create your own material, which more experienced seducers do, myself included!)

Last week I discussed these pros and cons while sharing some historical elements behind routine-based game and why it lost popularity.

However, I realized I did not present a solution to the problem. Is natural game the way to go? Or should you stick to routines? In my opinion, the answer lies somewhere in between. Ideally, we would like to gather as many of the benefits of routine-based game while keeping it natural. In other words, get the best of both worlds.

I want to present my view of “naturalized” game. I initially wrote a post titled “Naturalized Game” around 2008. It didn’t get much attention, partly because it was short and did not deliver anything mind-blowing then. I did not spend the time or effort to make a good, solid argument for my position. But I intend to do so today.

Note that I have stuck with naturalized game since that day.

Before I discuss what this concept is and how it works, I need to clarify a few ideas.

Introducing... HomeDate: The Safe Dating Substitute

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

homedateIt’s 2021, and we’re still dating the old-fashioned (and very unsafe) way. It’s time to do things different. It’s time for HomeDate.

I know we're pretty far into the charisma-touch-lifestyle launch right now, but I just couldn't help announcing the progress on the secret 'skunk works' project we've had in the works since mid-last year.

It's just too juicy, and there are too many exciting things happening with it, for me to keep it to myself.

Quick cultural relevance recap: sometime during the Enlightenment, Western society decided its central value was that of liberty. Revolutions occurred, nations bled, and tens of millions lost their lives in pursuit of this ideal.

But recently we've realized liberty is actually a very dangerous concept. It isn't what we thought it was. That's why the new central value of Western society is safety.

All that liberty doesn't do you a whole lot of good when you're lying in the gutter, coughing up blood, dying of coronavirus, does it?

And as society's changed, Girls Chase has been under more and more pressure to change with it.

The fact is, it's not very safe to meet women these days.

You could catch a disease, like coronavirus, bird flu, hepatitis, or SARS.

You could be the victim of a hate crime, such as someone saying something mean to you.

You're forced to endure rejection, rudeness, and other unpleasantries that could lower your self-esteem. Meanwhile you risk inconveniencing others, who may not want your approach.

We have all this new technology progress has brought us.

So why are we still doing dating the old way?

Well, we listened to the market -- which has switched more and more away from bars, nightclubs, parties, and social events (most of which are illegal now in many places, anyway), to, instead, meeting via dating apps (which are now the #1 way people meet new partners, accounting for fully 19% of new relationships) -- and we've listened to our audience, who have increasingly told us we are "not with the times" for focusing so much on outdated in-person dating and not on apps.

I, personally, also realized which direction the market was heading in. And the fact is, you can't fight progress.

So, we went to the drawing board, put our thinking caps on, and cooked up something unlike anything the world's seen before.

We're calling it 'HomeDate', and it's the safe dating substitute that is going to totally change the way you (and everybody else on Earth) does dating and mating.

WATCH: Propinquity; or, How You Meet the Girls & People You Meet

Chase Amante's picture

The final video before the big CHARISMA-TOUCH-LIFESTYLE launch (this Saturday) is now out.

The subject is 'propinquity' -- a word psychologists use to describe one of the most important concepts underlying who ends up dating, hooking up with, and marrying whom; who ends up becoming friends with whom; who ends up working what jobs, and advancing to what level in their careers; and more.

If you want to command your lifestyle, and not just float through life, you MUST know about propinquity. You can watch my video on it here:

propinquity lifestyle videoWatch the new video by Chase on propinquity… scientists’ term for the “universal current” that runs through every man’s life, and influences the women (and men) who enter his life.

(or click here to watch it)

Tactics Tuesdays: Naughty Interest Bait

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

naughty interest baitYou have something sexual you want to tell a girl or show her, but it’s inappropriate. How do you get around its impropriety? By baiting her into begging you to share it with her.

Want a simple little tactic you can use to bait girls into asking you things you couldn't/wouldn't normally be able to get away with in conversation?

Because there are some things that you really cannot just come out and drop on a girl, without it being too forward or out-of-place.

The solution, if you want to use a really forward compliment or bring up or show her something really sketchy is to lure her into asking you for it, pushing you for it, so that when you finally drop it on her, "she asked for it."

With a little good framing, this is not hard to do at all.

Note: while this tactic is simple, it requires a fair degree of calibration, and thus its use is a bit more advanced. So this will mostly be for intermediate and up guys (and really is for more advanced seducers).

Beginners may still find it interesting to read about, if purely for the psychology aspect.

WATCH: Attracting Women with "Seducer's Touch"

Chase Amante's picture

My second video (in advance of the charisma-touch-lifestyle launch) is up now.

The topic is touch. Specifically, how to use touch to differentiate yourself from the vast majority of men women meet.

Most men touch women. But there's a wrinkle in the way they touch them that makes it come across not quite right.

Men more experienced with women learn to touch women in a way that's different from the way most men touch.

Watch the video here:

seducer's touch videoStart attracting and seducing women with touch.

(or click here to watch)

Unhelpful vs. Helpful Mindsets for Seduction

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

unhelpful mindsets for seductionThe way you think about things can help you seduce more women, or it can hurt you. Recognizing whether a mindset helps or hurts is key to adopting healthier beliefs.

