Peacocking | Girls Chase


Essays on peacocking. Dress better, stand out, and attract women to you!

Peacocking with a Wingman, Friends, or Girls

Alek Rolstad's picture
flock together strongerIt looks funny to go out peacocked when your crew’s not dressed accordingly. Just how peacocked do your wingmen, friends, and wingwomen need to be, though?

Hey guys and welcome.

Over the past three weeks, I have been discussing the art of peacocking. This night game strategy involves dressing in a bold and flashy manner to catch women’s attention. The goal is to make yourself noticeable, even getting women to approach and initiate conversation with you.

Peacocking offers many benefits when executed properly. However, if done incorrectly, it can backfire, making you appear foolish and clown-like. For more details, see my post from two weeks ago.

Getting all this attention, although beneficial, is not without its cons, and we should also consider the drawbacks. In my previous post, I covered how peacocking affects your game and how you should strategize accordingly.

Today, I want to expand on last week’s post, which primarily discussed solo outings, which experienced night gamers often prefer. While many guys enjoy going out with wingmen (a topic I covered in a series last year), others prefer going out with friends.

Who you are out with and how they dress will determine your peacocking success or failure. So, it is crucial to strategize.

I will begin by discussing the effects peacocking has when going out with a wing, the implications of going out with several friends, and what to expect when going out with only girls.

Peacocking Strategy: Right Mood, Right Frame, & Social Proof

Alek Rolstad's picture
TEXTPeacocking can offer a boon to your attraction meeting women. Yet your mood, frame, and social proof play a major role in the effectiveness of your peacocking too — or its liability.

Hey guys, and welcome back.

Lately, I have been discussing the concept of “peacocking.” Peacocking refers to dressing in a way that captures women’s attention, often wearing flashy clothing and eye-catching accessories. While this approach gained popularity in the 2000s when pickup and seduction entered the mainstream, it has faced criticism recently. Many have commented on odd-looking, uncalibrated men roaming the clubs, leading to the perception that it appears silly and meme-worthy. This backlash stems from the observation that those who attempt peacocking lack solid fundamentals and struggle to pull it off effectively.

Last week, we discussed how to peacock, providing examples of items you can wear. We covered the different dimensions that ensure you do not come off as clown-like and tacky but instead appear cool and edgy.

The “how to peacock” was covered last week. The history of peacocking, what it is, how it works, and why was covered two weeks ago.

In this article, the focus is on how peacock influences your game. It will affect your presence, people’s reactions, and the overall dynamic of your interaction to affect your overall strategy.

Let’s dive in.

How to Peacock: Rules to Proper Peacocking + Examples

Alek Rolstad's picture
peacocking done rightPeacocking can be very effective at drawing women in and warming them up to your approach. To use it right, however, it must be congruent + properly done.

Hey guys, welcome back.

Last week, I discussed the concept of peacocking. This older concept involves wearing eye-catching and flashy clothing or using props to draw women’s attention, ideally getting them to open you. The goal is to use your style to engage and hook women.

This concept has unfortunately declined in popularity due to overuse by inexperienced beginners, leading to poorly dressed, uncalibrated men with inadequate fundamentals dressing flashy and provocatively, often resembling clowns.

Many men discovering pickup and learning be some of its best-known concepts, including peacocking, have experienced limited results. The result has been a de-popularization of peacocking and an overall decline in the popularity of pickup culture.

Today, I will go through how to peacock. You will learn the basics to pull it off. Next week, I will cover how it affects your interactions and how to navigate the field when you peacock.

Before we begin, let’s be clear: you do not need to peacock. It is a night game technique. Yes, some guys like Vince Kelvin (aka Hollywood) have famously peacocked in day game. He is an exception to the rule. He’s also an old-schooler who has been active since the early 2000s. You can break some rules if you are that experienced. I wonder if he truly peacocks or if what he is wearing really is his style—he has been dressing like this since I heard about him in 2008. The bottom line is that he pulls it off, and it works for him.

In general, peacocking is a night game strategy. Because of the flashy, high-energy, flamboyant, and extravagant energy of night game, there is more permissibility to be outrageous.

