How to Meet Girls via Day Game (Beginner Guide)

This post by forum member fog originally appeared on our forum here.
Mike Mehlman, a PUA from Japan, wrote a thought-provoking article that suggests that the default setting of girls is to be non-receptive, just as the default setting of guys is to not approach.
Think about your first time approaching a girl. You felt hesitation (approach anxiety), right? He says that women feel a form of hesitation when they get approached as well, so you shouldn't sweat it when a girl is unreceptive right off the bat.
Hey guys and welcome back. I hope you are all doing okay.
Today, I will discuss an advanced topic. It isn’t hard to understand, but it may be hard to pull off. The subject is about pulling and logistics.
When you think about a guy pulling a girl, where is he likely to take her?
His place
Her place
Another location, like an after-party
Generally, you take her to your place, but if that does not work, try to go for her place, and if that does not work, you look for an alternative.
Taking her back to your place is usually the ideal choice because you control most logistics. You know where your place is, who lives there, and what to expect.
See How to Take Her Home and Extract Her Back to Your Place
But, this may not work. Some girls prefer going back to their place, and that’s fine. It may even be the most practical call if she lives alone and nearby.
You may not live alone or live far away. So, you cannot pull back to your place easily. Going to her place is generally the second-best option. This requires her to have good logistics (live not far away, have her own room, etc.). That’s why you should screen for her logistics. For details, see Going to Her Place: Tools to Get You More “Yes”es
Also, check out this post by Chase: How to Go to Her Place Smoothly, Even If You Just Met
And sometimes, no options work, and you need to be creative. Perhaps a friend is hosting an after-party? Maybe there is an option for public sex? Now, this gets trickier. Not only is public sex illegal in many places, but you have many logistical unknowns. (How are the logistics at the after-party?) You usually need to work harder as those pulls require more compliance.
We define the latter scenario can as the “no logistics” scenario—you have no clear plans about how you intend to shag her. Did you get an invite to a stranger’s after-party? You do not know the logistics there. You have some logistics if the after-party is at a friend’s place.
I wrote an article on this subject: How to Hook Up When You Have No Logistics. Today, I will build upon it by discussing how to succeed without logistics.
This post stems from an old saying from Captain Jack, an old school PUA, who claimed that if a girl really likes you, is aroused, and wants you, then logistics will create themselves, or she will try to resolve the situation, and everything will become easier.
But reaching that “point of no return” is easier said than done. It’s not simple and requires some luck. You need more than just having a girl like you or having her be horny. You need a higher compliance level beyond what is usually necessary to pull her back to your place or hers.
So, what can you do to increase your chances of making it work?
Over the years, I have tried to save friends from dating very bad girls. These efforts are generally unsuccessful. The friend will continue to date the girl I tried to warn him against. The girl ‘plays nice’ for a bit, but eventually starts doing some very bad things. In the end, the friend gets burned.
Sometimes these friends have come back to me and told me I was right all along and are amazed at how I knew. However some guys who date girls like this go bitter against womankind in general – bitter because they picked a bad apple, then extrapolated that out too far and wide.
I don’t want you, Dear Reader, falling into the same trap these poor saps fell into – both those who escaped embitterment and those who did not; because both men end up burned either way.
Today, I am going to teach you to read facial expressions better.
In particular, I am going to teach you to spot a bad girl, and the particular facial expressions she will use.
The other day, a forum member posted a video of social media influencer Michael Sartain talking about (among other things) the crucial importance of social media to getting girls:
I only watched the first 10 minutes or so. However, in that 10 minutes, Sartain makes a number of strident (one might say absolutist) claims about how social media is the present and future of socializing. He suggests that if you’re not using social media you’re a dinosaur who’s been left behind socially. You can’t have a social life without social media and you’re not going to get girls without social media, Sartain submits.
Longtime Girls Chase readers will know I find this position silly. But I haven’t discussed it in-depth in over a decade. Since then, a number of new social media platforms have emerged. People are every bit as crazy about social media now as they were when I first wrote on it, and you will still find social media mavens like Sartain harping on about the pivotal importance of social media to one’s friendships, love life, and career.
