Tourism Game | Girls Chase

Tourism Game

Tourist Game – Conversation Topics and Dealing with Her Friends

Frankie Bismarck's picture

tour guide game
Travel is a great conversation topic for seducing tourist girls. Also, women don’t always tour alone, so it helps to know how to deal with her friends and groups.

Hello, and welcome back!

Last week we looked at the best mindset to have when meeting girls from your tours for a date. I suggested some good venue ideas to enrich her narrative (and her arousal) as she discovers this exciting new city or country.

Finally, I discussed some verbal juice you can deliver to unblock potential resistance to fast sex your tourist girl might have while on the date.

Now let's touch on some finer details that will give you an even sharper edge in this game: seduction-friendly conversation topics and dealing with her friends and groups.

Tourist Game – The Date: Set Good Frames and Escalate the Vibe

Frankie Bismarck's picture

tour guide game
Now that you’ve met up with your girl after the tour, it’s time to set ‘fast sex’ frames and escalate the vibe. As a guide, you’ve got some handy options for doing that.

Hey guys, welcome back!

Last week we looked at everything you should avoid doing when picking up girls on your tours as a tour guide so you don’t get fired. We went over how to text a girl from your tour to meet her later for a date. Finally, we mentioned the average duration and the typical number of venues for your first date before sex, provided you live close to the venues.


Your Ideal Mindset

Regardless of what unfolds, it is safe to assume that if a tourist from your tour agrees to come and meet you alone for a date to catch the sunset or after the sun has set, she wants to sleep with you. As you gain more experience, you will begin assuming her desire even when you meet her in the early afternoon.

If you have to guess a girl’s intentions — because girls will seldom make them clear in a forthright manner, though they may give you hints — it’s best to bet in your favor:

  1. Girls will feel compelled to sleep with you if you go through the motions of a traditional date while leading things forward. They won’t feel the need to make decisions if it seems like you’re in control and not doubting yourself.

  2. If she is still hesitant about sleeping with you, and you assume she’s out of your league, or make an excuse not to bring her home and escalate to sex, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The girl won’t try to “convince” you that she wants to sleep with you if you don’t assume that that’s what she wants and operate with that goal in mind. You’ll end up frustrated because you will never find out what could have happened if you’d made the move.

Tourism Game – From Getting Her Number to Taking Her Home

Frankie Bismarck's picture

tour guide game
In our continuing series on tour guide game, we cover how to handle things between the time you get her number and set up a meet to the time you bring her home.

Hello, and welcome back!

Last week we looked at how to become a free tour guide that girls want to sleep with.

These include:

Then we discussed how to spot a horny girl who may be unconsciously attracted to you during your tour. We went over how to approach a girl on a tour. Finally, we saw how to number close her and how soon you should meet her after the tour to increase the odds that she will sleep with you.

Tourism Game – How to Get Laid as a 'Free Tour' Guide

Frankie Bismarck's picture

tour guide game
Last week we covered the 2 best guide jobs for getting laid. Now let's dig deeper into how to capitalize on the 'free tour' guide niche, even if you’re NOT the guide.

Last week we looked at the two best guide jobs for all you horny dudes in the industry. As a guide, you have access to multiple short romantic affairs with hot tourist girls.

We went over the process from meet-to-lay with girls in the #1 certified best job for consistent one-night stands with these girls: guiding pub crawls.

This week, we will focus on getting laid from the #2 best job: guiding free tours.

Tourism Game – The 2 Best Guide Jobs for Hooking Up

Frankie Bismarck's picture

Editor's Note: This is our first post from FRANKIE BISMARCK, a guy who went from socially-awkward high school virgin to popular college man after hitting the gym and befriending the foreign exchange students who threw the best parties. Later, he found a niche in the tourism industry, becoming a guide and cashing in on horny tourist girls. Let's see what he can teach us!

tour guide game
Here are my favorite tour guide jobs for hooking up with hot girls, the pros and cons of each, and how to make the best of the guiding profession – without getting fired!

What is the best type of tour guide job for access to a consistent stream of hot girls?

That would be the pub crawl guide.

Of course, that's not the only tour guide job that can land you hot girls on a regular basis, but it's my absolute favorite!

I've been doing this stuff for several years, and I've learned much in the process. At the moment, the industry is a bit shattered due to the Mexican beer fiasco, but it's bound to make a comeback, and perhaps even experience a boom as destination countries open back up and involuntarily homebound adventurers feel safe to travel again.

For now, I can only reminisce and share some insights with all of you out-of-work or prospective tour guides who'll want to bound right into action when times are better.

Let's talk about my favorite two guide jobs for getting girls, the pros and cons of each, and how to make the best of them – without getting fired in the process!

In this article, I also cover some general aspects of the tour guide game, so treat this as an intro. In the coming weeks, I'll be posting at least a couple more articles with finer details. So stay tuned!

Let's start things off by jumping into my #1 pick.