Articles by Author: Colt Williams | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Colt Williams

Why Tinder is Still the Best Dating App Out There

Colt Williams's picture

Today’s the last day of the launch of my complete “get laid on Tinder” system; tonight at midnight, the price goes up forever. To top off this even with a bang, I’ve put together a detailed look at Tinder – and why, despite some new up-and-comers in the dating app space, Tinder remains the crown jewel of all dating apps.

Long ago, when a man wanted to meet a woman he was interested in – one who was not only fun and interesting, but also very attractive – he has just had to rely on luck or subject himself to the frenzied and unreliable environments of bars and clubs.

And then, at the beginning of the turn-of-the-century, some smart people who wanted to take advantage of the Internet age created online dating websites. They wanted to use the potential that the Internet had of connecting people locally, statewide, nationally, and globally, and apply that potential to a romantic context. They wanted to be able to bring people together and be a conduit, a spark of people falling in love with mates who they would have never otherwise been exposed to.

But online dating added setbacks: it was stigmatized; most sites were poorly designed; and after a while, the hot girls found that there were just far too many droves of thirsty, desperate men trying to get any kind of female contact or acknowledgment that they possibly could – which often manifested itself in a deluge of dick pics. And because of this unpleasant realization, they began to vacate the online dating scene and leave it for girls who were truly desperate.

And then… in the late 2000s… there came the app revolution.

dating apps

Suddenly you could do everything on your phone. You could check email, play music, and even handle your finances. So it was inevitable that, just like with the outset of the Internet age, someone would take advantage of this revolution in order to bring people together romantically. A few apps tried, but none saw true success until the advent of Tinder in 2012.

Tinder came and swept through the app world. It really put dating apps on the map.

What really got people was its effectiveness and simplicity. You simply look at someone’s photo, see how close you are, and then either swipe yes or no. And if you match, you could message them and potentially meet up.

And the best part was: it was completely anonymous. No one knew that you were on the app. Even people who came across your profile could only see it momentarily unless they matched with you. And if they did not, then you would disappear into oblivion and they would probably forget you soon enough.

dating appsThe icing on the cake: you could use the app from anywhere.

Like most things, in the beginning even Tinder was considered a bit fringe. It was considered – much like its online dating counterparts – for people who were weird or lonely or socially inept or otherwise outside of the norm of society. But slowly… and surely… it became more widespread.

Then in 2013, it started spreading like wildfire. Suddenly, everyone was on it: that girl from work, girls from the university campuses, girls from bars. Finally, something had managed to compel and keep hot, normal, socially adept girls in the online realm.

Now, the app is as ubiquitous as Google maps. Everyone has Tinder. But the best part about it is that it is not online dating. People are not on it to find their soul mate. They are on this king of dating apps for one reason and one reason only: and that is to get laid.

No pretense. No misunderstanding. Even for the women who pretend to be motivated by other reasons, this underlying truth still rings loud and clear.

Is She Interested? 8 Signs She Definitely Is

Colt Williams's picture

People in the seduction community make a lot of talk about IOIs, or “indicators of interest”. Indicators of interest are subtle hints that girls may drop – often subconsciously – in order to demonstrate their romantic and/or sexual attraction toward a man.

But the term “indicator of interest” makes this whole process sound entirely too scientific, as jargon in any niche field can. At some point, in order to master any craft, you have to get past the jargon and get back to what is simple. And in the case of women, what is simple for men is asking themselves the question: “Is she interested?”

At the end of the day, that is all we want to know. Is she interested or not?

is she interested

Many men waste a lot of time on girls who lead them on, are attention whores, or are just too nice to reject them directly.

Because, as we know, most of us men need very direct communication – i.e., firm rejection – in order to relinquish our pursuit of a girl we fancy. But once we get that firm rejection, or are pretty certain that she is not interested, then we usually will move on.

However, most girls are far too nice to deliver such a blow. Or at least they think they are being so. So it is up to us to figure out if they are interested. And although it may seem somewhat difficult at first, it can be much more obvious than it appears once you learn to look at the signs. And once you become more attuned to the signs, you will be able to pick up on them without even trying. You will even be able to observe them in the dynamics between other people.

So is she interested? Well, by the time you’re done with this post, you should never have to ask yourself such a question when thinking about a girl you like. You will just know. And what is more: you will not only know, but you will also have the power and confidence to act. So let’s get to it.

How to Handle Awkward Girls (Who Get Nervous and Antsy)

Colt Williams's picture

awkward womanChase’s amazing year-in-review really got me thinking about my own year. It was a fantastic year of growth, development, lessons… and women. I always find it to be a very interesting exercise to look at my year through the lens of women. “Which girl was I hanging out with this month? What challenges did we have? What adventures did we go on? What did I end up learning from the situation? What did I learn about myself?”

