Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

When Girls Act Very Forward: Handling the Freak Test

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handling the freak testYou just met this girl, but suddenly she’s all over you. Are you really THAT sexy? Don’t get excited yet: it’s only the freak test. Here’s how to handle it.

Hey guys and welcome back.

Today I will continue my series on tests. Previously, we discussed the common jealousy plot test (when girls chat or flirt with other men in front of you) and how to deal with it.

This post covers a different test linked to female attention-seeking behavior. It’s often not recognized as a test, so many fall into its trap. This test can lead to much frustration.

It’s what I call the “freak test.” It tests your reaction to overt sexual moves done by the girl.

It goes like this:

  1. A man starts an interaction with a woman.

  1. She immediately makes an overt sexual move (touches his balls, shows her tits, starts grinding on his dick, says something explicit).

  1. The man mirrors her behavior and responds because he thinks it’s appropriate, and she wants it (and rightfully so, considering her behavior).

  1. She turns cold, blocks his move, or leaves to talk with other men.

  1. The man gets frustrated and tries to persist, only to hit a wall.

He did not pass the test. And we will discuss how to pass it today.

The Dap Trap: When Girls Press & Guys "Dawdle, About-Face, Pursue"

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dawedle, about-face, pursueA girl wants to date or maybe for you to commit. But you dawdle and don’t make it happen. So she gives up – but then, you give chase! Why? The Dap Trap!

There’s a flip-floppy male behavior you’ll see in dating that is so predictable it borders on the comical: something I’ve dubbed ‘dap’, for “dawdle, about-face, pursue.”

Tactics Tuesdays: The "Prove It" Frame Buster

Chase Amante's picture
TEXTYou’re talking to a girl and she says “I’m boring” or “I don’t date.” That’s the kiss of death, right? Well, not so long as you can get her to PROVE IT!

When you talk to a girl and she starts throwing out claims about herself, these can seem like real obstacles if they don’t cooperate with the overall seduction.

Anti-seductive claims include women saying things like:

  • “I’m boring”
  • “I’m not adventurous”
  • “I’m not spontaneous”
  • “I don’t like excitement”
  • “I don’t think about sex”
  • “I don’t really date”

… and so on. Running into these can feel like a conversation death sentence if you don’t have a good response to reframe with.

After all, what hope is there really for a boring girl… a girl who doesn’t like excitement… a girl who doesn’t think about sex or go out on dates? None, right?

Au contraire, for in this article I’ll give you a simple little tactic you can use to turn these claims women make right on their head.

With this in-hand, instead of looking at women’s anti-seductive claims as if they are agile seduction killers, you will start to view women’s claims as clumsy fumbles that have led them right into your web.

What to Do When Girls Run a Jealousy Plotline on You

Alek Rolstad's picture
handling jealousy plotlinesSometimes you’ll approach girls, only to have them flirt with other guys and try to make you jealous. What do you do? Ignore it… or, pull out the BIG guns.

Hey guys and welcome back.

Last week we discussed handling congruence and compliance tests. We also covered “weird tests” when a girl puts you in tricky catch-22 situations. I went through the more common tests, although some tests are unique and require case studies like in this post.

Today I want to resume my discussion about tests. We will address a common but frustrating test called the jealousy plot test. This test occurs when the girl you are with talks to other guys in front of you, even when you have a good hook going.

I won’t waste time describing the situation. If you have been going out for a while, you likely have experienced it.

This situation is more common during night game and social circle gatherings.

Sexiness: What It Is & How to Have It

Chase Amante's picture
TEXTSexiness is the quality of being carnally desirable. Yet it seems so abstract: why are some people sexy while many aren’t? It all boils down to 3 items: intent, confidence, & appeal.

Earlier this year in my article on insider vs. outsider seduction frames, reader JimmyS asked about the crux of sexiness:

Hey Chase,

Passing Women’s Tests: Congruence & Compliance Tests

Alek Rolstad's picture
TEXTIn romance, sometimes women will test you. They test to see what kind of man you are… but some of their tests are tough. How do you pass them? With these tactics…

Hey guys, and welcome back.

Today I’ll discuss my go-to methods for handling tests. I will cover my three favorite methods and share examples.

Last week, we went over common reasons women test:

  • For congruence – if you are who you say you are.

  • For compliance – to see how compliant you are to them. If you are too compliant, it signifies they have the full power of the interaction and may use you at will. It can also mean that you are a sucker, not a “real” man.

  • As a challenge – to place you in a challenging situation and see how you react. This test screens for attractive traits.

  • For limits – linked to testing for compliance. They will use rude behavior to see how you respond. Women seeking very dominant males may screen for this character trait.

We will cover these techniques today:

  1. Congruence
  2. Compliance

These techniques can be useful for other tests, too. However, from my experience, they are best suited for the two types listed above. However, there are other situations when they may work. I will give examples later.

Escape the "Playboy Plateau" with Alek Rolstad's Seduction Fine-Tuning

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alek rolstad coachingWant way more results from your seductions? Tap into elite training with veteran coach Alek Rolstad – and “fine-tune” your way off the Playboy Plateau that captures so many seducers.

It’s autumn, and that means it’s time to open up a few new seats for advanced seduction coaching with Girls Chase veteran coach Alek Rolstad.

50 Pickup Lines & Teasing One-Liners Compendium [2022]

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pickup linesPickup lines, flirtatious comebacks, and witty one-liners: all the stuff of good teasing and flirtation. Use these 50 one-liners as a springboard for your own flirtations.

Compendium of pickup lines and other flirtatious one-liners for use in 2022 and beyond.

Posture, Eye Contact, Expressions: 3 New Videos on FUNDAMENTALS

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new videosThree new GirlsChase.TV videos are out. Are you ready to upgrade your attractiveness with amazing posture, electric eye contact, and expressive facial expressions?

Have you been keeping an eye on GirlsChase.TV?

I’ve added three new videos over the past couple weeks that go deep into three powerful fundamentals:

These are Lessons 4-6 of my ongoing video series Fantastic Fundamentals. In them, I go a lot deeper into each attractive quality than I’ve ever gone before.

Depersonalizing Dating, Pickup, & Seduction

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seduction depersonalizationFor the average man, dating is fraught with emotion. Rejection stings, and success elates. Yet what of the veteran dater? For him, it’s far more depersonalized.

One of the great differences between an experienced seducer and an ordinary man is what we might call the “depersonalization” of seduction.

For Joe Average, each encounter with an attractive woman is a deeply personal affair. He experiences a range of powerful positive and negative emotions whenever a woman he desires (and often even one he doesn’t) seems to approve of or reject him.

Happy interactions with women sending him over the moon, beaming with hope, pride, and victory; rejections, on the other hand, crumple him, turning him sour, beaten, resentful.

Yet for the experienced seducer, women’s reactions to him are not personal. The experience he creates for women feels more personal for the women than what they experience with Joe Average, by far… Nevertheless for the seducer himself, the seduction is merely a process he’s run many times before. The outcome of any individual interaction carries little emotional weight for him – often none at all.

It’s not that his emotions have “vanished”; rather, it is that they have moved… Instead of being affected by the slings and arrows of courtship that elevate or sink more ordinary men, the seducer’s emotions are focused somewhere else. The seduction process itself for him has become depersonalized.

This depersonalization offers enormous benefits to the experienced seducer… not the least of which are far higher success rates with women (due to him being able to act unclouded by emotion), plus far lower rates of the heartache, bitterness, and disappointment ordinary men so often experience in their dealings with women.

Depersonalizing seduction is thus a very worthwhile aim for novice and intermediate seducers. But can you do that, any way other than just putting in enough approaches to get there?