Turn Offs for Women: What NOT to Do
I made a terrible mistake once, a long time ago.
I told a girl I loved her before we'd ever kissed, been on a date, or slept together.
I was young, passionate, full of powerful, swirling emotions, and hormones that raged like a fiery dervish. I felt it was a smart move; she'd flirted with me for a long time, had even asked me out long before (I'd been too scared to say "yes"). She had to know, I decided. So, I told her. I told her I loved her.
And I never heard from her again.
Ha, whoops, I thought the next day. That was a mistake.
But, you live and learn. It ended up playing a part in finally motivating me to get my act together and start fixing things in my life with women.
I share this because I had a reader write in to share his story and ask for my take: he's young, like I was; he'd been calling and texting back and forth with a girl like crazy, and they'd shared a few dances. He'd asked her on a date, she'd been coy.
Finally, emotions welling up inside of him, he could no longer keep them pent up inside; and, like the me of yesteryear, he simply had to tell her how he felt.
"You don't see it, do you?" he texted her. "I'm in love with you."