How to Prevent STIs: A Guide for Active Daters | Girls Chase

How to Prevent STIs: A Guide for Active Daters

Chase Amante

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Alek Rolstad's picture
how to prevent STIsSTIs are a scourge to the active dater – but they’re preventable. Follow the steps in this guide, and you’ll keep healthy no matter how active you are.

Hey guys and welcome back.

This post continues my series on STIs. Last week, I covered various STIs with links to medical resources and notes on each.

Today, we get into the real juice: how to prevent STIs. And it is"text" much more than condoms! You have many options, including some you may not have heard of. I am not talking about questionable tricks like washing your penis in coconut oil after sex to dodge STIs. I doubt that works!

You can discuss the medical solutions listed below with your doctor or a specialist. They should be familiar with these options. Sometimes, doctors may not mention STI remedies unless they recognize their patient being in an at-risk group. It’s important to communicate openly with your healthcare provider about your concerns.

Today, I’ll provide this knowledge so you are aware of your options, and in turn, you can bring it up with your doctor. This allows you to be more in control of your health.

Over the years, I have gathered much information about STIs, which inspired me to write this series. Initially, I was motivated by paranoia, leading me to read about STIs and consult with specialists. However, as time passed, my interest in this subject deepened, and I made it a point to stay current on the latest research.

Reading the forums over the years, I realized most guys in this community are rather clueless—shockingly so. I hope that this series remedies that.

Last week, I discussed various STIs. Today, I will cover how to prevent them. I hope readers will see this post before exposing themselves to an STI. This post will help you dodge these issues. Other readers may read this retrospectively and, out of paranoia, read my last post. The details below and last week’s post will benefit you nevertheless. Next week’s post will detail what to do if you have had unprotected sex and you feel that you may be at risk.


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