Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

8 Types of Girls You Can Meet (Daytime vs. Nightlife vs. Apps)

Chase Amante's picture
girl guideThere are many different kinds of women to meet. Most guys meet the same 1-2 types of girls again and again without realizing. But are you meeting the best one(s) for you?

I thought I'd draw up a fun article on different 'classes' of women and where they can be found. Somewhat similar to a 'monster compendium' of Dungeons & Dragons fame.

Since we're doing this day game focus (with Hector's day game course Meet Girls Everywhere about ready to launch), I was thinking about the girls you most often meet via day game vs. those you meet via night game vs. those you meet via dating apps.

I thought this'd be a neat little piece to do; one that differentiates between these different types, whom you will most often meet in different ways/venues/times/places.

Our 8 types of women are:

  1. Plain Jane
  2. Wendy Workaholic
  3. Betty Bonkers
  4. The Wild Freak
  5. Goldie Gold Digger
  6. The Chillaxer
  7. Maureen Morality
  8. Single Mom Sally

Without further ado, let's explore each...

Dating in Your Social Circle: Good Idea?

Hector Castillo's picture

If you know me, you know I've been known as the 'King of College'.

In fact, I've even got a book with that title!

And after blazing my way through the beds of many dozens of sexy co-eds... plus doing all kinds of social circle seducin' in the years since...

Well, let's just say I've arrived at a clear perspective on both the good and the not so hot about getting with women from your social circle.

There are some positives to it, for sure.

What Is the 'Meta Frame'?

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

meta frameThe meta frame is the frame of frames. Learn to set it and setting other frames gets far easier.

Hey guys, welcome back!

Lately, we’ve been discussing frames in-depth, in particular social and sexual frames. A frame is a lens or point of view that affects the way participants in an interaction interpret it and how they perceive you. Your contribution to the interaction will have an impact on its frame, contributing to its underlying meaning.

I went to great lengths to explain what a frame is in the post “What is a Frame?” so I won't repeat myself. For now, let’s stick to this overarching, simple definition of frames and frame control:

A frame is the perspective and underlying meaning of an interaction. It dictates and defines the characteristics of the interaction – the couple’s social standing, role, and main features.

Frames are about “who are you to her?” and “who is she to you?”. In group settings, when you encounter social circles and night game, frames define who you are to each other.

Each action affects the narrative or underlying meaning of the interaction. They “set the tone” of the interaction. But each action also affects people’s perception of the receiver – your actions will define her perception of you.

The intermediaries between “actions” and “perceptions” are frames.

Actions –> Frames –> Perception

In my latest posts on frames, I discussed social and sexual frames. Social frames involve seduction, her internal reality regarding what she perceives as a socially acceptable or socially fit sexual mate. Your role is to set the right social frame – making her feel that you are a guy who is suitable to her on a social level (I shared numerous tools on how to achieve that).

Why is this crucial? It reduces many forms of resistance (like female state control, when she resists your moves so she doesn’t get carried away by a man who is potentially not her type socially), but it also generates compliance. It also serves as a good “security web” whenever her mood drops and her arousal fades. A bad social frame will make her regret getting carried away by your sexy escalation when that arousal fades. (“Oh crap! Why did I let myself get carried away by THAT GUY?”). According to Chase, it creates a higher floor to land back on when the effects of stimulation (escalation, etc.) fade. But it also generates a higher ceiling, as a social frame can increase her compliance level and allow you to escalate and set sexual frames with ease. So, it is a key aspect.

There are sexual frames, which put sex on the table, giving the interaction a sexual undertone, making it sexual. This is important to escalate the vibe, but it can also up her compliance levels. If sexual frames are set early enough, they help you avoid deadly pitfalls such as the friendzone and last-minute resistance (when she resists at the last minute right before you are about to have sex with her). Most importantly, sexual frames allow you to speed up the seduction and make it smoother.

So, both types of frames are essential to successful seductions.

But these frames aren’t worth much and will have a negligible impact if they aren’t coherent with what we call the “meta-frame.”

Screening vs. Qualifying Women: Do You Always Want Her Qualifying?

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

screening vs. qualifyingYou can use screens to get women to qualify themselves to you in order to boost rapport. That’s great for investment. But what if you actually care about whether she passes a screen?

I can hear you already:

"But Chase, I thought it was screening and qualifying women? Not screening versus qualifying!"

Ordinarily, yes. This article's about a slightly different tack, however.

In much of usual seduction practice, screening is a tool to get women to qualify. Or a tool to see whether women are invested enough to qualify.

For example, you tell a girl, "There's nothing like a good adventure. Going somewhere new, doing something novel, trying some unique food or experience for the first time. I love it, personally." That's an implied screen.

When you screen her like that, assuming you already have rapport with her, there's a fair bit of pressure on her to qualify herself and answer, "Yes, I like adventure too."

Even if she's the opposite of adventurous, she's going to feel pressure to tell you, "Yeah, that sounds nice," just to avoid breaking rapport.

As she qualifies herself to you like this, she complies with your frame.

If she doesn't qualify herself, it's an indication she may not be that compliant with you just yet.

Either way, this is helpful for your seduction.

But there are certain times you aren't going to want a woman trying to qualify herself to your screens.

