Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Don't Change Your Approach to Girls Just Because They're Beautiful

Chase Amante's picture
don't treat beautiful girls differentWhen a girl’s beautiful, your instincts will scream to play it safe: go slow! Don’t be risqué! But if you WANT her, you must treat her the SAME as other girls!

Bit of a public service announcement here, but you should not be changing your approach to women simply because they’re beautiful.

Lots of guys do this; in fact, it seems to be hardcoded into men. If you’ve gone through my free 7-day mini course (and if you haven’t, you definitely should – you can take the Girl Q quiz and sign up for the Girls Chase Email Newsletter to begin receiving the mini course here), you’re familiar with the Mating Sociometer.

Sociometer theory states that we adjust our behavior to match our status relative to the status of the person we’re dealing with. The result is men whose hearts beat faster for beautiful girls behaving more reserved and treating those girls as ‘higher status than me’.

Yet any Girls Chase reader who’s been reading even a few weeks should know: doing anything that frames or positions yourself as lower status than the woman you’re courting spells attraction DEATH! Girls go for men they view as higher status than them, not lower!

But that leaves guys with a conundrum: how do you override those instincts to treat her ‘special’ and ‘unique’ when those instincts are so powerful and it’s so hard to get yourself to ‘behave normally’ around her?

Beside this, there’s also what your instinctive brain will be shouting at you: “We HAVE to treat her special! Think there’s any way she’ll go for what all those other girls go for? No way!

Is that instinct correct?

It’s NOT correct – for reasons we are just about to review.

Note: this article aims at men who are already able to get together consistently with at least somewhat cute girls; i.e., men who have a working process down. If you do not have a working, repeatable process down with girls yet, you may still enjoy this article, but it won’t be as helpful for you – YET!

Getting Tested for STIs: The Active Dater's Guide

Alek Rolstad's picture
test now, worry lessIf you’re actively taking on new bedfellows, you should be testing for STIs. How should you test these? Where to do it? When? It’s all in this guide.

Hey guys. I hope you are doing well.

Today, I’ll continue my discussion about sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In this article, I will cover STI testing and share the information I have gathered over the years through clinic visits, conversations with specialists, and readings from scientific papers. I encourage you to visit a clinic to learn more from healthcare professionals, and while you’re there, consider getting tested. Please remember that this post is not a substitute for professional advice from certified healthcare providers.

11 Signs You're an AFC (Average Frustrated Chump)

Chase Amante's picture
the average frustrated chumpAverage Frustrated Chump: an ordinary guy, thwarted with women, falling for silly woman tricks. Here’s how to tell if you’re AFC – and what to do if so.

As I’ve been on social media (here’s our X account), I have come face to face with just how many frustrated, average men there are out there struggling with a lack of dating success.

That’s nothing new, of course. It’s always been this way. But Girls Chase has long served as kind of a bastion due to our large audience of savvy dudes vs. comparatively few very frustrated guys. After wading back onto social media though I’ve been smacked with guys who wouldn’t usually visit Girls Chase – or, if they found us, wouldn’t long stay to participate or read.

In recent years we’ve referred to various strains of frustrated men as ‘red pill’ (not all red pill men are frustrated, but many are), ‘black pill’, ‘incel’, ‘looksmaxx’; many different names.

Yet there’s another name that just as aptly captures all these various average, frustrated men under a single appellation: the Average Frustrated Chump (AFC).

Below I’ll help you realize if you are one – and if so, what to do!

How to Prevent STIs: A Guide for Active Daters

Alek Rolstad's picture
how to prevent STIsSTIs are a scourge to the active dater – but they’re preventable. Follow the steps in this guide, and you’ll keep healthy no matter how active you are.

Hey guys and welcome back.

This post continues my series on STIs. Last week, I covered various STIs with links to medical resources and notes on each.

Today, we get into the real juice: how to prevent STIs. And it is"text" much more than condoms! You have many options, including some you may not have heard of. I am not talking about questionable tricks like washing your penis in coconut oil after sex to dodge STIs. I doubt that works!

You can discuss the medical solutions listed below with your doctor or a specialist. They should be familiar with these options. Sometimes, doctors may not mention STI remedies unless they recognize their patient being in an at-risk group. It’s important to communicate openly with your healthcare provider about your concerns.

Today, I’ll provide this knowledge so you are aware of your options, and in turn, you can bring it up with your doctor. This allows you to be more in control of your health.

Over the years, I have gathered much information about STIs, which inspired me to write this series. Initially, I was motivated by paranoia, leading me to read about STIs and consult with specialists. However, as time passed, my interest in this subject deepened, and I made it a point to stay current on the latest research.

Reading the forums over the years, I realized most guys in this community are rather clueless—shockingly so. I hope that this series remedies that.

Last week, I discussed various STIs. Today, I will cover how to prevent them. I hope readers will see this post before exposing themselves to an STI. This post will help you dodge these issues. Other readers may read this retrospectively and, out of paranoia, read my last post. The details below and last week’s post will benefit you nevertheless. Next week’s post will detail what to do if you have had unprotected sex and you feel that you may be at risk.

Does Touch Guard Against Sexual Infidelity?

Chase Amante's picture
how touch guards against infidelityTouch has several functions in long-term romantic relationships. One of them may be this: that it appears to help guard against sexual unfaithfulness.

Leaving on a High Note: The Art of Great Last Impressions

Chase Amante's picture
leaving on a high noteA great last impression makes women eager to see you again. It’s the ultimate flake reduction strategy. Turn far more of your approaches into dates & lays!

Everyone knows about the importance of first impressions.

Only Superior Men Learn to Seduce

Chase Amante's picture
seduction is the mark of an elite manA reader says he hesitated to study seduction because he feared what it said about him that he’d need to do so. But what it is says is that a man wants EXCELLENCE.

One of my biggest mental blocks with seduction and why I had trouble learning at first is I felt like a lesser man, an incompetent person, for having to learn it. Anything I didn’t grasp naturally I felt insufficient/lesser/incompetent at the fact that I had to actually learn it. What I’ve realized is that as human beings we are creatures that can only know how to do something by actively working at learning how to do it. We don’t just grasp things from the first.

I try not to beat our own drum too much because it comes off a bit boorish.

But as this Girls Chase student notes in his comment, there’s a mentality among men – a great MANY men – that learning to seduce means admitting to some kind of deficiency.

Because of this mentality (a very shortsighted mentality, counterproductive to any man’s goals), the vast majority of men remain ignorant of seduction and trapped in avoidable relationship quagmires and months- or years-long woman dry spells.

So let us set the false modesty aside, and state what every man wise in seduction knows:

Only superior men endeavor to learn and see through to success the art of seduction.

Roses of Romantic Attraction Progress Report: Organizing Research for Rose X, Touch

Chase Amante's picture
update on Roses of Romantic AttractionRose IX (Logistics) is finished, bringing us to the writing of the final quarter of the Roses of Romantic Attraction: Touch, Pair Bonding, and Chance.

I’ve been a bit slow working on my upcoming romantic attraction book lately. We’ve had the holidays, a recent sales event at Girls Chase, the relaunched X account I’ve been laboring to build, and of course now it’s corporate tax time (yay).

Nevertheless, Rose IX (Logistics) is complete; and since my last update, I’ve gathered together all the research for the next two Roses on Touch and Pair Bonding, and most of the way through organizing the research for Rose X (Touch). I also went back and added a brief section on Byronic character traits and social penetration theory to Rose VI (Trust).

Find all the previous updates on the Roses of Romantic Attraction here.