In seduction, there are mindsets that are helpful to a man's seductive efforts, and there are mindsets that are unhelpful to them.

Helpful mindsets can be cultivated and used. Unhelpful ones should be pruned.

Much of the time when we talk about mindsets, I focus on talking about unhelpful mindsets to prune. Why don't I talk about helpful mindsets more? Because often when you talk about helpful mindsets, men either cannot relate to them (because those specific mindsets do not resonate with them, personally) or even find them boastful (even if it isn't how you intend).

There's an interesting phenomenon though where one man's unhelpful mindset is another man's helpful one.

To get you thinking clearer about your own mentalities, I'd like to take you through an 'unhelpful vs. helpful' mindset review and give you a chance to figure out which each of your own thoughts is.

[WATCH] Group Charisma: A Simple Trick to Use Today

Chase Amante's picture

I've got a new, free video out in advance of the 3-in-1 launch of my charisma, touch, and lifestyle courses. This video's on a simple trick you can use to be more charismatic in groups, starting today:

Tactics Tuesdays: Unmasking Byronic Flaws

Chase Amante's picture
byronic flawsByronic flaws make a man more interesting, and much more bondable in courtships and relationships. Yet there’s an art to revealing them that many men often get wrong...

I recently worked with a hard case guy on a repeated relationship problem he has. Periodically, his relationships fail, inexplicably to him, with every woman he dates peeling off and wanting out.

He's been unable to understand why, but with this latest girl she gave him a lot of very clear feedback, that also mirrors feedback he's gotten from other girlfriends, as well as mirrors my own feeling personally with him.

That feedback was this:

That the girl, despite six months of trying to peel back his layers, was never able to get to know the real him. She feels like, after six months of attempts, she's still right back where she started with him, and is tired of trying.

This is a guy who, in most on-paper respects, should be a desirable guy. He's tall, accomplished, has good fundamentals, and good game. He's well-nigh unshakeable in his frame and is relentlessly optimistic (without being unrealistic). He's an ex-military man and is tough-as-nails, yet is also a religious man and is caring and intelligent, if sometimes not always totally attuned to why a woman is doing what she's doing.

What I realized on looking at how this latest girlfriend quit the relationship is that he isn't letting women peel his layers back properly, and this is causing women to feel like they don't even really know him.

Which in turn causes those women to feel like failures, then causes them to leave.

What I said to him was, "You need to help women peel your layers back properly. You might also need to get more comfortable yourself showing people more of whom you are underneath your armor."

Canned Game: Pros and Cons of Using It in Your Seductions

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

canned gameCanned game routines get a bad rep in the community since the natural game reaction. But are they really all that bad?

Hey guys. Welcome back.

On my second article about dealing with groups, DJM commented:

Alek! Thanks for your great posts. Now that the mainstream pickup scene is filled with so much crap, it’s great that we have someone from the old school days still writing great content. I would really be grateful if you wrote a post about routines, gambits, and canned material. Nowadays, it’s taboo to mention routines or gambits in the community. You’re one of the few who still believes in and uses them. Please elaborate on how they can help – especially for beginners – and remove some of the stigma around them. Thanks a lot!!.

Thank you for the kind words! Comments are what keep me motivated in doing the work I love: writing about pickup and seduction. So, thanks again.


Now, onto your request. As DJM implies, I think routines are misunderstood. What is a routine? In pickup and seduction, they’re ready-made techniques you can use as routines. The commentator is correct when he says there is a stigma surrounding them. It’s why we often prefer calling routines “gambits.”

In this post, I’ll discuss the pros and cons of using canned routines. Next week, I’ll explain my way of using routines, how they can benefit you, and how they can give you ALL THE PROS without THE CONS listed in this article.

First, I need to discuss some theories on why routines have such a bad rep.

How to Disprove the "Looks Are the Pillar of Attraction" Ideology

Chase Amante's picture
looks are everythingSome guys say looks are all that (or most of what) matters when it comes attracting women. This article uses mountains of photographic evidence to bury that theory forever.

Every time we talk about looks on Girls Chase, we get some guys in the comments or on the forum who get upset and tell us we're totally delusional and looks are the central thing.

These are the types I consider 'looks purists' and/or 'looks absolutists'. This site is one of the few in the seduction niche that is out there saying, "Looks are important, and it should be one of your priorities to work on yours," yet these guys still show up to tell us our focus is still not heavily enough on looks, and/or that it is pointless to try to work on looks because the only thing women pay attention to are your genetic facial traits.

I can tell you as a guy who has enjoyed success in a number of different fields that getting too obsessed with one particular aspect of success and putting it on a pedestal and making it absolute and pushing for pureness is a certain way to failure in that field.

With all things, dating included, you must have balance in your approach if you want success.

(honestly I'm somewhat befuddled why the hardcore looks guys read Girls Chase. You'd think they'd be busy doing facial training exercises or reading about who are the best plastic surgeons or something)

We've had plenty of articles very clearly disproving the 'looks are the main thing!' reductionist perspective of attraction. I'll link them in a moment if you want to go through them.

However, today, I want to conduct a fun experiment with you, that will be enjoyable for most people, meanwhile causing looks-are-everything acolytes to implode in a pile of cognitively dissonant goo.