Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Everything Is Sex or Sexual

Skilled Seducer's picture
it's all sexNature is infused with sex and reproduction. Female behavior regarding men is too. Here’s how you can use that to enhance your sexual rapport with women.

This post by Cody Lyans originally appeared on our forum here.

Talking is sex, the pause between words is sex, touching her hand is sex.

Her interest in your eyes is sex.

This mindset used at the right time can get you ready and prepared to make your moves in slow incremental but potent ways. Just adding the perception of “this is sex or sexual” can turn a simple “hi” into something more intense.

Fending Off Guys Who Want Your Girl (WITHOUT Looking Possessive!)

Alek Rolstad's picture
outshine rivals effortlesslyWhen you’re out with girls, other men may try to steal them away. Your mission: to fend such men off without giving up power by looking jealous or needy.

Hey guys. Welcome back.

I intended to conclude my series of posts on giving a girl space and allowing her the opportunity to opt out last week, delving deeper into this concept. However, after finishing the article, I realized there is still more to discuss.

The overall idea is to refrain from acting possessive and locking the woman to you, leaving her few escape routes (through positioning or overt physical moves). It’s better to ensure that she has a way out. This is not because you want her to leave, quite the opposite. When a woman realizes she has a possible escape route, it generates comfort, which makes her more willing to stick around. It makes the interaction less risky for her due to her risk-averse nature (women tend to be more risk-averse than men). The bonus is that she will be more willing to jump into less certain and riskier situations, such as going home with you. This technique conveys attractiveness, non-neediness, and abundance: all attractive and desirable traits.

Last week, I discussed how this fits as a typical rule of pickup and seduction. If you look rationally at it, you intuitively feel the interaction is off and should favor following the rules. What if there is plenty of male competition, and she has attractive guys hitting on her, trying to snatch her out of your arms? Should you still act aloof? Should you make it easy for her to opt out, escape, and go to other men? You do not want that to happen. So, your instinctive urge is to become protective and possessive. You want to block those other men to keep them away. Yet, by doing so, you push her farther away from you by eliciting a desire for her to jump ship. She feels smothered, and you appear less attractive due to your neediness. So, you inadvertently give those men an edge.

So, you follow the rule, giving her space to leave. Often, she will stay. Perhaps it was a test, and you easily passed it, or you appear more attractive to her by acting less needy and especially less so than other guys.

Yet, there is no denying that there will be cases when this is insufficient to keep other men at a distance. Then, what do you do?

This is what I want to cover today.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Turn Your Conversations Playful

Chase Amante's picture
make your conversations playfulWomen will talk to you in polite or inquisitive but often boring ways. To make it flirtation, you must inject playfulness into your chat with a girl.

Commenting on my article about dumbing yourself down to sleep with smart girls quicker, Jason H asks:

Hi Chase,
Any advice on transitioning conversation to more teasing/flirting in certain scenario's to make the dynamic more fun/seductive
- When she is focused on connection, but you want to inject some more teasing/flirting
- When she is focused on catching up/factual information such as how is this going, how are things at Y etc or other impersonal topics
- In group scenario's where it's more difficult to do this and you want to tease or flirt with a certain girl

Basically asking about identifying cues and opportunities to inject a little more teasing & fun into conversations, or strategies to direct the conversation towards more fun in a socially skilled way.


Sure, let’s talk about this: how do you turn your conversations playful?

Essentially, when you’re dealing with girls who are trying to connect or extract facts out of you, meanwhile you are trying to make it a playful, flirtatious conversation, what you are dealing with is a frame battle. She wants to frame the conversation one way while you want to frame it another.

I want to touch on whether it’s necessary to seize control of the conversation this way – and what can happen if you do vs. if you don’t. Then we’ll talk making your conversations playful.

The Adaptive Mechanism Behind Birth Rate Decline: Is It Group Evolution?

Chase Amante's picture
what mechanism's behind the birth rate collapseBirth rates are falling around the world. Why? Also, what is the reproductive benefit to people having fewer children – or no children at all?

I just read an article titled “Pets in Tokyo. The Plague.” In it, the author writes scathingly about Tokyo’s obsession with pets, the replacement of children with pets (there are more pets than children in Japan), and the obscene amounts of money Japanese spend on these surrogate children, instead of simply having children.

I’ve been utterly fascinated with the rapid spread of infertility and childlessness across the globe in recent decades.

Ubiquitously, across nearly all societies, even those with completely different cultures, governmental setups, and geopolitical alignments, birth rates are in freefall.

Any birth rate under 2.1 total births per women means a declining population; and the lower the birth rate, the faster the decline. As of 2024, the average total fertility rates of the various countries and regions were as follows:

  • Iran: 2.0 total births per woman
  • South America: 1.8 total births per woman
  • Australia: 1.8 total births per woman
  • Russia: 1.8 total births per woman
  • United States: 1.7 total births per woman
  • Western Europe: 1.5 total births per woman
  • Japan: 1.4 total births per woman
  • China: 1.2 total births per woman
  • South Korea: 0.8 total births per woman

North Korea, South Korea’s bitter enemy and polar opposite, is at a mere total fertility rate of 1.9 births per woman.

Even sub-Saharan Africa, that bastion of resistless procreation, has seen its fecundity slide in recent years, from 6.5 total births per woman in 1980 to a comparably meager 4.5 in 2022.

The interesting question here, though, is what is the mechanism?

Giving Girls 'Outs' During Seduction: Nuance & Instincts

Alek Rolstad's picture
when she feels safe to say no, she'll say yesGiving girls “outs” during a seduction is essential to maintaining comfort and buy-in. But what’s the nuance – and what when your gut says “don’t do it?”

