Which is the better style of game for you: day game, or night game? Each has its perks, but which you prefer depends on what you want.
It’s the age-old seduction question: day game or night game?
Guys have debated the merits of both for as long as they’ve discussed game. Some guys are in the middle. Yet there are plenty of fervent devotees of each branch, who insist their style of game is superior.
I got my own start as an inveterate night gamer. It wasn’t until 3 or 4 years in I started to do more day game (more than the smattering of “here and there” I’d done before). I’ve gotten to see both sides, and everything in between, and have since run game in pretty much all kinds of scenarios.
Both daytime and nighttime have clear perks in the “meet girls” department. Which time of day you prefer is going to come down to which perks appeal to you more.
To help you pick, I’ve compared day game and night game across seven (7) distinct dimensions, so you can see exactly how each stacks up against the other.
So, let’s compare!