Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Having Lots of Dates in Short Amounts of Time

Chase Amante's picture

While my normal recommendations are that guys stay far out of boyfriend-territory and focus on sealing the deal with girls they like on the first date, the truth is sometimes you're going to move too slow by accident, or not feel confident enough moving quickly with a girl, and you'll wind up as a boyfriend candidate after all.

So what do you do then, when she's not seeing you as a lover, and you can't move fast?

Just give up?

Or do you play the game the way she wants you to play it... but with your own twist?

lots of dates short time

I'm going to introduce you to the concept of date compression in today's article - making dates count for more than a single date, and having a full boyfriend-candidacy dating process in a short amount of time, rather than the protracted courtship these frequently turn out to be.

In the end, you'll be able to take girls who view you as a boyfriend candidate as lovers and as girlfriends much more quickly and reliably than the men who stretch things out - and often lose the girls they like after plowing time and money into trying to get them.

Let's talk about speeding up the entire dating process without skipping steps.

Social Skills 101: Socializing and Dating for Introverts

Colt Williams's picture

dating introvertNote from Chase: Colt is one of our writers who contributed to the site a while back, with the 'Student of the Game' series and the 'Social Skills 101' series. Colt's roughly intermediate in his skills with women - he's still learning, but he's having success and taking new and pretty girls to bed - and he's focused on helping guys who are new to working on themselves and their dating skill sets to get in gear. Now returned from adventures in Thailand and the wilds of central Africa, we welcome him back to pick up where he left off with 'Social Skills 101'.

We live in a world designed for extroverts. It is designed for people who love parties, large social gatherings, and constant social stimulation. Today’s post is designed for the underrepresented men, the men who still want to attract beautiful women, but want to remain true to their selves: this post is for the introverts. So without further ado, here we go: dating for introverts.

What is an introvert?

It’s estimated that around 30% of the American population is introverted. But I would guess that the true number of people who are at least somewhat introverted (say, people who qualify as ambiverts - those who switch back and forth between introvert and extrovert) is actually much higher. But before we go any further, let me first clear something up: being introverted is not the same as being shy.

Shyness means that you are afraid of social interaction because you fear social judgment. If you find yourself in that category, there are plenty of articles on this site that can help you brave the social waters, such as:

However, being an introvert means that you still possess social skills and have the ability to attract women, but you would rather spend your time reading, working out, or otherwise improving yourself.

How to Meet Tons of Girls on Plenty of Fish

Chase Amante's picture

plenty of fishPlenty of Fish - as chances are you already know - is an out-and-out treasure trove of young, cool, attractive girls who want to meet cool, sexy guys and... well, it's a dating site.

Thing is, it's a free dating site, which means it's open to the masses... which in turn means the most beautiful women on POF get inundated by messages from hopeful (sometimes desperate) men - so much so that the average pretty girl with options doesn't last longer than a few weeks on the site before throwing her hands up in frustration and resignation and abandoning her account.

And the ones who stick around? Grizzled POF dating veterans who cut through newbie online dating hopefuls like female paramilitary troopers trained at mercilessly crushing and cannibalizing the unready and unprepared.

In this article, I'm going to take you through what I learned in four (4) years of using Plenty of Fish to meet, date, and sleep with tons of new girls, including some of the hottest girls on POF in Southern California.

So sit back, relax, and let's get you doing what most of the rest of the online dating crowd can't do: lining up dates and taking pretty new girls to bed by the bushel.

Killer Reputation Management for Your Social Circle

Peter Fontes's picture

content="Reputation management is absolutely crucial to running a great social circle that helps you meet loads of beautiful new women. Here’s how to pull it all off and look like a stud.">

reputation managementRep - yuh - tey - shuh n.

It's a four syllable word that you'll live and die by in social circle. Have a good one and all I talked about in my 'How to Escalate in Social Circle' article becomes a whooole lot easier. Have a bad one and you ain't goin' nowhere.

What is reputation?

Your reputation is simply what other people think of you insofar that it's reached some level of general consensus.

It can involve the recognition of a particular characteristic or ability. e.g. 'John is clever,' 'Samuel is socially awkward,' or, 'James is good with girls.'

While it's important not to fret over having everybody like you (as Chase just talked about in 'Why It’s Bad to Want to Be Liked Too Much'), knowing how to project a certain image and influence your own reputation is helpful in all kinds of endeavours, particularly in social circle approaching.

7 Facial Expressions That Drive Women Wild

Chase Amante's picture

facial expressionsMost guys who want to get good with girls focus primarily what to say when they first start out.

Me? Pretty early on, I focused on facial expressions.

Ever wonder why girls go so crazy for certain Hollywood stars? Many of them are good-looking, sure... but there are plenty of good-looking men out there that women don't go gaga for.

Stars tend to have some preselection going on, and of course there's the money / power / prestige / social status there to back it all up. So that's part of it.

