Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Book Excerpts: What to Screen Women For

Chase Amante's picture

screen womenIf you've been reading material on doing better with women for any length, you're probably very familiar with the need to screen women. For men starting out in improving their dating lives, this can be one of the strangest new elements to add - you're so used to trying to pass women's screens... and now you are going to screen them, instead?

For guys who've been around the block a few times, this isn't anything new, although you might still find yourself causing women to go into auto-rejection by screening too hard or on things the women you're talking to aren't able to pass your tests on.

Either way - whether you're a new guy who's just getting around to outfitting his screening arsenal, or you're a seasoned guy who'd like to find a few new ways to screen women you meet - this list of things to screen women on from my eBook How to Make Girls Chase: Every Tactic and Technique You Need to Get the Girl(s) of Your Dreams is designed to help you come up with a host of different (and interesting) subjects to explore... and screen... the women you meet on.

Game Openers That'll Get You Girls

Ricardus Domino's picture

game openersIf you're keeping up on the latest in game openers, you're probably familiar with the now-canon advice to pay women a compliment when you approach them during the daytime… and, that actually works pretty well, sometimes.

I’ve met and hooked up with a lot of beautiful girls that way … a sincere compliment during the daytime is often unexpected, and women admire the courage it takes to pull it off.

Especially on a dead cold approach of a girl you’ve never met before – she will often be jealous. She might WISH she had that kind of courage, to be open enough to just meet strangers like that.

That said, there are a few serious disadvantages to this approach, which is why I’ve stopped doing it almost altogether.

How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor, Part V

Ricardus Domino's picture

how to pick up girlsNote from Chase: this is the final post in our 5-part series on How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor. Check out Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV before reading this post, if you haven't already. In this last post in the series, Ricardus discusses how to take everything you've learned in the last four installments... and apply it to cleaning up in seduction.

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By now, you’re starting to get a pretty clear idea of how we can control our own emotions… completely internally, without having to rely on alcohol, “warm-up sets” or having company around.

Two questions remain: What kinds of states should you put yourself into… and how can you transfer these states to other people?

The truth is there are several different states that can work well to meet and attract women… different things work for different people. What’s always going to work best to attract feminine women, however, is the masculine vibe of a sexual man.

Book Excerpts: How to Challenge Women

Chase Amante's picture

challenge womenSomething that every nice guy has painfully experienced - one way or the other - is that when you don't challenge women, you also don't attract women. Challenge is a necessary, integral part of building and maintaining respect and desire for you in women.

But what is challenge? It's easy to understand why most guys get this wrong. It's hard to pin the concept of "being a challenge to women" down when you're not sure where the line is. What if you challenge her too much and lose her? And while this does happen - it's called auto-rejection, and it happens more than most men realize - if you're hitting women's no-challenge flags too often, you need to get that one fixed first before you start worrying too much about whether you're going too far.

Can't fix the problem of going too far if you usually don't go far enough in the first place... right?

You need to train yourself, if you don't do it already, to challenge girls.

How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor, Part IV

Ricardus Domino's picture

how to pick up girlsNote from Chase: this is Part IV in our series on How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor. Be sure to read Part I, Part II, and Part III first before reading this post, if you haven't already.

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Anyway, that's the science side of state control.

Now you may think, well – these are great ideas, but is it really possible to control your state of mind at every moment? After all, we think tens of thousands of thoughts per day.

Actually, you really only need to put yourself into the state you want when you start any activity… whatever state will be the most resourceful one for that specific task.

If you can then get into the activity and get positive feedback from it, the state will reinforce itself. If it does drop, you simply notice the change in your emotional state and repeat the focus exercise… and correct your physiology along with it.

Keep doing it.

How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor, Part III

Ricardus Domino's picture

how to pick up girlsNote from Chase: this is Part III of V in our series on How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor. Be sure to read How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor, Part I and How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor, Part II first before reading this post, if you haven't already.

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We last discussed how if you want to be able to pick up girls CONSISTENTLY, you've got to have INTERNAL state control... we can't just leave something as important as the way we FEEL to chance.

Since we cannot influence our emotional brain directly and just will ourselves into feeling an emotion, we need to create the emotions we want through the other two parts of our brain… our logical and physical brains will be our detour.

We can control the neocortex by changing our focus… and we can control our reptile brain by controlling our physiology. If we do both, our mammalian brain, i.e. our emotions, will align with the other two.

