Girls on the Prowl Find Men Handsomer | Girls Chase

Girls on the Prowl Find Men Handsomer

Chase Amante

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Chase Amante's picture
girls on the prowl find men hotterResearch shows that women who want to meet a man rate men handsomer in general. When she’s on the prowl, EVERY guy’s a Prince Charming to her!

I know a lot of guys are very focused on their looks.

So this study should be intriguing. From the study:

It was found that the more interested women were in meeting members of the opposite sex, the more attractive they viewed the opposite-sex patrons in the bar. (Interest was not found to affect the attractiveness of the opposite-sex confederate.) For men, no relationship was found between interest and physical attractiveness ratings.

Regarding the “opposite-sex confederate” bit: the researchers paired men and women up with an average-looking opposite-sex companion and sent them to a bar together. They wanted to see if the ‘beer goggles’ effect was real.

They found that it for women it wasn’t. As the night went on, women rated men’s looks worse – both the looks of the guy they went there with and the other patrons in the bar. Further, the drunker women got, the harsher critics they were of the looks of men!

(men, for the record, rated other female bar patrons the same at the beginning and end of the night – however they rated the average-looking girl they came with a whopping 19% better-looking by the end of the night!)

The one exception to the harsh judgments women made: women who were on the prowl.

The more a girl was out to meet men, the better-looking the guys in the bar looked to her.


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