Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

When She Tells You "You're Not My Type"

Alek Rolstad's picture
TEXTIf a girl tells you you’re not her type, then what? Is it a rejection, or is there still hope? Well… it depends on the context – as well as on what you do next.

Hey guys. Today is the final installment of my series on handling tests and frame control. But this does not mean it will be the last time I write about these topics.

Hey guys. Today is the final installment of my series on handling tests and frame control. But this does not mean it will be the last time I write about these topics.

Remember, frame control is the tool we use to handle a girl’s tests when she tests your frame or attempts to grab it.

Initially, I did not intend to write this post, but a comment from a reader made me reflect on social frames.

Carlosirama wrote:

“[…] Also, maybe a stand-alone post with the most common sh** tests and how to respond, along with an explanation. Things like “I have a boyfriend,” “I don't do [BLANK] guys” (whether that’s short or people from a certain race or a younger/older race), "I don't usually do [BLANK], etc.”

These tests are linked to social frames.

Why Don't Women Cheat on Men Constantly?

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woman considering cheating with menWomen like sex, and sex is freely available to women. So, why aren’t women indulging in it constantly, cheating on guys right, left, and center?

I have seen this question posed several times in the comment section over the past year:

With sex with men so readily available to women, why don’t women cheat on men constantly?

The question seems to be, “What is holding them back?”

After all, sex feels good!

It takes a while for women to really get in the swing of things. Most girls like sex when they first start having it, but haven’t learned to really have the time of their lives with it yet.

As women age, their reservations about sex drop, they get more in touch with their bodies, and they have a lover or two who trains them how to really enjoy having sex, they begin to really love it. For some girls this happens sooner than others – you’ll meet some girls who are total sex addicts in their teenage years, and others who at 30 are only just starting to understand their bodies.

But, generally speaking, by the time a girl’s around her mid-to-late 20s, assuming she hasn’t led a totally sheltered life (or an extremely strict serially monogamous one where her only two boyfriends weren’t especially remarkable in bed), she’s really learned to love having sex.

Even if she’s younger than that though, she still LIKES sex a whole lot (and MIGHT love it!) and it still feels good… not to mention that sex is extremely validating (“Wow, I CAN get this guy!”).

So why aren’t girls just out there all the time, getting run through by a new guy every night?

Tactics Tuesdays: Pre-Approach Screening

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pre-approach screeningWhich girls to approach? Before you walk up, screen the girl & situation. You can learn a lot in advance… including whether she’s worth going up to or not.

One of the reasons guys psyche themselves out so much with approaching is trying to figure out in advance how an approach is going to go.

Well, you’re not going to know in advance how an approach is going to go. But you can try to form a rough general idea about what you’re signing up for before you approach a girl, to ready your game (and perhaps steel your resolve).

This is the ‘pre-approach screening’ you do: before you even walk up to a girl, you try to form a measure of who she is, what she’s about, what she’s likely to respond to, and what kind of reaction you can expect to your approach.

Every guy does this automatically to some extent. However, less experienced men are a lot vaguer in their pre-approach screening and are much less adept at reading women accurately.

So let’s arm you with a few simple tools you can use to get a measure of a girl before you make the approach. This will help you decide how to approach her… and even if she’s someone worth approaching in the first place.

Is She Testing You or Resisting You? Telltale Signs

Alek Rolstad's picture
testing or resistingSometimes girls’ tests can look like resistance. Sometimes their resistance can look like tests. How do you tell the difference? With a few telltale signs.

Hey guys and welcome back.

In this post, I resume my series about women’s testing of men they are or could be interested in. If you read all these posts, you will be prepared to handle most women’s tests in most situations. Of course, some tests are so unique that they require an odd solution, but usually, those tests are rare. The knowledge you gain from this series will help you find a solution to the strangest of tests.

Many men tend to confuse when a woman is testing and when she is resisting. Today I will clarify the differences between the two. The quick response to this concern is that it is a non-concern. It doesn’t matter what her motive is. What matters is what she expresses and how you respond. What she is doing or why she is doing it is irrelevant. If she is afraid of the slut label, tackle the issue head-on. If she is concerned about going home with strangers, address that issue. It does not matter if her resistance truly is resistance or a test—your response matters.

Although less likely, tests are camouflaged as resistance. If she is challenging your congruency because she is resisting, tackle it head-on as a test of congruency—even if she is doing so to resist.

