Influences on My Seduction Style, Pt. 2: Later Inspirations | Girls Chase

Influences on My Seduction Style, Pt. 2: Later Inspirations

Chase Amante

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Alek Rolstad's picture
Alek Rolstad's later seduction influencesAs Alek Rolstad has progressed as a seducer, he’s continued to incorporate facets of other seducer’s concepts and material. See his later influences here.

Hey guys, welcome back.

Today is part two of my posts on my inspirations. Last week I covered my early inspirations, and today I will discuss my later inspirations.

After nearly 15 years in this field, I have seen it all, including most material. I rarely discover anything new. Sometimes I stumble upon an old post that I missed back in the day or revisit an old post and read it from a more mature and experienced point of view.

So even if I say later inspirations, they are still from my formative years. So, last week’s post covered my earliest inspirations from 2007 to about 2009, and my later inspirations are from 2009 until 2011.

Even if the seducers and methods mentioned here and my last post served as early inspirations, it does not mean that I received what I needed, never to return to it again—I constantly revisit this material.

In 2018, almost ten years after being introduced to Mystery Method, I returned to it, and read it differently. Not only did I understand the concepts better and how they apply in-field, but I saw the method in a new light, emphasizing techniques I had discarded or neglected (often unwillingly) then. Some examples: qualification, body rocking, and locking-in. If you are familiar with Mystery Method (and you should be!), these are not the first techniques that come to mind; it is usually “negs” (backhanded compliments), DHV-Routines (demonstrating high value), and opinion openers. I don’t use those. Unlike what many believe, they do not make up the core of the Mystery Method.

The same can be said for real-world seduction by Swinggcat. I revisited it not long ago. I grasped this method very well, and my interpretation was pretty accurate even back in the day. One can add much fine-tuning to real-world seduction, such as different timings and contextual factors, enhancing the method’s effects. And this is how I used it.

PS: everything will be enhanced if you time the material well. Timing is everything.

Of course, I have revisited the material and methods discussed here often. Some have inspired me in my later days (even recently). Worry not; I will let you know when that is the case.


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