Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

[WATCH] Teases MUST Be Sensual

Chase Amante's picture
want to seduce? your humor must be sexy!A good seductive tease is a sensual one. Why? What’s so important about SENSUALITY? Well, without it, you very quickly end up in the “jester zone”, for one.

We’re closing in on the launch of Lush Teases™ -- just four days away.

I hope you’re ready.

Today I have a video for you on one crucial element of teasing (and the FIRST of the four elements of the Lush Teases™ Method I’ll be revealing to you):

Your teases MUST BE sensual!

[WATCH] My FAVORITE Way to Tease Girls

Chase Amante's picture
my favorite way to tease girlsChase shares his all-time favorite way to tease girls. Draw women deeply into a “shared universe” with you with this powerful tease.

Our second Lush Teases™ video is now out.

This one on my personal FAVORITE way to tease girls.

It’s one I’ve talked about on this site before (in fact, I talked about it very early on in Girls Chase’s lifetime) but in this video I go deeper and also give you a few rules around how better to use it.

There are some neat little tips packed into this short clip.

Leaving a Girl an "Out" in Your Seductions

Alek Rolstad's picture
freedom fosters attractionWomen relax more into seductions when they feel they have an “out.” Make her feel free to opt out, and you’re far more likely to get her opting in.

Hey guys and welcome back. This is the first installment in a new series on leaving women “escape routes” in your seductions.

Today, I’ll discuss something I mentioned a few weeks ago in my indirect game series in the article “Do Girls Know You’re Hitting on Them When You Are?” During indirect game, it is not about whether or not she has good reasons to think you like her, but that whatever interests you is never truly “officialized” (made explicit) until you know that she is ready to say yes and her compliance levels are high.

Being explicit about your interest level and “officializing” your connection places her in a position where she either has to accept or reject your advances. If her interest is too low, she will resist. However, if the interest is not “official,” she will not feel forced to decide whether she accepts your advances. More importantly, she does not need to make her response explicit to you, as she can easily maneuver her way out if you turn out to be a creep. If she doesn’t know you, this is a possibility in her mind.

Tease Opener: "The Optimistic Complaint"

Chase Amante's picture
optimistic complaint openerOpening with a complaint (“This line sure is long!”) can come naturally. But not everyone responds to it… because it’s NEGATIVE. Here’s how you fix that.

As we gear up for the launch of my novel new teasing method (you can watch video #1 on it – about the #1 common humor mistake to AVOID when talking to girls – right here), I’m going to be talking a fair bit about humor and teases.

Today we’ll talk about a specific type of opener: the optimistic complaint opener.

Before you can dive into a new conversation, first you need to start the conversation. We do this using what we call openers.

Most folks find situationally relevant openers the easiest to begin with. They’re low pressure; they make use of the environment for context; and they’re a breeze to come up with.

Perhaps the easiest situationally relevant opener to stumble upon is the ‘humorous complaint’ opener. This is where you point out something less-than-ideal about the situation you and a girl find yourselves in, and use it to begin a conversation.

For instance, if you’re in a long line at a coffee shop, you might lean in toward the girl in front of you and quip, “Sheesh, we’re going to be here all month!” If you’re at a bar with terrible music, you might tap the girl next to you and ask her, “Who wrote this music anyway, Helen Keller?”

While these openers can be creative, and they do fit the context you use them in, they still face one major drawback: they’re negative.

Yet, with a little inventiveness, we can fix it.

[WATCH] Can Humor Help You Get with Girls?

Chase Amante's picture
does teasing girls help you get them?Veteran playboys have debated humor for years: does it really help you get girls – and if so, how much? I answer those questions in this new video (Lush Teases).

Okay, fellas.

You’ve been asking me to teach you how to use humor effectively with girls pretty much since the inception of this site.

I’ve seen a few programs over the years that teach guys some funny lines and techniques. We’ve go those here too. But I have never, ever seen a program that teaches men HOW to BE funny. Which is the big problem if you ask me – if you don’t know HOW to BE funny, all those ‘great techniques’ can very easily fall flat!

And so, I’ve put together a program that doesn’t just arm you to the teeth with ways to get women laughing their pretty little butts off…

I’ve put together a program that teaches you the nuts and bolts of humor itself.

One that gives you a METHOD to actually create humor that sucks women in.