These are all valuable questions that seem to arise somewhat naturally when engaging in this exercise. So even if your year only saw two girls, and even if you may have done nothing but make out with them, still, think about how you changed and grew because of these situations.

Going into the year, I knew that one of my greatest challenges was dealing with a certain type of girl. I have a pretty strong personality; I like to make my presence known and I am not afraid to be loud and silly. So I tend to look for girls who are strong, independent, and quick-witted. That being said, I have learned that you can find these attributes in girls who are not necessarily the most extroverted.

So in thinking about how I could improve my seduction skills, I really wanted to challenge myself to see how I could be better equipped to deal with girls who possessed these attributes yet who just happen to be awkward.

I have never done well with dealing with awkward people; mirror neurons are some powerful things, and when you can clearly tell that someone is made somewhat (or fully) uncomfortable by one’s presence, no matter how socially adept you may be, it definitely starts to make you somewhat uncomfortable as well.

But some awkward girls are attractive, smart, and genuinely nice people. So I really asked myself over the first few months of last year: how can I overcome this challenge? How can I better connect with awkward girls who are not so socially savvy?

I asked many friends and colleagues about my challenge. And as I found myself in various social situations throughout 2014, I endeavored to push through my discomfort and actively engage with awkward girls as much as possible instead of excusing myself from the interaction as I had normally been accustomed to doing.

And the results were certainly interesting. So how do you deal with awkward girls? This is what I learned.

8 Signs She’s an Attention Whore (And Not Really Into You)

Colt Williams's picture

If a girl is an attention whore, it essentially means that you’re chasing her. Yet, chances are it’s not entirely your fault. She is probably making you chase her.

In this man’s humble opinion, the attention whore is one of the most socially adaptable and skillful people you will ever encounter.

attention whore

She has a way of drawing you in and giving you just enough to keep you around, all while refusing you what you really want.

She has a way of making you invest in her life and even of extracting value from you, all while convincing you that you have a shot with her and that it is all for the best.

But at the end of the day, she has no actual interest in having your penis inside of her. She just wants another source of validation. I believe in my heart of hearts that all men know when a girl is just leading them on in order to inflate her ego and her sense of importance.

And yet men walk along, foolishly allowing this to happen. But every once in a while, one of those men has a rude awakening where he realizes that he has had the wool pulled over his eyes.

So today we are going to talk about how to spot an attention whore from a mile away.

These telltale signs are there in every single case. The trick lies in not only recognizing them, but in having the mental and spiritual fortitude to act upon your realization and avoid the trap.

What is True Love? Science Gives an Answer (And It’s Surprising)

Colt Williams's picture

true loveWhat is true love?

That question that has been on the minds of men and women since the dawn of humanity. Ever since men could create, we have been fashioning stories and artistic pieces as homages to love.

Ever since a young age, we have been brought up to have a very specific conception of love – especially in the West. We conceive of true love as this great sweeping feeling that overtakes us – and, if it is true love, it lasts until you take your final breath. And people spend whole lifetimes trying to capture this feeling. They even marry the wrong person after having convinced themselves – and others – that they have found it. The feeling of love is… indescribable. It consumes you. Sometimes, it even fundamentally changes you as a person.

And yet, in our everyday experience and through reading the stories of days long since passed, we can see that perhaps true love is not what we think it is. Even those romantic pairings who seem most in love are marred by strife, betrayal, and dissatisfaction. If the greatest of love is supposedly eternal, then how could people possibly fall out of it? How could the divorce rate in our country be so astronomically high? How could women who claim that they are truly in love so easily bounce from guy to guy once things are over?

We have a very great and idyllic view of love. And yet, the reality seems to contradict our conceptions.

So the question is: what is true love?

How to Get a Blow Job from Any Girl You Want (It’s Easy)

Colt Williams's picture

There are few better feelings in the world than seeing a girl lustily looking up at you while on her knees or in your lap and seeing and feeling your member in her mouth; and then grabbing her hair and moving her head around your lap as you sit back and enjoy the oh-so-wonderful ride.

how to get a blow job

That’s the amazing feeling of getting a blow job. And even though sex is amazingly enjoyable, there’s something particularly and uniquely satisfying about blow jobs. But the question is: what’s involved in learning how to get a blow job – and isn’t it hard to get a blow job? The short answer is: no, it’s not hard to get a blow job. And today, I’m going to talk about how to put yourself in a position to get exactly that. Here we go.

How to Please a Woman Again and Again and Again

Colt Williams's picture

Every man on this site – readers, writers, designers, dabblers, and characters of all kind – endeavors to bring at least one woman into his life. That is the whole point of improving your skills with women.