So, has anything changed?
Has social media indeed taken over in the dozen years since I last wrote on it – and made those not all-in on social media ancient relics which time forgot?
Hey guys and welcome back.
Today’s post is beginner-friendly and may benefit intermediate players (and even pros).
It covers an in-field philosophy that has helped me tremendously.
It’s one thing what game looks like on paper and quite another how it unfolds in real life. Sometimes, all those openings and windows you see the pros talk about may be less apparent in the field when you are out there doing it. The scenarios described here may not look the same when you are out.
Is it because my setting is different than yours? That may be true, but it’s rarely the cause. The primary reason is that you often do not see openings. Why? You might be so stressed that your attention is elsewhere. Your attention may be inward, reflecting on your mood, or you could be distracted by something irrelevant. Perhaps you are unable to decipher the openings.
The opportunities are ripe for the picking, but you are simply not seeing them.
Or you may not see them clearly.
Perhaps the problem is that you have not created those openings.
The result? You may begin to stress, feel anxious, demoralized, and demotivated.
This in-field stress happens in both night and day game but is more prevalent in night game. It’s partly due to the intimidating nature of night game (cool looking dudes, intimidating bouncers, chaos, many hot, dolled up girls). In day game, it could be due to approach anxiety. But you will experience far less chaos during the day, making it easier to see openings and opportunities.
Commenting on my article “Don't Hate the Player. And Don't Hate the Game”, a reader named Garud says
Whenever I read your post about women. I feel that there is still hope. I most of the time thinks otherwise because I am a bit emotional person unlike badboys or fuck boys... Not very socially good and also a bit sensitive.. to be socially dominant it feels like I am going against my own basic nature. But sometimes when my emotions are under control due to some reasons for temporarily i feel like I must approach a girl and I am very confident about that but the question which I kept asking about myself is why I am having to struggle and suffer so much to learn the things which so called bad boys or insensitive guys knew or learnt for free It fills me with so much self-hate. It feels like a loser. Initially i used to blame girls for this now after reading your articles on girls are silly and cute. Now I blame myself. Sometimes I feel like to focus only on career and fuck this shit. And get arranged marriage..but whenever I read your post i feel there is still hope.. it feels like climbing Mount Everest and I don't know whether we will a be alive by the time we reach the top. Chase, you are doing wonderful Job. I used to be a woman-hater. I used to think that they are evil. Now at least after reading you my view of looking at them has changed..
One thing which always bothers me is that, I can try million times but what if my nature is not suitable for seduction and I am wasting my time trying to learn something for which I am not made for... Chase, what advice you would give me on this?
He raises some interesting questions.
Because the fact is, we all have quite varying natures.
Some of us are inclined to this game of seducing women far more than others.
What do you do if you just are not ‘seducer material’?
A month back, in response to multiple members of our forum saying they’d been deep diving girls (i.e., seeking to build deep connections with them) early on into their courtships, I talked about the proper times to use a deep dive.
The tl;dr of that article was that you want to save your deep dives until you are in isolation on a date or deeper into a pickup, generally. Today I want to go deeper into the elemental aspect of courtship that makes this so: the secret that attraction must precede connection.
Sure, it happens sometimes that a man and woman form a connection first, then attraction later blossoms, and romance stems from that. That does happen. Especially in Hollywood romantic comedies! But this is not the norm; nor is it a dependable or a very repeatable process.
If you want consistency in your seductions, attraction > connection.
Attraction must come first.
This post by Proper originally appeared on our forum here.
Me: 5'10" Asian Male in Finance, stylishly dressed, early 30s
Her: 5'7" Hispanic Girl, stylishly dressed, very long thin legs, early to mid 20s
I've been getting back into the swing of things recently. My new micro-goal is to be much more time/energy efficient about my Cold Approaches, i.e. instead of making a big thing of it every weekend afternoon, I just head out for groceries or quick dinner after work on weekdays and get in some quick Cold Approaches. This ends up being much faster, and also less socially draining for me.