What Daters Need to Know About Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Disclaimer: This post is about a medical subject, and the information presented is from the author’s knowledge and experience. The author is NOT a medical doctor or a health care professional. It is important to verify this information with a health care provider, preferably a specialist in dermatology and infectious diseases. This information is meant to help you understand the subject better, but it does not replace professional medical advice.
This post is from late 2024. Research may have advanced with the knowledge shared here. To stay current, consult specialists in infectious diseases.
Hey guys. I hope you are doing well.
In this article and the next, I will discuss the not-so-pleasant topic of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), formerly known as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
But it is a crucial topic concerning sexual health. I have been discussing this frequently on forums, and it baffles me how little even some of the more experienced guys understand about STIs.
Today, I will share basic information and tips regarding STIs. I want to acknowledge that fears about STIs are valid and should not be taken lightly. My goal is to provide details to help you stay safe while offering a nuanced perspective.
I will present information from discussions with health care professionals and specialists, and personal research. Please remember that I am not a doctor, so it is always important to consult with a medical professional for expert advice.
This post is likely to be read by guys who may have engaged in activities that resulted in an infection. While this post will provide valuable details for prevention, it can still be helpful, even if it is too late. There are still steps you can take to address the situation.
In our society, we usually face two extremes: those who exaggerate the implications of STIs (it’s a death sentence) and other who trivialize it (just take antibiotics; the odds of getting something are low). Both are wrong, in my opinion.
Here is the truth

STIs are less dangerous than we might believe if one tests, treats, or cures themselves.
STIs are far more dangerous than we might believe if one does not test, treat, or cure themselves.
What is my line of reasoning? Take chlamydia, for example, a bacterial STI that is frequent and relatively transmissible. In theory, all you have to do to test is to pee in a cup. What are the symptoms? They are usually benign if, any. Treatment? It used to be two pills of azithromycin, an antibiotic; however, most doctors now prescribe 7-10 days of doxycycline, another antibiotic. And it is over.
Is getting chlamydia no big deal? Well, not so fast. In some cases (although rare), untreated chlamydia can lead to complications and spread to the kidneys. What is the hassle, then?
Chlamydia and other minor infections can open the floodgate to more serious diseases such as HIV and hepatitis B and C. These infections can increase the transmission rate sevenfold! While HIV is not easily transmitted, several factors can contribute to its spread. When you consider the increased risk, the likelihood of transmission becomes much greater. Oops.
In rare cases, untreated chlamydia can lead to sterility. This is more likely with women. Do you really want to put your girls at such risk?
As you can see, a minor STI can be a significant concern.
But what about serious STIs? HIV is a serious disease, but did you know with proper treatment, you can have the same life expectancy as the general population? HIV is not necessarily life-threatening. After some time, you may no longer be contagious when you receive treatment. A specialist will sample your blood regularly to check if the treatment works and let you know when you are not contagious.
Yes, you may take pills every day, but it is not much worse than diabetes or other chronic diseases. There are many treatments, and they often function well. You may find a treatment that suits you with few side effects.
So, getting treatment is often less of a big deal than we think. The stigma from the 80s and 90s still persists.
Just to be clear, I am not minimizing anything. Having a serious STI will still affect your life drastically, and not for the better. But it is not a death sentence.
But if you are not tested and treated, it is a death sentence (you will get AIDS). And if you remain untested and untreated, you put others at risk, and in many countries, it’s punishable by law.
Although I am providing the basics about STIs, the best path to good and safe sex is PROTECTION and TESTING, TESTING, TESTING.
A good resource for STI details: https://www.aidsmap.com/

This is a website about HIV with the latest information about research and treatments. In addition, they have plenty of information about other STIs. You can also check the public health authority’s website and search for STIs, like the CDC if you want the straight facts.
I strongly urge you to discuss your STI concerns with your doctor. If you are sexually active or plan to be, it is your responsibility, both for you and the girls.