Why Simping Behavior Evolved in Men
Jan 26, 2025
Male simping is ridiculously counterproductive. It wastes the males time and gets him nowhere with girls. So how on Earth did this behavior evolve?
Jan 26, 2025
Male simping is ridiculously counterproductive. It wastes the males time and gets him nowhere with girls. So how on Earth did this behavior evolve?
Media influence wields tremendous sway over your thoughts and feelings. Here’s how it works – and how to take back control.
Women’s sexuality – and the strategy men use to access it – changes in adaptation to the political environment it finds itself in.
Are you an alpha male red pill member of fight club? Because the last thing you want to be is a beta blue pill chode, let me tell you.
Why is it that mainstream dating advice is so poor and ineffectual at actually succeeding at what it purports to do – help you get dates?
America, Britain, Australia – the Anglosphere is filling up with self-centered, repressed, inhibited people. But what gives, and how do you get around it?
Madonna/whore complex is a fixture of Western patriarchal society – but as the West moves into matriarchal territory, this way of thinking is causing challenge and convulsions.
In this article, Chase postulates that the "battle of the sexes" is really more a result of the modern Western workplace, forcing women into direct competition with men, than anything else.
The problem with American dating isn’t the people – necessarily. It is, rather, how they’ve been raised – and the wall they’ve yet to hit.