Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

How to Make Her Want You: Lessons from Marketing

Ricardus Domino's picture

how to make her want youIf you're like most guys, figuring out how to make her want you can feel like a full-time job. But if you look at people who have similarly-veined full time jobs in their own right, you can make making women want you go a whole lot more smoothly, and a whole lot more easily.

Take marketers, for one. Marketers have always fascinated me…

They really have the art of persuasion and influence down to a *science*… and that’s exactly what mastery of any skill should be:

A marriage of both art and science.

By way of an example, look at picking up girls…. There is the art, the intuitive part of game… the calibration, the spontaneity and simply being creative in the moment. Your right brain does all that.

But there is also the scientific aspect of pickup. From psychology and biology, we know a lot about what women want, and a lot of behaviors can be predicted – and even triggered – quite consistently.

It’s no different with marketing.

Tactics Tuesdays: Command Women (and Have Them Listen)

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

command womenOne of the hardest things for me to do when I first started out teaching myself how to seduce women was to give orders and command women.

"You mean, I'm supposed to just tell girls to do stuff, and then they're going to, like... do it?" I thought.


And yet, as I started meeting men in 2006 who were already getting the kinds of results with women I wanted, I watched in awe as they commanded women to do things... and the women just did it.

So, I started playing with that myself.

I began with women I knew well. Then women I'd been talking to for a while.

Then I started pushing the limits on my newfound ability to command women.

I started doing it with women I'd just started talking to. With women I'd just met. I even started giving commands to women as the very first thing I said to them.

And it just kept working.

As I went, I learned how to command women better and better, in ways that they instantly followed - voice tone techniques, specific ways of wording a command, and a lot more - that made it easier and easier to pull off seemingly ridiculous things with women I hardly knew. This post is about how to do what I learned to do when it comes to commanding women.

Fighting in a Relationship: Causes and Cures

Chase Amante's picture

fighting in a relationshipAs I've involved myself more and more in the world of start up businesses, I'm finding myself increasingly involved in close relationships with dynamic, intelligent people who are accustomed to calling the shots... just like me. Inevitably, this leads to blow ups, power struggles, and all kinds of messy issues, very similar to the fighting in a relationship you see of the romantic variety.

I've been comparing a lot of what I've experienced here to the fighting I've gone through in my own romantic relationships and that I've witnessed in the relationships of friends, students, and others, and I've started teasing out some really interesting correlations.

What I'm realizing is that fighting in a relationship - everything from when women test men to a lot of the underlying rationale behind women and drama - arises out of a handful of required ingredients.

Dodging the Dangers of Sex (and Dating)

Ricardus Domino's picture

dangers of sex... no, I'm not going to suggest that you dodge the dangers of sex and the dangers of dating by dodging sex and dating. That's a little too extreme - I'll leave the abstinence education to the religious institutions.

But if you're active sexually and you're active in the dating world these days, you're probably meeting, dating, and getting together with a fair number of different women. And like anything where you're inviting people into a level of intimacy and closeness to you, you need to be very careful of the dangers that can come with that, too.

It isn't all just good times and happy memories. If you're not paying attention, you can literally open yourself up to all kinds of problems from sex and dating... and not just the ones you hear about in high school, either.

Therefore, today, we're taking a momentary break from giving you tips and techniques on how to get the girls you really like, and instead bringing you this public service announcement - to make sure that when you get those girls, you'll be well-prepared to enjoy your time with them to the fullest - and not have to worry about getting taken to the cleaners or something else you don't want to have happen.

Let's dive in.

12 Simple Tips That'll Help You Sleep with Girls

Ricardus Domino's picture

sleep with girlsIn the vein of my last post - 15 lessons on getting girls - this post is focused on short, simple tips you can learn from and implement right away to make you better able to sleep with girls you like.

If you've been at actively meeting new women for a while, you're probably already familiar with or doing some of these... but even if so, I'm guessing there're a few new tidbits in here for you that you haven't heard elsewhere before.

