a friend of mine has been bringing up a recently
acquired belief that looks are everything, and everything else is
nothing, when it comes to meeting and picking up women. I've avoided
being drawn into the debate as best I can, but any time I mention
women-related, I've been hearing it from him: “Oh, I don't even listen to that, because
the only thing that matters is looks.”
Disagreeing with him gets one told one is in denial, and he cites a few examples of very good looking friends of his who get better results with women than anybody else he knows as evidence that only good looking guys can get good looking girls.
I've refrained from weighing in too much on this until now,
because I understand why he's thinking this way and why he's trying to
convince everyone that looks are all that matters. But I felt
like the topic is a good one, and that it'd make for good article
fodder and be something worth addressing here. The topic being:
Do looks matter to women, and if so how much?
And the answer I've got for you here will almost certainly surprise you, no matter which side of the fence you fell on prior to reading this.