Something that makes guys’ heads spin when they discover it is the seeming dual nature of women:
That women are at once both this extremely conformist sex, and also significantly dirtier than men are.
In fact, I would say that grasping this ‘female contradiction’ and UNDERSTANDING is one major differentiator between the men who are absurdly good with girls from all the rest. Every master pickup artist and every talented natural intuitively gets this ‘contradiction’.
Guys who have not reached mastery yet try to treat these two ‘sides’ of women as if they are different people. Okay, there’s the conformist girl, they think, who is probably an uptight good girl, and you have to be really nice and not upset her with sexual things. Oh! Now there’s the SLUT, whom you can be REALLY forward with, they say, and don’t have to worry about embarrassing at all!
Then the conformist good girl never does anything with them, and they later find out she was having sloppy sex with her new bad boy boyfriend. Next, the slut also spurns their advances! They feel indignant at both these: where does the good girl get off acting like a good girl if she’s going to have sloppy sex with bad boys? Where does the slut get off rejecting ANY guy when she’s a SLUT?
Men who’ve fully integrated women’s conformist and dirty natures in their minds though have no problems with these girls – and in fact treat the good girl and the slut more or less the same. Sure, they’ll be a little raunchier around the slut and a little less so around the good girl, but their overall approach is going to be the same; unlike the less skilled guy, who opts for totally different approaches for both these women.
What is it the skilled guy gets that the unskilled guy does not?
And how do you unite these two seemingly contradictory aspects of female nature?