Here’s a “golden oldie” of seduction community wisdom:
When talking with girls, talk about other girls.
I first encountered this advice in the first seduction manual I ever read, Swinggcat’s book Real World Seduction. In it, Swinggcat recommended telling girls stories that had other girls in them.
It didn’t take long before I heard this same tactic from other seduction community legends. One advocated talking about “my friend blah blah” and then referring to your friend as “she” and “her” – and if a girl asks, “Is she your girlfriend?” you know you have her hooked.
Another talked about how telling stories about other girls you know or knew allowed women to feel more comfortable around you, showing them you’re not some guy women avoid, while allowing you to show the girls you’re talking to that you have girls just like them in your life already (excellent for attainability).
I don’t see this advice so much anymore, so I figured I’d do a little write up on it specifically, just to get it out there again.