It’s up to you whether you want to peacock in night game. It is not required; it’s a tool you can choose if you feel like it and are comfortable doing so. I’ll provide details on the pros and cons of peacocking next week to help you decide if it is something you want to try. Remember, it is not necessary and may not suit you, and that’s okay. I still recommend reading this post because even if you do not go full-out flashy peacock mode, some tips may still benefit you. It’s still crucial to wear unique items or know how to use props when doing night game. It shows that you are out to socialize and fits the night vibe. What you learn below can help you attract women; just tone it down and add one or two elements.

Let’s run through the fundamentals before discussing how to peacock and sharing some tips and tricks.

What Is Peacocking and Does It Work?

Alek Rolstad's picture
peacocking then and nowPeacocks use ostentatious displays to attract a female. Can this same strategy work for human beings? It can, it does, and in this guide you’ll learn just how it does so.

Hey guys. Welcome back.

Today, I’ll touch upon a classic technique in pickup and seduction that is often overlooked—peacocking.

It’s an original technique that Mystery and his crew popularized in the 2000s. The idea is to catch women’s attention by dressing flashy to facilitate openings. This usually involves wearing accessories, flamboyant clothing, or an original dressing style, so you come off as a peacock.

Back in the day, it was one of the most used techniques for night game, and quickly became the clothing style for many active pickup guys. Whenever a guy would dress flamboyantly in a club, people always suspected he must be part of the “community.”

Eventually, as seduction popularity died off, peacocking took a serious hit. It is often a meme-worthy element of pickup and seduction, usually to ridicule pickup and seduction as a whole. “Look at those nerdy clown-looking weirdos!” Often, this criticism was deserving; many of those so-called “pickup artists” (PUA) or “green PUA” (a PUA in training) did look really weird. And their miscalibrated use of gambits, negs (negative remarks), and routines, like magic tricks, gave the entire community an odd image.

However, all these can work if delivered correctly, congruently, and in the right moment and setting.

These guys took the idea of canned material a bit too far. Because they were beginners and entered pickup arenas with a hefty toolbox, memorizing material, they appeared very robotic. Adding to a poor baseline because they lacked fundamentals, pickup and seduction became less popular and was often joke worthy, with the concept of peacocking its primary victim.

Later, the introduction of natural game countered the older pickup style’s overly goofy and robotic aspects. This new approach focuses on mastering fundamentals and represents a positive shift in the game. Natural game aims to teach beginners advanced strategies, gambits and niche routines, particularly men who struggle socially. These men did not have their fundamentals in check. They usually had poor body posture, grooming, and delivery—poor everything. Add a flashy attention-seeking outfit on top of it, and instead of providing them with a degree of edginess or coolness, they looked out of place and easy targets for jokes.

Most pickup material known to the public to this day—and ridiculed by the mainstream—belongs to the Mystery Method. He was the first to promote the idea of peacocking. The popularization of the Mystery Method and its signature concepts like negging, peacocking, and “DHV’in” (demonstrating higher value) is partly due to its popularity within the community and mainstream exposure. The book The Game focuses on the Mystery Method and Mystery himself, in addition to the subsequent TV show The Pickup Artist. Coaching companies erupted in the twilight of this mass popularization, and most sold watered-down copies of the original Mystery Method. Things became worse, as poorly trained, inexperienced men with an advanced system were doomed to failure, leading to a decline in pickup and seduction popularity.

Let’s revisit the concept of peacocking. How can this work today? Why does it work? Next week, we will discuss how to use peacocking.

Peacocking: Now Scientifically Proven To Get You Girls

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

peacockingWho would've thought scientists'd ever get around to proving something like this?

A decade and a half ago, I found that if I wore outrageously cool and different clothes, I attracted a lot of attention to myself. When I later took on a tougher persona in university, I took to wearing a lot of (what I'd now describe as really tacky) gold jewelry all over: big chunky gold rings with huge fake diamonds, gold necklaces, a really flashy gold cubic zirconium-studded bracelet that people would stop me to comment on and more than a few bouncers and DJs tried to buy off me or barter for.

I wouldn't be caught dead in that getup these days, mainly because I have a very different image now, but it got me attention, and what I did with that attention was up to me.

And what else I found was that it caught a lot of women's attention. And I couldn't prove it, but they seemed a lot more interested in me than most of the other averagely-attired guys in my classes.