For those more advanced who want to delve deeper into the subject, read on.

First, a quick reminder:

  1. Testing is a way for a woman to test or steal your frame. By stealing your frame, she is indirectly testing it. If she grabs your frame, it means your frame is weak.

  1. Resistance expresses a concern. She is worried about certain acts potentially leading to feeling negative emotions, pregnancy, risk of violence, or social shaming. Her concern remains valid until that concern is gone—your job is to handle her fears so they vanish, eliminating her resistance.

Theoretically, this distinction seems clear-cut. But practically, it’s a bit blurry.

Let’s go over why this confusion exists by explaining how resistance can sometimes be a test and vice versa before we learn what you can do about it.

Keeping Those Energy Levels Up: Working Hard + an Active Social Life

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energy levelsFinding the energy to work AND maintain an active social life is hard. Here are my best strategies to keep those energy levels up… and avoid the slumps.

A reader writes in, asking about keeping up energy levels:

Hi Chase,

Re your Mental Models (I know how analytical and pragmatic you are)

So I was wondering how you have mastered your ENERGY levels, which I think will make a good article for your readers.

How do you get more / manage your ENERGY (mental and physical) to run your businesses and have a life too.

I am not asking about time management but more about ENERGY. For example I work 5-6 days a week (full time) I start at 6am and get home around 3pm (as a electrical third year apprentice).

During the free week nights I have, I always plan to get this and that done on my To Do list. But often I struggle even get one or two done as I just feel like I don't have much energy both physical and mental (to think clearly enough). I do of course get the dishes done, cook dinner etc. like living things done (mindless).

I do know I only sleep about 6 hours a night or a bit less (which I am working on). Any other tips and techniques you do from your experience? Maybe I should have a meal after I finish work for more energy before dinner? And no to cold showers! A hot shower to me a night is my wind down, relaxing time.

I am the type that like to get into the zone to get something done (but it is not always possible due to lack of time or mainly lack of energy) hence why I haven't really done much on my art /creative endeavours. I am 32 years old.
Please share some of your tips or link me the article if you think it makes a good one!


Well, there are probably 20 million articles about productivity, energy levels, and so on on the web, and I am not 100% sure the Internet needs another one.

HOWEVER! I have definitely spent plenty of time editing and rearranging my life to enable me to do all the things I want to do, including work 9-10 hour days then still socialize after.

I will give a caveat that while some of the stuff I do comes from productivity experts, some of the other things I do probably run counter to typical productivity and energy advice. Unlike dating, this is not something I coach other guys on, or participate in communities on, or anything – so I have no idea how much of it is applicable to others vs. how much is unique to me.

Nevertheless, I have a system I have built over the years that works pretty well for me at keeping the sluggish periods to a minimum and the active, productive, energetic ones to a maximum. I’ll share what I’ve found and what works for me here.

Before we talk solutions though, first we need to talk about the major hurdles to this kind of “energy at your fingertips, to employ however you want” condition.

How to Get Same-Day Lays: Tips, Tricks, & Advice

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how to get a same-day laySame-day lays are exciting, fun, and enviable. It may not always seem simple to get them though. With these eight tactics, they come much more in-reach.

It’s something of a Holy Grail for day gamers: bedding a girl the same day you meet. (this is a bit more common in night game! Actually it’s a lot… at least for most guys)

There are a lot of girls out there who are open to this though.

It’s not a majority of them, or a plurality of them. But in any city at any given time there is a not-insignificant number of women who for any of a number of reasons would really just like to meet a sexy male charmer who sweeps them off their feet and gives them the experience they need to fall into bed for a satisfying end to a satisfying day.

Of course, that doesn’t mean they will necessarily make it easy for you. They want it to be a good experience for them, too… which means you need to make the right moves to get there.

In this article, we’re going to talk about how to get a same-day lay. I lay out some of the same-day lay tricks, tactics, strategies, and advice I’ve accumulated over the years.

Confrontative Frame Control: When & When Not to Use

Alek Rolstad's picture
confrontative frame controlIt can make sense to directly confront a girl’s frame – sometimes. Yet confront her frame at the wrong times, and all you’ll do is spin your wheels… or worse.

Hey everyone.