And if you're new to meeting, approaching, and seducing new women, then this post is going to be great for getting you out of the starting gate... with a bang.

Without further ado...

Tactics Tuesdays: What Happens When You Label People (or Let Them Label You)

Chase Amante's picture

label peopleSome years back, as I played around with cold reading, I soon found it often wasn't to my advantage to label people. I'd try; coming up with all kinds of cutesy labels like, "Ah, so you're an adventurer," or, "You're a pretty ambitious person, then." These were seemingly positive labels, but often the women I used them with would reject them. "No, not really," they'd say. It was odd.

I began to realize there was power in labeling. When you label someone, you are, in effect, telling them who or what they are. You're setting yourself up in the position of deciding someone else's identity.

That gives you great power if you can pull it off. It also gives you great responsibility toward the people you label.

But it also opens you up to being knocked down a peg or two, the same way we discussed combating people trying to "tool" you or make you look silly or weak in "Dealing with Disruptive Men;" basically, by politely but firmly shutting this down.

As I began to explore labels more, I gradually got better at using them correctly with other people - and shutting down the efforts of people who sought to use them in a damaging way with me.

15 Lessons from 10 Years of Getting Girls

Ricardus Domino's picture

getting girlsChase and I were talking the other day, and both of us realized that while I've been posting on this website all year.. we never actually did an introduction into who *I* am.

So, pleasure to meet you - I'm Ricardus. I've been in the seduction community for 10 years, since 2002. Like Chase, I arrived at a lot of the core fundamentals of what makes attraction work the way it works, and seduction work the way it works, simply by doing so many approaches and meeting so many different kinds of women and putting myself into so many different situations - everything from high end social circle game in nightclubs to direct-approach street game by day - that eventually I more or less HAD to figure things out... you see enough patterns again and again, and you start realizing what those patterns are, and how to use them.

When Chase asked me if I'd like to start writing for Girls Chase, I wasn't sure how people would react - while we've had a lot of the same experiences and we've arrived at a lot of the same conclusions, my writing style's different from his, and I know he's already got a lot of very loyal followers on here. But, I said, you know what, let's give it a shot, and hopefully I can contribute something worthwhile to the site.

Anyway, I know there's been some controversy on here lately, but I really am focused on bringing you only stuff that I've tested out myself EXTENSIVELY and have personally seen work - and work well - and that I've given to students and mentees and had them execute too. That's a commitment I've long made to myself and everyone I talk about this to or instruct in anyway, and it's a commitment I share very deeply with Chase.

So, while I know my tone's different from his, I do want to help guys out on this website every bit as much as he does, and I think (I hope) I have a lot to offer.

This post's about 15 of the lessons I've learned in 10 years of getting girls. They've been game changers for me - and I hope you find them useful.

What If She Doesn't Have Time? (and Other Contingencies)

Ricardus Domino's picture

what if she doesn't have timeOne of the best ways to get good at anything is to simply practice it… A LOT (see: How to Seduce Women Like the All-Time Greats). This works *particularly* well when it comes to meeting, dating and seducing beautiful women.


Because there are really only so many things that can happen on a date, and there are only so many things a girl could say in any given situation… and after you’ve dated a couple of hundred women, you’ve seen them all before.

And then you can predict what’s going to happen… and you already know the best response, if she says yes, if she says no, or no matter what she says or does, because you’ve been in that situation a million times before.

You already know what worked in the past… and what didn’t.

You’ll become more refined, more experienced… dare I say, more rehearsed?

And I don’t mean more rehearsed in a bad way… I’m not talking about reciting memorized lines (even though, contrary to popular myth, those really do work – if they’re really good! The cheesy lines you’ll find if you do a quick Google search or if you pick up a men’s magazine won’t do the trick).

