Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Responding to Good News and Bad News

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I met a really very cute and pretty 20 year old college student waiting in line for the bus today. We started talking and grabbed seats together – actually, we almost missed the bus, too engrossed in talking to each other as we were, until we suddenly realized everyone else had walked past us and boarded already!

Our conversation flowed smoothly, but I could tell she had just the slightest hint of reservation, though I did not know why. I was being quite calm and nice with her, and was relatively certain I wasn’t coming across too strongly, and I did my best to stay away from any overly high-value topics, aside from speaking a little French with her and discussing my impression of France while traveling there a few years back when she mentioned learning French and wanting to visit Paris. Even that might have been a little too much, but overall I estimated the benefit of having these additional things to bond on outweighed the danger of showing too much value.

It wasn’t until near the end of the bus ride, fifteen or twenty minutes after we had already exchanged contact information and tentatively discussed meeting this weekend, that she finally came out with what it was that was keeping her reserved. I was able to get to it by asking her some deeper emotional questions – she discussed not loving what she studied in college, so I asked her what she loved. She then told me that her boyfriend had been disappearing together with his ex-girlfriend and not taking her phone calls.

Meeting Women on Buses, Trains, and Airplanes

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how to meet girls on planes, trains, and busesAirports, train stations, and bus stops are fantastic places to meet women - and if you're not using them to meet new girls, you're sorely missing out.

Efficiency in meeting women ought to be the name of the game for you, and there’s no more efficient way to meet women than wherever you happen to run into them. And if you’re on the go a lot, one of the easiest, most convenient places to meet women is however you happen to be going where you go.

I’ve met some incredible women on-the-go. The first fashion model I got together with I met waiting for a train; one of the most passionate, incredible women I had in my life I met boarding an airplane. Planes, trains, and buses are great avenues to meet new women in.

There are a few reasons why these make such great meeting points:

  • Her guard is down. She’s not in super-social mode, doesn’t have her defenses up for dealing with annoying barflies and club guys, and hasn’t been hit on by every passing guy like she is at her favorite party spot. Because her energy level is going to be more normal here than in a nighttime venue, it’s much easier to connect quickly and naturally and avoid much of the extraneous stuff you’ll run into at night.

  • She’s alone, and so are you. That means, you don’t have to mind her friends (or yours); you don’t have to keep an eye on a number of different people’s moods and behavior and actions. You only have to worry about her, and you. She’ll be less conscious without friends monitoring her actions, and more likely to be honest and upfront with you from the beginning.

  • Transit game means high turnover. The more frequently you use transit, the more often you’re going to run into pretty girls on-the-go, and the turnover is quite high. The girl you see today you won’t see tomorrow; someone else will be in her place. The only time you start seeing the same people is if you make the same commute every day at the same exact time; most of the time, even if you’re making the same commute, you’ll have variance in your commute time (maybe one day you board the train at 6:10 PM; maybe another day at 6:13 PM; maybe a third day at 6:04 PM), and so will everyone else. Consequently, you’ll be running into new women over and over – which gives you many new women to meet, and many opportunities to meet them.

  • You have instant social context. “Going anywhere exciting?” That’s really all you need to say to get the conversation started, at a bare minimum. Enough said.

So, great, you want to start doing transit approaches. What do you need to keep in mind as you do them?

Master Your Feelings

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By: Chase Amante

master your feelingsTo be a man truly successful with women, one must first come to master his own feelings – to override deep emotions and instincts when he knows those emotions and instincts are going to take him the wrong direction.

Emotions are our snap, subconscious decision-making process, designed to be powerful to preserve necessary functions even in the face of logical decisions to the contrary. In today’s world, for instance, it’s easy to get caught up in life and feel like you have no time for children and can’t be bothered with offspring. But the entire reason you exist is that your ancestors all, every single one of them, successfully passed on their genes, and along with everything that makes you who you are, they also passed on the things that made them successful at survival and reproduction – some of those things being deep emotions that overrode logical thoughts like, “Eh, I don’t really have time for kids.” The desire to go condom-less in sex is one – spend enough time with a girl, and you don’t want to be wearing protection. That’s just one of life’s way of preserving the natural order of things and working to get you procreating.

But some of the things that worked in the past don’t work so well nowadays. In the past, if a man really liked a woman, fixating on her and obsessing over her and devoting tons of time and energy into getting her might have worked. In the past, beating oneself up over a botched effort with a girl one likes might have led to a man going back and figuring out a way to get her, against all odds.

