Dating Rules | Page 32 | Girls Chase

Dating Rules

Learn the rules of dating.

dating rules

Can I Help You?

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can i help youKnow how when you walk into McDonald’s or any other fast food restaurant or just about anywhere with service personnel they ask you if they can help you? They are, after all, at your service; it’s their job to be so.

Now, if you had to reckon, what do you think the likelihood is that a woman becomes very sexually attracted to a man asking her how he can help her, then catering to her every need? Chances are, not terribly likely, right?

The Early Boyfriend: Why It's a Bad Idea

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Sometimes, a man will meet a woman he just hits it off with and really likes. He starts spending time with her, doing all kinds of activities with her, just the two of them together, and doing everything a good boyfriend would do – before he’s slept with her.

I call this being an “early boyfriend”, and it’s bad news for all sorts of hideous reasons.

early boyfriend

The bad: being an early boyfriend makes a woman lazy and complacent about actively working to move things forward. Women also take men for granted whom they haven’t become physical with – if a woman hasn’t slept with you yet, she’ll tell herself there’s a good reason why.

Date Templates: Minimize Confusion, Maximize Returns

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date templatesDating is one of those things that can be a little ambiguous, even for guys who are relatively skilled in seduction in general. I know for me, it was an annoyance long after I’d reached a decent level of proficiency in meeting girls and taking them home quickly – that I could do fine, but dating was still a big unknown.

Text Message Flirting

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Texting can be a super fun way to stay in contact with a girl, and to build up rapport and interest with her prior to a date, or even to a conversation – sometimes your first conversation.

But where do you start? It can be a bit overwhelming, especially for the guys out there who traditionally have stumbled on their words around women or never know exactly what to say. That's why, in this article, I'm providing you a how-to on text messaging girls.

Talking vs. Texting & Related Tips

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Update: check out "Text Message Flirting" for a run down on the basics of text messaging, and "How to Text a Girl" for the most comprehensive how-to out there on text messaging women to build rapport and get them on dates.

Text messaging and talking over the phone are two different means of communication, and each have distinct advantages and drawbacks. Let's take a look here at what those are.