Frames & Frame Control, Simply Explained | Girls Chase

Frames & Frame Control, Simply Explained

Chase Amante

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frames explainedFrames (as used in the social & seductive arts) may appear abstract. Yet they’re key to human interaction. He who controls the frame gets the dame.

I started a thread on our forum asking members what concepts in seduction they struggled to grasp. One that came up repeatedly was about frames: frame control, frame grabbing, and simply frames themselves.

Frame is a key concept in pickup. Like all concepts, you don’t have to technically understand the concept to figure out how to do it. A lot of naturals are frame control masters who would not know what you were talking about (at least at first) if you started telling them they had ironclad, magnetic ‘frames’.

To help you really grasp what frames are and how to use them, we’re going to take a closer look at this powerful-but-abstract psychological concept.


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