Can I Help You?

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can i help youKnow how when you walk into McDonald’s or any other fast food restaurant or just about anywhere with service personnel they ask you if they can help you? They are, after all, at your service; it’s their job to be so.

Now, if you had to reckon, what do you think the likelihood is that a woman becomes very sexually attracted to a man asking her how he can help her, then catering to her every need? Chances are, not terribly likely, right?

Learning from Reactions: Developing Social Calibration

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Paying attention to others and measuring and analyzing how they react to you is a dangerous game. It can lead to all sorts of bad things – “analysis paralysis”, too much of a focus on reactions and too little of one on results, and attention-seeking and reaction-grabbing behavior to the extreme.

And yet, monitoring and learning from reactions is an utterly vital habit to get into. Without reaction analysis, most folks are doomed to low levels of social calibration for life.

Girls Chase on Facebook and Twitter!

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Eyes That Draw

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Yesterday on my way home, the bus I was riding on came to a stop with lots of young people – in particular, lots of young college age-looking women. My interest, needless to say, was piqued. As I sat in my seat, I watched everyone board the bus out of the corner of my eye… and then, I caught sight of a cute girl dressed very fashionably coming down the aisle. Ooh.

Now, when you’re already settled in somewhere, there aren’t a whole lot of ways you can get a woman to join you proactively. You might call out to her, of course – but this is chasing pretty hard and can hurt your chances, and you’ve probably got to be feeling rather bold to do it. If you are, and you want to try it, go for it; I wasn’t yesterday, but I still wanted that cute girl to take a seat next to me.

So I pulled out my trusty ol’ come hither eyes.

Commitment Points: Why You Must Avoid

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Women have a thirst for the untameable man. That’s why the rugged, hard-living, macho guy who’s a bit of a loner and whom no one seems to understand is so exciting for women, and why the sensitive, attentive nice guy that society seems to keep wanting to shepherd men into being is so boring.

Just like men don’t want a woman who’s easy too easy to bed, women don’t want a man who’s too easy to wrassle into a relationship. If he’s so easy to get into a relationship, women figure about the quick-to-commit man, he must not have a whole lot of options.

commitment points

And chances are, they’re probably right. Men with lots of options naturally are difficult to pin down. Getting them to quit the bachelor’s life and give up those freedoms they’re so used to enjoying requires a woman more exceptional than they are accustomed to having, or a tiring of the playboy lifestyle – or perhaps a combination of the two. But sooner or later, most men settle down.

And then things go fine for a while. The lucky girl who convinces that untameable man to be saddled is ecstatic at her prize; she got the guy every other girl couldn’t get. She was the one who was good enough to get him.

Because believe it, just like men tend to take things personally and resent women who won’t sleep with them as judging them unworthy for intimacy, so do women tend to feel slighted by men who won’t have relationships with them, feeling as though they’ve been told they’re not good enough for the man to give up pursuing other women. So when a woman gets a man to settle whom other women failed to, she feels especially accomplished and victorious.

But just like all victories, with time this one fades in importance and exuberance. Eventually, it becomes an accepted fact: “Well, of course we’re together. How else would it be?”

And when the dust settles, and the excitement slips away, we’re left with one chilling scenario:

The man has passed a commitment point.

When in Doubt, Forge Ahead

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By: Chase Amante

Short post, but one I don’t think needs a lot of explaining to get the point across.

A guy meets a girl on the street. He likes her; she seems to like him. They talk for fifteen minutes or so and get along just fine. He feels like he ought to do something more with her… but he isn’t sure what, exactly. So, he asks her for her phone number, tells her it was great meeting her, and the two part ways.

Chances are, they never see each other again.

forge ahead

Sure, maybe they do, but odds are they don’t. How many of the phone numbers you take turn into lovers? Even if your follow-up is amazing, your conversion rate of numbers-to-lovers is doubtfully any higher than 20% – maximum. And if your follow-up is anything short of amazing, expect a conversion rate substantially lower.

Nighttime Street Game

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By: Chase Amante

“Consistency” has long been a focus of mine – I tend to be a very busy person with a lot going on, and I want to make things as consistent as possible, to operate as efficiently as possible. Nothing bugs me more than wasting a lot of time on something – including getting girls.

So one of the things I’ve looked for is this: what are the most consistent places to meet women and take them home from?

Nightclubs are good. Lounges are better. But there’s one avenue of meeting women I’ve found that’s more consistent and reliable than anything else: