Study: Being Alpha Is Not Enough. Being Alpha + Prosocial Is
Dec 4, 2023
Being an alpha male is supposed to get you girls. Right? So why are so many “alphas” dating fat girls – or alone? It’s because “being alpha” is NOT enough!
Dec 4, 2023
Being an alpha male is supposed to get you girls. Right? So why are so many “alphas” dating fat girls – or alone? It’s because “being alpha” is NOT enough!
What is the single most attractive quality that women see in a man? It’s not money. It’s not looks. Confused? Tune in and I’ll explain what it is and how it works.
Boldness wins games. When it comes to picking up women, this is especially true. But you need to calibrate your boldness to the girl. Here’s how.
It's basic, but it's also easy to forget to do. Smile when you approach a girl, and your odds of success with her go way up.
Being picky means knowing what you want. Knowing what you want enables you to choose a path to obtain it. And this decisiveness helps attract the women you like.
Busy, waiting, or boxed in? If done right, being on your smartphone can be a powerful tool to intrigue and attract women.
The brolosopher: smart guy, yet normal, casual, and cool. Sharp, savvy, yet chill and social. If you want to use that big brain well, it’s time for some brolosophy.
It’s sexy to part your lips. Some of Hollywood’s most alluring leading men have used parted lips. If it works for them, it can work for you too.
You know dumb guys get laid. Now it’s time to dumb down yourself – and reap the rewards. Cut the snobbishness out, and get the girl.
Vulnerabilities can be powerful things to show the woman in your life. Yet you must show the right kind of vulnerabilities – and at the right times.
Want to make the women you gaze at find your glance irresistible? A simple dash of fractionation added to your eye contact is all it takes.
Your silence speaks volumes. But you don’t just need to use it to be serious; you can use it to increase sexual tension, for better communication, for humor, and more.
Tao is the Eastern philosophy of emptying one’s cup. It has a lot to teach about seduction… Namely, about domination of seduction, vs. submission to it.
Seductive eye contact is about more than eyelids and gaze direction. With these 3 basic eye contact rules, plus a few advanced tactics, you’ll melt her.