Hey guys! Today I will share a post for our advanced readers. This post may serve players of all levels, but it may be a bit heavy for the less experienced.
Nevertheless, it is an interesting subject. We’ll go over why a particular girl or group is hard to seduce.
As you will see, it can be tricky to assess, and so it should be obvious that you are likely to be wrong in your assessments (the harder something is, the more likely you are to make mistakes). Hence the message is: don’t overthink and waste your energy but instead go for it. You may realize that some girls are not that hard to get, even though they may initially have come across as hard nuts to crack.
And if they are hard to get, the challenge will provide you with valuable lessons.
These are some simple facts to consider.
This post will cover different variables in determining how hard a girl is to seduce. I will leave out one variable I have covered in-depth in a previous article: girls put up various types of resistance at different phases of the interaction. Some are hard to approach but easy to extract once you hook them in; others are easy to approach but hard to extract. Some are easy to both approach and extract but infernally difficult to escalate to sex with.
So keep this variable in mind as you read this post.