Why Showing Disinterest in Girls Is So Deadly Effective | Girls Chase

Why Showing Disinterest in Girls Is So Deadly Effective

Chase Amante

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Alek Rolstad's picture
showing disinterest in girls: the frame-setting secret weaponMost guys work hard to show women how interested they are. So why would you want to show a girl DISinterest? Just one reason: to raise HER interest in YOU!

Hey guys and welcome back. I hope you are all doing well.

Last week, I discussed showing interest by using indirect game to attract women.

A common misconception with indirect game is that you are overly aloof without showing any interest, relying on displaying disinterest. Although there is some truth to this, most go-to formulas of indirect game involve showing interest—sooner rather than later.

You should eventually escalate the vibe, creating an “us” frame. This is a “you and me together” vibe, adding a romantic and sexual layer to the interaction. For more, see my article from last week, which discusses ways to show interest.

Showing interest also helps avoid unnecessary auto-rejections. You do not want a girl to prematurely eject herself from the interaction to safeguard her ego. By showing some interest, you keep her in the loop, giving her a sign of hope that she has a shot at getting you.

Today, I will cover when to show disinterest—an essential indirect game factor. You will learn to show disinterest in ways to maintain her curiosity in you by:

  • Showing disinterest in a way that does not de-escalate the vibe

  • Showing disinterest without causing auto-rejection

Next week, I will go through the different ways to show disinterest.


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