Tactics Tuesdays: Dance Floor Game

Chase Amante's picture

dance floor gameIn the comments section under the post on "Get Girls in Bed," a reader writes in asking about dance floor game:

Hey Chase,

Been reading your blog for the past couple of months now, and I think there's less than 10 articles to go until I have read everything on your website.

Awesome stuff to say the least, I feel like I've hit a goldmine after reading your pieces.

From your writings I can see you are not the biggest fan of seducing women in clubs since it's loud and not conducive to many aspects of seduction. However, I keep seeing guys who do pretty well in clubs. Can you write a piece on gaming in clubs? Particularly what to do on the dance floor when conversation isn't really an option?

Thank you.

Best regards,


In fact, as I commented in my response to A, I do like nightclubs for meeting women - I've hands down spent more time honing my abilities with women in them and have met more women at bars and nightclubs than anywhere else - but I find them to be some of the most difficult places to do well with women for most guys, the environments in them are the most stacked against a man you'll see, and they're among the worst places to look for girlfriend-quality women you can go to... so I tend to recommend against them for guys when giving advice.

But, for straight training purposes, for coating your skin with a layer of steel and developing rock-solid frame control, and for quick pick ups once you've got your vibe and your process down right, clubs are hard to beat.

A's question is one of the first one's that come to mind when you start thinking about nightclubs though, and it's one we haven't discussed in any detail on this site yet: what do you do about dance floor game?

Book Excerpts: Get Girls in Bed (Without a Bed)

Chase Amante's picture

get girls in bedIn response to the "Move Girls" post, a reader named Anon Guy comments:

Chase, hey,

This is an awesome post and I am religiously reading your down-to-earth blog.

I have a dilemma of not owning my own pad (yet), and if we propose that it is a zero-sum game, and that it all boils down to sleeping with her for the two to become lovers, do you have any practical advise on guys who do not own a convenient, private space to make the magic happen?

I guess back seat of my car could work, but it's not really private, and will probably be a million times harder to pull that off.

But based on countless posts I've read so far from you, it seems like the only way is to bed her some way or another.

Let me know. Thanks!

In fact, you don't necessarily need a bed to get girls in bed. You can do it without one... sometimes, not having a bed even makes it easier.

How can this be so?

How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor, Part II

Ricardus Domino's picture

how to pick up girlsNote from Chase: this is Part II of V in our series on How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor. Be sure to read How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor, Part I first before reading this post, if you haven't already.

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For the longest time, I believed in “game” as the most important factor in picking up girls myself… and I invested a lot of time working mostly on that part of the equation. And I got pretty damn good at it.

The more experiences you make in the real world, however, the more likely you are to run into guys who apparently have no game to speak of, yet have a magic vibe that makes even the most idiotic lines work for them.

And once I came to that realization, I decided to focus all my efforts on decoding this piece of the puzzle. I was going to reverse engineer this X-factor like a mad scientist.

I had some theories; I thought it must have a lot to do with how you FEEL about yourself and your life. Not just state, since state is something temporary… it had to be something much, much deeper than that; and something very subtle.

State is how you feel RIGHT NOW. Whereas this magical vibe seemed to have something to do with how you feel about EVERYTHING. About your life, your status, your wealth, your future and your social connections. How happy you are, and how much you feel like you're in control of your life and in the flow with everything.

That was, however, just a theory… I had to dig deeper.

How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor, Part I

Ricardus Domino's picture

how to pick up girlsNote from Chase: when Ricardus first showed me this piece - an 11,000-word masterpiece he called "The X-Factor in Game" - I was blown away. He's got so much solid, sound, incredible stuff packed in here - I told him he completely outdid himself, and he did. I've broken this piece up into five separate parts - more manageable to read than trying to digest the whole thing in one sitting - and renamed it to "How to Pick Up Girls: The Success Factor." Hope he won't begrudge me the re-titling.

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Some guys just have it… an apparently magical vibe, a charisma and vibrancy; a form of personal magnetism that draws people magically to them… and that makes them irresistibly attractive to women, able to pick up girls seemingly effortlessly and make girlfriends out of the most desirable women around.

The question is… what exactly is this vibe? It seems very hard to define, to nail down or even to emulate… which is why I call it the “X-Factor”.

In fact, it is so hard to quantify in precise terms that women often say about the guys who have it: “I just don’t know what it is about him.” And the French even go so far as calling this vibe the “je-ne-sais-quoi” – in English: the “I don’t know what.”

Let’s see if we can do a little bit better than that!

Read on.