Indulge me for a moment if you will.
I want to tell you something, but it isn’t to brag.
You see, I’m the best thing that could ever happen to a woman.
It doesn’t matter if a woman I’m seeing calls me names or acts like I’m a jerk.
It doesn’t matter if buddies of mine tell me I could treat my women “better than I do.”
Regardless what happens or people say or do, I continue to view myself as the ultimate prize for a woman. It might sound deluded or egotistical, or maybe just plain silly, but I can tell you one thing for sure: it works.
Relationships go how I want them to go. When we hit rocky points, things by and large resolve how I want. Women, no matter how annoyed at me they might get, in the end decide I’m really just an amazing guy. Often I don’t need to do anything special for them to decide that, other than just stick to the frame: I am the prize.
Friends (when not commenting that I could/should “treat women better”) tell me it’s amazing how my relationships remain good and women remain enamored with me over the long-term.
It’s not amazing to me though. I am the prize in my relationships. Why would my relationships NOT stay awesome?