Sometimes, you are using the screen to actually screen for whatever it is the screen's about.

And if she starts qualifying herself, instead of giving you the straight truth, she'll be investing, but you aren't going to be getting what information you're after.

Picking Up Girls in Bars & Nightclubs Is Overrated

Hector Castillo's picture

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's bad or it doesn't work.

Just that it's overrated.

A lot of guys make out nightlife to be this mystical pinnacle of seduction.

It's been sort of built up in movies and it has this whole dreamy, seductive mood about it.

But take it from a guy who's picked up plenty in nightlife and worked in the nightlife industry for years... it's not the best.

When Girls Smile at You, Approach Them

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

girls smile at youWhen you lock eyes with a girl and she smiles, it’s one of the clearest invitations you’ll get to approach. If you’re in the market for a woman or two, go meet her.

Ever look at a girl and have her smile at you?

It's one of the oldest approach invitations in the book, and also one of the clearest.

Whether she smiles at you first or you smile at her, then she smiles, if she holds eye contact with you while smiling at you, you've got a ringer.

I've used this approach invitation to identify girls it'll be real easy to meet for years.

I've even had girls I held eye contact with and shared smiles with do the opening themselves. There's something about that mutual locked eyes, shared smiling signal that emboldens even women to make an approach.

I've used this to prompt a fair few girls to approach me themselves in social venues. I would've approached them myself later had they not made a move, but sometimes once she's had that smile and locked eye contact from you she's going to dive right in.

One of the few times I've been street-stopped it was by a really good-looking 20-something girl in a tan business suit on my way to the subway midday on a weekday after we locked eyes and shared smiles. She was so forward it took me aback; I doubt she'd have had the confidence without that prolonged smile and eye lock.

A lot of guys overthink this invitation.

"She's just being friendly," they think.

"Maybe she's just having a good day."

"She could be smiling at someone else."

Yet the vast majority of the time a woman is holding eye contact with you and smiling at you somewhere, it is not because she's just having that splendid of a day, but instead that she likes you and would like to meet.

Looks-Money-Status: Has the Game Changed?

Chase Amante's picture
looks money statusThe world’s changed, and so has the game… for some men. But the changes to the game that’ve come to looks-status-money men haven’t come to all men. Why’s that so?

On my article about your opinions of women betraying your success (or lack thereof) with women, a reader writes

Hey Chase,

Why You Should Set a Sexual Frame... And How to Do It

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

sexual frameSet some sexual frames, and watch her become aroused, compliant, and hooked in. Sexual frames make a seduction easier – and there are 8 ways to set them.

Hey guys. Welcome back!

In my last article, we discussed sexual frames, what they are, and how they differ from social frames. If you want to learn about sexual frames, I recommend reading my previous post. Sexual frames help make your interaction “sexual.” They frame you as a sexual guy, affecting her perception of you. They guide the interaction between you and the girl to be sexual, giving it an underlying sexual meaning, since that’s what frames do.

Why would that be so important? Not only does it arouse her and put her mind on SEX, but it may also make her perceive your non-sexual moves or words as sexual since she will perceive YOU as a sexual being. It will change the filter through which she sees the interaction and you.

But, if you are not convinced yet, I will give a few more reasons why sexual frames are important – not just important but CRUCIAL. I will start by listing some benefits they provide. Next, I’ll present the main reasons why sexual frames can save you from a lot of trouble. (Last-minute resistance? Friendzone? Interactions that go nowhere?)

I will end by giving you some clues on how to set a sexual frame!

So, let’s jump into it.

Meet Girls Everywhere: FINAL Trailer

Hector Castillo's picture

The FINAL "Meet Girls Everywhere" trailer is out now.

Give it a watch right here...

Next week, we kick things up a notch with the release of a series of videos I've put together in advance of the release. Sign up below -- you won't want to miss these...

How to Pick Up Girls with a Jealousy Plotline

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

pick girls up with a jealousy plotlineA jealousy plotline can be a mighty tool in picking a new girl up. However, use it wrong, and you risk sending the woman you desire fuming off in auto-rejection. Follow 6 steps to do it right.

Jealousy plotlines are great tools for upping and maintaining attraction in situations where you can't immediately pull (or the girl needs more priming before the pull).

They set up competition for you between women. They get women laser-focused on you as the prize they're trying to win. And they preselect you to the hilt.

They are fantastic tools, used right, to pick girls up with.

There's just one problem:

If you're uncareful, women you run jealousy plotlines on can auto-reject.

The girl you want may decide you are simply too big a flirt... that you are only toying with her, with no real intention to escalate things anywhere with you... that this is just a thing you do with girls, where you suck them in for your own validation, then cast them aside.

More mature women will often just leave whatever venue they're in where they think you're 'taunting' them, and simply not reply to your messages after that.

Less mature women may try to 'get back at' you, by running their own jealousy plotlines... flirting with some other guy, touching some other guy, making out with some other guy, going home with some other guy.

But there's a way you can maintain a loud, clear signal to women you're running jealousy plotlines with that they are your prime choice.

You can keep yourself attainable, even as you leave women in suspense, wondering if they really will get you or not.

The thing you'll do is simple, but it sends a loud, clear message to the woman you want -- and causes the other girls you flirt with to switch into overdrive trying to win you over.