I mean rehearsed more in the sense of a Kung Fu master, who has been in so many fights that he has seen any move an opponent could make over and over again… and he has a block up his sleeve to defend against each one of them.

Not that dating is at all adversarial… I can absolutely guarantee you that your results will double overnight if you can really start looking at girls as teammates who want the same thing you do.

But she *will* throw you curve balls, if only to test whether you have this attitude, to see whether you have the psychological strength she looks for in a man, and whether you are a high value man with many options.

The Legend of California Pimp, Part II

Ricardus Domino's picture

california pimpNote from Chase: this is Part II of Ricardus' breakdown of the method of a man known as the California Pimp. This first post was launched a day earlier to both controversy and praise; in this second one, Ricardus details how he himself took the lessons he learned from California Pimp and used them to turbo charge his (then already very good) seduction skill set.

You can read the first part here: The Legend of California Pimp, Part I.

Some more nuggets from the California Pimp treasure chest:

  • He runs what I call the “Blame Frame” – meaning that he sets a frame that blames whatever is happening on HER. She’s the one who’s seducing him; she’s the one who’s having this irresistible sexual effect on him.

    He does that by saying things like "look what you're doing to me", with a voice tone like he’s incredibly turned on, or "you are making me a little nervous", "I can't handle this, go easy with me".

    This takes away from her nervousness and builds comfort… and it also force frames her as seductress.

  • He sometimes criticizes her, in order to take some of her inherent female power away, which often gets the girls to overcompensate by acting more sexual. Then he rewards her for that with a compliment and immediately holds out an even bigger hoop… thus gradually stair stepping it up from “put down your purse” to “suck my cock”.
  • He creates attraction largely based on body language, dominance and sexuality.
  • He qualifies women based entirely on their looks and their compliance... never based on their personality or anything asexual.
  • He builds comfort based entirely on his voice tone and his reassuring comments.
  • He seduces women based entirely on dominant touch and dirty talk.
  • He gives girls the option to leave, but sandwiches it in between two commands to move things forward… instead of push-pull, he does pull-push-pull.

There are also a couple of things you can’t get out of his videos… one is his body language, obviously. You *can* tell though the he is dressed to the fucking nines… which is a huge lesson.


Damn, a friend of mine told me last week that capitalism is all about ripping people off and selling them the false hope that if only they buy the right pair of jeans they will get laid.

Well, that hope is not so false after all.

The Legend of California Pimp, Part I

Ricardus Domino's picture

california pimpNote from Chase: as noted by a commenter below, some of the content of this post was originally posted on a private discussion forum and reposted by one of the members there on a public one. The poster of the original message and the author of this are the same writer - known to you here as Ricardus, and there as Karea. Onwards...

I don’t know if you’ve heard of the California Pimp before… but if you haven’t, you’re in for a life-changing read today.

I almost hesitate to write this, because there is so much hype on the web these days… but there is simply no other way to put it.

And if you HAVE heard of him before, this post will help you to emulate what he’s doing.

Emulate what now?

Glad you asked.

Sleeping with girls within MINUTES of meeting them, for example.

In fact, the “CP” as his fans have come to call him, does this on the regular.

That’s right… it is VERY RARE that it takes him more than fifteen to twenty minutes to seduce a girl… meet to mate in minutes.

And he has done this HUNDREDS of times.

He has also video-taped every single one of these interactions, and uploaded them ALL on the web, for you to watch and learn (keep your hands where I can see them now!)

Hard to believe?

Stay with me here!

You will NEVER see the world the same way. This one… is a true matrix-buster-paradigm-shifter-reality-crusher.

He has 440 seductions caught on video tape on his website… and it was literally one of the biggest breakthroughs in my own game, as well as the game of my fellow instructors and our students… our results changed literally overnight.

Yes… I know how that sounds… but just remember that I have nothing to sell to you here, and suspend your disbelief for just a few minutes.

Check it out and then judge for yourself.