Yet, many great-looking men make it into Hollywood only to never achieve that legendary "sex symbol" status that certain actors do. What sifts the wheat from the chaff?

Well, acting chops, certainly... and hit movies help. But one of the topmost factors is this: charm.

And what's up there in the mix among the chief elements of this mysterious thing called "charm"? You guessed it - it's what we talk about in this post: facial expressions.

If you get the right sensual, powerful, captivating expressions down, you become someone positively mesmerizing to women.

So let's have a look at seven (7) of the best: four flirty and sexy to ramp up your sex appeal with women, and three for putting a little social pressure to good use... while of course still keeping it pretty sexy, too.

Does She Want You as a Boyfriend... or Something Else?

Chase Amante's picture

In the piece on how to treat a woman, a reader shared a tale of having a wonderful date with a girl, ending it by holding hands with her as they walked together, her talking excitedly... only for things to fall apart and her get suddenly uncomfortable when they arrived at his place. He then commented this:

I am in my 40s, well-paid mid-level manager in a prestigious organization. Most of the women I meet are around 25. Even if I don't tell them what I am doing for a living, they just can tell where I stand. The problem I face quite often is "this guy is not in my league, therefore he must be just playing". Can't tease too much, must be careful to show not too high value, and sometimes the move fast approach back fires, as described above.

does she want a boyfriend

Thus enters the status dynamic: the man who is sufficiently high status compared to the girl that she does not want to just sleep with him quickly and one-and-done him, but who is not so high status that he can ask for whatever he wants with her and get it.

He is, in other words, ideal husband material - or, to put it differently, a whole lot more valuable to her as a long-term prospect than a simple fling.

Something I've called, for a long time, the boyfriend dilemma.

The Yes-Ladder and Getting Women to Say “Yes”

Chase Amante's picture

yes ladderDo you ever find yourself in a situation where you'd really like a girl to just go along with what you've got planned, but need a way to get her to do that that she'll agree with?

Wouldn't it be nice if you had a specific technique you could use to just get her to say "yes"?

If you HAD a technique like this, wouldn't you start to use it all KINDS of places in your life to get things to more easily go your way?

Would you like me to give you this technique?

Today we're going to talk about something called the "yes-ladder" - a technique you can use for getting agreement to all kinds of things, provided you know what you're doing and know how to make a semi-compelling argument.

Do I have your interest - and would you like for me to go on?

4 Ways Porn Addiction Changes Your Brain

Chase Amante's picture

porn addictionI've had a few folks write in recently asking about pornography addiction and excessive masturbation. It's not really a subject I've been especially excited about broaching... I mean, who really wants to talk about watching other people do the deed on video while giving himself a hand?

But a few friends who've dealt with this have shared their experiences with me and suggested that I write about it, because they felt it was something that very much negatively affected them when they were in it and they thought this site was one with a wide enough audience that I'd be doing some good talking about it, and could reach a fair number of men.

I even had forwarded along to me by Genaro in customer service an email from a reader who used the contact form to send in what amounted to a full-length sales letter custom written just to urge me to write about this, because it was something he'd gone through and he felt I could really help some people by addressing it on a larger platform.

So, since it seems to be what the people want... let's talk about porn addiction: what causes it, how it sucks you in, why it's bad, and how to break its hold on you.

How to Escalate with Girls in Social Circle

Peter Fontes's picture

content="Pete dives into explaining how to take a girl you’re friends with socially and turn her into a lover of yours – without disrupting your circle (or her reputation).">

social circle escalateAnd off she went. That girl from my social circle kissing behind the bushes with that other dude. It's not like I was in love with her or anything, but damn I'd wanted to kiss her.

When I was in high school this kind of scenario would play out with girls at parties and social gatherings all the time. I had next to no understanding of what to do to actually attract these girls... and even had I known they were attracted, I had no idea how to move the interaction forward. I eventually resigned myself to the belief that I'd only get what came my way by chance.

You can probably relate to that in some way, shape, or form. In my first article on the 'Pros' and 'Cons' of social circle I gave you a broad overview of what to expect out of social circle. In this article we're going to get down to the nitty-gritty of what my adolescent self didn't know during my high school years: how to escalate on girls from your social circle.

Where to Find an Amazing Woman: 20 Surprising Places

Chase Amante's picture

where to find a womanSomething I'm being asked lately is where to find a woman who checks off every box on your list. Where do you meet those truly amazing women who are everything you want and more?

You know - a girl who isn't just good... she's great:

Her hair flows perfectly down her neck in gorgeous locks.

Her eyes sparkle with intelligence and energy.

Her perfume captures your attention and waters your mouth.

Her smile makes your heart beat faster and a flush come rushing to your cheeks.

Her personality oozes warmth, curiosity, and zest for life.

Her mind is sharp, and she knows what she wants (and what you want, too).

You actually feel nervous around her. You! Who never gets nervous around anyone!

Where do you find a woman like this? It's not like she's just out walking around waiting to be plucked off the street... is she?