Why Are Women So Ambiguous? 3 Feminine Reasons
Dec 6, 2024
Women can be pretty vague and confusing. Why are they so ambiguous in word and deeds? Three words: safety, flexibility, and POWER.
Dec 6, 2024
Women can be pretty vague and confusing. Why are they so ambiguous in word and deeds? Three words: safety, flexibility, and POWER.
Female morality revolves around one central tenet: is this good for her sexual strategy? If yes, do it / agree with it / subscribe to it. If no, don’t.
Women and lying go together like ice cream and sprinkles. But do women chronically lie? Can they not tell the truth – or do they do so strategically?
Women contradict themselves a lot. But they don’t always do so for the same reasons... They have 5 different ones, in fact.
To men, women can seem disloyal… Or at least, not nearly as loyal as men. What’s it take to find a loyal lady anyway?
A woman’s rules are never absolute. Often they aren’t even guidelines. Once a man understands this, his entire way of interacting with women changes.
Women use ambiguity for three (3) reasons: to expose a man’s true colors, to retain room to maneuver, and to preserve their social reputations.
Love seems like the ultimate female obsession. But do girls actually desire love as much as it seems? The answer is “It depends.”
The dark side of female morality: girls love to cuckold and humiliate men who let them. Understanding this is key to liberation from the victim cycle.
Girls teach you a lot when you try to talk to them, date them, or pick them up. They’re among the greatest teachers you’ll have, in fact.
One thing to understand about girls: they will do what they have to to get what they want. Whether that means acting sweet or sour is up to you.
Tests, complaints, difficulty, and betrayal. It’s easy to see why some men think women are evil. But is what they do the product of villainy?
What women say and do often has multiple possible interpretations. So how do you know which one is right, and which one isn’t?
Women misremember the past all the time: motivations, chains of events, or even whether you’re good at something (or not). But why?