And as you keep improving yourself, every once in a while, believe it or not, you will actually succeed in getting a woman. Not only will you succeed in asking her out on a date and in bringing her back to your place just to run off at the last second, you will actually be in the position to have penetrative sex with her.

Please a Woman

And sometimes, when you are in such a position, you start getting into your own head about whether or not you will be able to please her. You start thinking about the positions you know, your penis size, how horny you are in that particular moment, how attractive she is, and how long you generally last during a session of sex.

And, in some cases, you will have some great sex, she will be really satisfied, and you will both move on with your lives. But what about the other cases? One of two scenarios happen:

  1. You let your worries and concerns infiltrate your mind and affect your performance. And as these thoughts continue to insidiously seep in to your performance, you prematurely ejaculate


  2. You go all in. You give her a sexual experience that she is not likely to forget anytime soon. You expend all of your energy and pull everything out of your bag of tricks. And, after plopping down on the bed/couch/floor after all is said and done, she says: “That was amazing! Let’s do it again!” and the prospect of even having to get hard again daunts and exhausts you.

In either scenario, you are in a position where you still need to please her. So the question is: how do you please a woman in the first place? And if you succeed at that, how do you do it again?

That is what this post is dedicated to today. I can only hope that by the end of it you will find its contents to be... pleasing.

Top 6 Online Dating Sites (and Why They’re Top)

Colt Williams's picture

A while back Chase wrote an article on “How to Meet Tons of Girls on Plenty of Fish”. He’s also written a couple of other articles on how to find success with online dating and online dating sites.

Dating Sites

Needless to say, this site is definitely geared toward handling your fundamentals and process when in person with a girl. But, that being said, it is called “Girls Chase”, and there are many mediums in which you can get a pussycat to chase you.

I believe that one should always defer to in-person when dealing with women, whenever possible; however, online dating can definitely be a fine supplement to one’s game. If you read Chase’s myriad articles on the process of online dating – which he spent a lot of time tinkering with, creating profiles on, and doing tons and tons of research on – you will gain some key insights on how to jumpstart your progress and avoid a lot of common pitfalls.

And if you want to supplement your game with some online dating, then you will definitely want to know what the best websites are. So today, I’m going to outline the 6 best online dating sites and why they are on top. So let’s get to it.

How to Have Sex When You’re New and Unsure

Colt Williams's picture

In your lifetime you will have many experiences. Some will be frustrating. Some will be triumphant. Some will be painful. Some will be easily forgotten.

But there are some experiences that everyone remembers. For many people in the West, for example, one of those experiences is their first car. Whenever you asked someone in the West about their first car they get this very wondrous and nostalgic look in their eyes. And you can tell that a wonderful story is about to unfold.

But for all people, one experience that people will never forget no matter what is the time they lost their virginity. Regardless if it was awkward, lackluster, or incredible, this experience will always leave an indelible mark on the storyline of every person’s life. And it will always be something they can readily account without a moment’s hesitation.

But what if you haven’t had this experience yet? What if you’ve been wondering what it would be like to cross this threshold, this rite of passage, and feel for yourself what all people have engaged in for ages past? What if you don’t know how to have sex?

The thought probably makes you feel excited. It probably makes you feel nervous. And it probably fills you with the pressure of feeling like you have to do it at the right time, in the right place, and with the right person.

So how do you know when the time is right for you? And when you do decide, how do you go about actually doing it? That’s the topic I’ll be covering today. I’m going to talk about what factors should influence your decision to have sex the first time and how to go about having sex when you’re new and a bit unsure.

The uncertainty can definitely be a little nerve-racking, but just know that you’re not alone in feeling that way.

How to be Optimistic: 5 Steps (You Must Take)

Colt Williams's picture

Last week I wrote a post about How to be Passionate. That post was focused on becoming passionate with women, with work, and with life in general by generating an internal understanding and system in order to bring about greater awareness, curiosity, and appreciation for life.

So it’s only natural that I follow that post up with one on how to be optimistic. It seems that optimism has taken over the general zeitgeist of the West (perhaps even to a fault), and that literature, teaching, and educational/inspirational talks are all focused on the power of optimism and how to become optimistic yourself.

How to be Optimistic

Although I do not believe that optimism is a cure-all for any state of existence, it has been proven that people who are optimistic tend to be more successful in life and generally healthier in body as well. And it doesn’t really hurt to have the ability to look at a situation and learn and grow from it.

So today I want to talk about how to become optimistic. And don’t worry, this won’t be one of those “feel-good” kinds of posts where I just stroke your ego and tell you how special you are. We will discuss real practical steps and mindsets (as I always do) in order to boost your sense of optimism and general life satisfaction.