Sometimes you’re going to find yourself talking to one or more girls who are just total party poopers.
They’re low energy, in bad moods, don’t respond to your humor, or otherwise act all prickly.
Now, what you don’t want to do is get caught up in these girls’ bad moods. But you also don’t want to get caught trying to change their moods for them either. That’s not your job, nor is it a good use of your time and energy.
So what do you do with these party pooper girls? If you already approached them, only to discover too late that they’re a total drag, you need some way to either get things going with their rest of their group, or else get out of there without it feeling like you got the wind sucked out of you.
The solution is party pooper girl inoculation – measures you take to firmly have a handle on the frame in the face of girls who are no fun.