Hey guys and welcome back.

I have been discussing the importance of giving the girl you are interacting with some space. This means allowing her an exit route to increase her comfort level. By doing so, she feels more at ease, which can lead to her becoming more compliant and willing to follow your lead.

Last week, I discussed this concept and gave examples by applying it to different contexts, such as during the hooking, isolation, escalation, and extraction phases.

Today, I will sum up this theory and get more conceptual by refining it further. It is usually better to give your girl a chance to opt out. However, like anything within pickup and seduction, there are exceptions and details to consider. This does not mean there are no general rules to follow, but like any generalities, there are times you should deviate.

After all, seduction is a social science and, some would say, an art, and there is room for exceptions. This post will cover situations when the rule of giving her a chance to opt out does not apply and it is better to “lock her to you.”

But before I get into that, I’ll recap the theory of giving a girl space, providing more details. Then, I will discuss the scenarios in which this theory may not apply.

Stop Repelling People with Your Uncharitable Assumptions

Chase Amante's picture
quit running people off with this irksome behaviorPeople often make uncharitable assumptions about each other. But when you do this, and tell the other person, you tear your relationship with him or her to shreds.

A few years back I wrote an article about the trouble autistic men have in dating. In it I also talked about my experience as a coach trying to work with autistic men and how fiendishly difficult it is.

(autistic reader trigger warning: I was very blunt in that article, because in my experience dealing with autistic men this is the only way to communicate effectively. Delicacy leads to large and frustrating misunderstandings. Some autistic readers found that blunt article enlightening; others found it depressing. If you’re sensitive, you’ll likely be better off reading my forum thread on practical tips & success stories from autistic men)

One of the things I mentioned in that article was the frequency with which I have found autistic men make ‘uncharitable assumptions’ in conversations with me. I’ve seen it with so many different autistic men that I assume this is probably a normal behavior for them, which they’re likely doing with other people too.

In fact, I think this behavior alone is probably the cause of a large number of autistic men’s falling outs with people. While it’s a small behavior, it’s really, really aggravating.

Autistic men aren’t the only ones who are guilty of this, either. ADHD men do this often too. Any guy who speaks before he empathizes, really, can be guilty of this.

In this article, I’m going to introduce you to this concept, which I am certainly not the first to identify (indeed, there are proverbs around this going back to antiquity), but I’m going to highlight it in ways you probably haven’t thought about before – and hopefully save you from burning some bridges and melting down some relationships with inadvertent rudeness.

Secrets to Getting Girls: Positive Reference Experiences

Chase Amante's picture
positive reference experiencesThe man who excels with women is the one who possesses enough very positive reference experiences with them. These SHAPE his mind & behavior toward women!

Want to know an absolutely ENORMOUS secret behind every guy who’s successful with women?

The BIG secret behind guys who are ‘naturals’ who effortlessly clean up with women… and the guys who go on to be über-successful self-taught ladies men?

The single biggest secret, in fact, to rapidly progressing with women, even from the point of being a pure beginner?

Here it is:

The secret is positive reference experiences.

The more positive reference experiences you can build, the faster you build them, the more STRONGLY positive they are, and the higher a proportion of the feedback you’re receiving from women those positive experiences comprise, the faster you’ll progress to doing scarily well with girls.

[WATCH] Chase Amante Interview with Alex from Bro Psychology

Chase Amante's picture

New interview up on YouTube where I talk with Bro Psychology’s Alex.

We covered a huge range of topics in this interview, including:

  • Female psychology
  • Red pill thinking & catchphrases
  • Modern women’s partner counts and sexual habits
  • The rise & fall of the pickup industry
  • How dating apps have affected the sexual landscape
  • What I would change in the popular consciousness re: dating if I could

… and much, much more.

We were talking so long the sun went down!

Why You Fall So Hard in Love with Girls Who Delay Sex

Chase Amante's picture
she delays sex, he falls in loveThere’s this girl you know and you haven’t had sex with her yet but you’re falling more and more in-love with her. Why does this happen & how does it work?

On a recent article of mine, a commenter asks about an all-too common scenario:

This is very weird situation...

When I've met this girl I was a virgin She is foreigner and she is older than me 7 years. I'm in early twenties

We went on two dates, and when I tried to kiss her she said to me that she can't that she is gay.

She said that she feels attraction to guys and she had two guys in younger age... problem to her is that she said how she couldn't connect emotionally with them and that they hurted her. She said that girls are better with that.

I've told her then we can be friends when some time passes. In meantime I've had my first sex with other girl and I was not a virgin...

Later on after 2 months first girl and I made a contact. Now we are hanging out again as a friends once a week, but I still feel attraction to her.

Now she looks a lot more recipient to me and lot more touchy to me. I'm not anxious anymore so vibe is better. Although she is Latin so it is maybe normal for touching .She is a great friend and really nice to me of course, but I'm still losing my mind sometimes and I don't know if she likes me or not. And I'm scared again to try to kiss her or tell her that.

(well, okay, maybe the bit about the girl saying she is gay and whatnot are not that common. But the overall theme of “boy meets girl, girl won’t put out, boy falls more and more in love with girl” is!)

Why does it happen that guys fall hard for these girls who duck them, dodge them, and lead them on – typically much harder than they fell for the girl when they first started going for her?

It is due to the magical phenomenon of investment; a phenomenon you yourself can make use of – or become as hopelessly ensnared and befuddled by as any other man.