Tactics Tuesdays: Fuck, Marry, Kill

Chase Amante's picture
fuck, marry, killInject fun, break rules, and find out a girl’s deep opinions of men (which you can bond with her on… or TEASE!) with old classic ‘Fuck, Marry, Kill’.

This is an older seduction gambit that is very straightforward but pretty silly and fun.

It’s most useful in bars, nightclubs, parties, etc.

Essentially, you are going to ask a girl to point out three men in the venue to you:

One she’ll choose to fuck, one she’ll choose to marry, and one she’ll choose to kill.

This opens up all kinds of paths to all manner of irreverent humor, sexual frames, and chances to find out about her values and bond with her over them.

Why Do Women REALLY Divorce Men? (Why’s the Divorce Rate So High?)

Chase Amante's picture
why do women marry men they later divorce?Women initiate 69% of divorces. Among the most empowered (college-educated) women, it’s 90%. Why though are women who driving so much of modern divorce?

Commenting on my article about why women always seem to go for the wrong guys, Vince C. asks

Chase, overall I certainly agree with most of what you're saying here but I think there should be a follow up article to this.

Because I'm genuinely curious, why is the divorce rate hovers close to 50% if many girls believe they are choosing the right guy for themselves, later to find out that this was in fact not the case?

A reader named Montage replies to Vince, noting that

Back in the day, a researcher looked at the divorce rate, concluding it was actually around 33-35%. The 50% figure was supposedly inflated by "serial divorcees."

I'm not sure why you're exclusively blaming women, though. What about the guys who filed for divorce? Some of them assumed they had found "Ms. Right," only to end up wrong. Other men marry their first wife for pure economics. Once a dude's career has taken off, he drops her for a trophy wife. I remember some guy did exactly that. Once his first wife had helped him graduate from schools of both law & medicine, he ditched the poor woman. He's no longer with us, and she's doing life in prison.

Another issue you're overlooking is that women's market value is mostly attractiveness/youth. For that reason, many will marry out of a fear of ending up as a spinster/weirdo, or out of a fear of life on one income, not because they feel they've found somebody special.

We know divorce happens.

We know it doesn’t always happen.

In India in 2024 the divorce rate was 1%.

In the United States in 1924, 100 years ago, the divorce rate was 14.4%, which is about a quarter what it is today. The U.S. was already the world leader in divorce at this point (and had since 1916).

Yet if you go all the way back to 1867 in the United States, the earliest date we have reliable data for, the American divorce rate was just 3%, not very much higher than India’s in 2024.

You can see how divorce rates have changed over the years in the U.S.:

U.S. marriage & divorce rates, 1867-2010U.S. marriage & divorce rates, 1867-2010

Obviously, we are looking at something highly variable over time.

Women initiate 69% of divorces overall. However, among women with the greatest amount of personal liberty – that is, college-educated women – women initiate a jaw-dropping 90% of divorces.

If women are carefully selecting men for a lifelong commitment, why are they the ones who most often break that up?

Giving Her a "Set the Drinks Down" Kiss at Your Place

Skilled Seducer's picture
the drinks down kissA simple, potent way to ease into a romantic kiss: get her comfortable, get her a drink, then after a moment set down your drink, take hers, and kiss her.

This post by Franco originally appeared on our forum here.

Kissing is a hard subject to write on.

There are definitely fundamentals that can be learned to improve your technique, but what really drives women wild is if you know how psychologically get them excited to be kissing you in the first place.

This all depends on

  1. The mood,
  2. The setting, and
  3. The build-up to the kiss.

My main reason for writing this is that I would love to contribute a killer method for landing the first kiss and making a girl melt in your arms.

Who Is Really the Chaser in a Good Seduction?

Alek Rolstad's picture
the dating chase dynamicA good seduction consists of a man enticing a woman and creating desire inside her for him. But with him doing all this, is he the chaser — or is it her?

Hey guys and welcome back.

In the past few weeks, I have covered indirect game. This form of seduction is when one withholds interest in a girl until she warms up and shows interest (unless she is interested from the start). I discussed all dimensions of indirect game, including how one should display interest (yes, one still should show interest when running indirect game), how much disinterest to display, and how to do it. I also have many posts about calibration to assist with indirect game.

Today, I will discuss a commonly debated subject that many men ask themselves:

“If the goal is to make a woman chase, so I appear to be the prize, how does this make sense if I am the approacher and the one trying to get her to bed? Am I not, by default, the one chasing her?”

It’s a great question.