What to Say When She Says "Add Me on Instagram" | Girls Chase

What to Say When She Says "Add Me on Instagram"

Chase Amante

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what to do when she asks you to add her on InstagramGirls today use “add me on Instagram” as their default close line – and brush off. If you’d like to be MORE than just another nameless follower, read on.

There’s an epidemic right now of women shifting men over to Instagram followers when those men try to go for the contact close.

  • “Add me on Instagram!”
  • “Follow me on Instagram!”
  • “Hit me up on Insta!”
  • “Let me give you my IG!”

^ do any of those sound familiar?

Men who are new to pickup are going through the same process over and over again, where they are feeling pressure from girls to comply with the “Instagram reflex” and do, then it doesn’t go anywhere, then it happens again with the next girl, then the next, until eventually they figure out that adding girls on Instagram is a big waste of time.

I am seeing guys go through this discovery process over and over, each man discovering it separately/independently, after much individual frustration and failure.

Rather than force you to have to go through that, I figured I’d give you a shortcut:

How to handle the Instagram reflex in a way that’s far more likely to lead to actual dates & lays.


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