Today’s article is a part of my series on frame control and dealing with tests. I’ll continue my discussion of testing, covering two interrelated subjects:

  • What is confrontative frame control? How is it used as a test?

  • When should you use confrontative frame control?

Confrontative frame control directly declines her frame-grab head-on, such as saying, “NO, I will not do that!” or “That is not going to happen” to her request.

You will use aggressive frame control whenever a girl is behaving poorly or trying to test your limits.

No worries, I give examples throughout this post.

If you recall my theoretical post about tests, I mentioned that some women test a guy’s limits to see how much crap he will put up with. A man who accepts bad behavior is usually viewed as a wimp.

Social Proof: A Force for Dramatically Influencing Behavior

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social proof influenceSocial proof – when people see or know someone or something is desired by others – can kick off a frenzy of urgency to meet someone or acquire something. But why?

We’ve talked on Girls Chase quite a bit before on social proof and its daughter concept preselection. If you’re just tuning in, the definition is this:

Social proof is a psychological phenomenon where people feel influenced to do what they observe or believe other people to be doing. The more other people someone sees or believes are doing something, the more compelled the individual feels to do that same thing too.

The most effective product promotions – from the latest Christmas fad toy to new video games and systems to Hollywood blockbuster movies to cryptocurrencies to political candidates to asset bubbles to, now, even vaccines – use the psychology of social proof to whip buyers up into a desperate frenzy to get the desired object that everyone else is clawing to get.

They use benefits-laden marketing, celebrity endorsements, interviews with ordinary people claiming to be desperate to get the product, and real (or engineered) scarcity to get the initial core group of desirous customers crazy for the product. Then they use media and advertising to showcase these desirous customers and spread their desire to others. As others see these customers clawing tooth and nail to get the desired thing, they feel a deep, subconscious pull to also get it, before the others get it first, lest they “miss the boat.” They will often feel this pull regardless whether they initially wanted the item or not.

You have probably witnessed many such product promotions like this. Some of them you may have watched from the sidelines, marveling in awe at the marketing machine behind them, shaking your head in despair at how easily manipulated people can be.

Others, however, you may have desperately plunged into alongside the masses, straining to be one of the first to get in, to acquire the desired item, to get the status it confers, to not miss the boat. Even if you understand the psychology of social proof, you may still have been swept up in it anyway.

Yet social proof is not just for product launches and promotions.

It’s for people, too.

Reacting to Female Rudeness and Faux Pas

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TEXTWhen girls commit faux pas or act rude, you may be tempted to tell them off. This is not what to do… if your plan is to bed them or date them, that is.

We had a report on the forum recently where a newer member had a girl show up blacked out drunk to a date. The girl made some basic conversation, then got up to use the bathroom. When she came out, she was on the phone with a friend and immediately left the venue without speaking to our forum member, making her way to a cab.

The (sober) forum member took offense at this very drunk girl ditching him, and ran after her to give her a piece of his mind. He stopped this obliterated drunk girl, chewed her out for her rudeness, then left. She got in her cab and departed, and blocked him shortly after.

The girl when he’d approached her had been (as he describes her) “gorgeous”, behaving very shy (looking down repeatedly when they made eye contact), and blushed when he complimented her on approach. Over text they’d gelled well. But she also obviously had a drinking problem. I don’t think it’d be reaching to guess this shy girl may well have drunk too much trying to take the nerves off before their date.

Was chasing down a hammered drunk girl with little idea where she was or what she was doing, who otherwise seemed into him a lot, to scold her for her drunken behavior the right move for this forum member to make?

It’s a good question to ask. What is the right call in confusing situations like this?

As you interact with women, you will encounter situations where women behave rude or commit faux pas (and not always because they’re drunk!).

The way you handle these will determine not just your outcome with girls, but the way other people regard you as a man… and the way you regard yourself.

[VIDEOS] Walk Sexy, Move Masterfully, & Magnetic Mannerisms

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If you haven’t recently stopped by GirlsChase.TV, our video site, now’d be a great time.

That’s because I’ve got three (3) more attractiveness-sky-rocketing videos on giving yourself fantastic fundamentals up on the site.

Fundamentals are one of the topics I get asked about by guys they most… and you won’t find video tutorials this good on raising your attractive qualities ANYWHERE else… I’ve looked!

So head on over to GC.TV and check ‘em out. Here’s a quick overview of what’s waiting for you…