The Adaptive Mechanism Behind Birth Rate Decline: Is It Group Evolution?
Nov 25, 2024
Birth rates are falling around the world. Why? Also, what is the reproductive benefit to people having fewer children – or no children at all?
Nov 25, 2024
Birth rates are falling around the world. Why? Also, what is the reproductive benefit to people having fewer children – or no children at all?
Guys get told they’re guilty of horrible double standards all the time. But are double standards actually a bad thing… and are they even real?
Trust has crumbled between the sexes as men and women have cooperated less. What's caused this collapse in trust between male and female?
“Speak softly, and carry a big stick” was Theodore Roosevelt’s suggestion for how to play the Red-Black Game. Let’s talk about why it’s such a great strategy.
How you play the game of life will determine whether you win or lose. It’s nice if everyone could win all the time, but real life situations often make that impractical.
Have social media and dating apps made modern dating disposable? Not quite – the problem goes back farther than them, to mid-20th Century “throw-away culture.”
Everyone out there is trying to influence you. How susceptible are you to that influence – and how susceptible are those around you?
The roiling Harvey Weinstein Hollywood sex scandal was caused by a unique mix of perversion, sexual power dynamics, and the twilight of feminism.
Whose dating life is harder, men’s or women’s? The answer is nuanced… because there are different groups within both sexes.
How will the dating game change in the West during the 2020s and 2030s? The past serves as a guide – and lets us make a few predictions.
Why do some men cultivate themselves to get more dates, sex, and girlfriends, while others become culture warriors? It is the yin and yang of group morality.
You’ve no doubt heard it before: “It’s instinct.” So why does it seem like it’s so hard to meet girls and have sex in the world of today?
What is the MGTOW movement all about? Do MGTOWs reject women, love, sex, and society? Or is the phenomenon about something else...?
Media influence wields tremendous sway over your thoughts and feelings. Here’s how it works – and how to take back control.