Socializing | Page 5 | Girls Chase


Meeting, getting to know, and generally hobnobbing with the people you meet throughout a lifetime of travels and adventures.

Mouse Utopia: Are We Living in the Human Version?

Chase Amante's picture
mouse utopiaJohn B. Calhoun’s rat and mouse utopia studies show what happens in abundant-yet-overcrowded conditions. Ominously, his findings echo what we see around us in people today.

How much of our modern social ails can be understood by population pressures due to overcrowding?

Certainly we don't want for food, water, or things to do. Our economies are massive; massive enough to comfortably support everyone within them (and far more).

Yet, is this sufficient to produce a utopia... or have we run up on a physical limit that plunges us increasingly into dystopia?

In the 1960s, researcher John B. Calhoun coined the term 'behavioral sink' to describe the situation where behavior collapses due to overcrowding. Based on multiple studies performed by him and replicated by others, Calhoun discovered that mice in overcrowded situations tended to develop a series of pathologies that made them become increasingly dysfunctional socially.

Ultimately, the mice in the experiments became so dysfunctional that, despite plenty of food, water, and nesting areas, and despite being in perfect physical health, they became psychologically unable to reproduce, and completely died out.

What happened, and what can we learn?

What If You Want a Girl Another Guy Wants?

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

I'm working on herWhat if you want a girl, but another guy’s been ‘working on her’? Should you go for her anyway... or make a tactical retreat? Well, it depends on the situation.

Let's say you're at a gathering of some sort and there's this girl there you start talking to.

Things are going well between you, then at some point she gets up to go use the bathroom. While she's gone, a guy from the group leans in and tells you, "Hey man, no offense, but I'm working on that girl."

What's the correct thing to do here?

Should you back off and stop picking up on this girl... go look for another?

Should you ignore this guy totally and continue as if nothing'd been said?

Maybe challenge him to a duel?

How do you deal with these 'working on that girl you're picking up' guys?

WATCH: Propinquity; or, How You Meet the Girls & People You Meet

Chase Amante's picture

The final video before the big CHARISMA-TOUCH-LIFESTYLE launch (this Saturday) is now out.

The subject is 'propinquity' -- a word psychologists use to describe one of the most important concepts underlying who ends up dating, hooking up with, and marrying whom; who ends up becoming friends with whom; who ends up working what jobs, and advancing to what level in their careers; and more.

If you want to command your lifestyle, and not just float through life, you MUST know about propinquity. You can watch my video on it here:

propinquity lifestyle videoWatch the new video by Chase on propinquity… scientists’ term for the “universal current” that runs through every man’s life, and influences the women (and men) who enter his life.

(or click here to watch it)

Mixed Groups Pt. 1: Mixed or Not?

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

mixed-group-in-karaoke-barMixed groups are more challenging than single-girl sets. But are all guys with girls signs of a mixed set?

Hey guys.

I was hanging out in the Skilled Seducer chat (the live chat in our online discussion forum), and member DaVinciMatrixStyle asked a great question, which guys often ask:

Social Circle Is the 9-5 + a Mortgage of Dating

Frankie Bismarck's picture
social circle datingSocial circle dating is comfortable and familiar for most men. However, it's also the long road… and more often than not, the road to dissatisfaction and mediocrity.

Depending on socializing (read: building or joining social circles) to enjoy a sex life of abundance is like trying to kill a bird by throwing stones at it.

While it may work to get you SOME sex, it is an unnecessarily longwinded, circuitous route which is filled with annoying obstacles. And ultimately it will rarely, if ever, get you the quality you desire.

Today’s article will focus on this topic.

Social Success Requires You Be Social

Frankie Bismarck's picture
social success socializeCan you learn to be social, alone in a room, on your computer or phone? Not really – you must get out into the world and socialize.

A man is not defined by his job, car(s), trophy wife (or wives), luck in the genetic lottery (good looks), muscles, house(s), other expensive toys (airplane(s), yacht(s)) or cashflow. He can have all those things, and still be considered a ruffian. Rough around the edges. People may still generally avoid him outside of what he can provide for them in terms of access to the various resources he commands.

What’s the missing ingredient? What is the feature which one finds to be ubiquitous among people who belong to the old landed aristocracy – the nobility – in Europe, and its American counterpart – “older” money (descendants of the industrial barons of the Gilded Age) and those belonging to the first families to set foot in today’s United States?

This will be the subject of today’s article. I will endeavor to guide you through what I consider to be the single most important tool you can possess to achieve personal satisfaction in life.

5 Ways to Kill Your Inner Nice Guy

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

kill your inner nice guyEvery guy wants to succeed more with the girl(s) he likes. Before you can do that, though, you must first do something else: erase your inner nice guy.

Back when I was hopeless with women, I wanted to claim this smoking hot barista as a trophy wife.

At only 25 years old, she had the confidence of a Somalian princess. She was well-traveled and far more experienced with men than I was with women.

Every day I’d make sure to buy my coffee from her. Over a few months of small talk, we became a bit familiar. She wasn’t a friend but she always smiled when she saw me.

I racked my brain for ways to impress her enough to make her horny for me. Finally, I had the biggest most brilliant idea:

I would show her how amazingly creative and witty I was.

Tactics Tuesdays: Have No Shame

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

have no shameCould you be shameless? When you talk to a woman and she attempts to shame you (for any reason), the best thing to do is stand firm… and unashamed.

The world today is a bizarre, polarized place where a whole lot of people get off on acting shocked at opinions that were standard fare even a decade ago.

People make accusations.

They give you funny looks.

If you're just getting used to women now, those shocked reactions, looks, and accusations might be enough to make you want to crawl back into your shell... or simply never share your thoughts on anything again.

Yet here's the thing: if you are unapologetic about who you are and what you think, and you own it, and can't be bullied into shame, people will respect you.

They'll respect you far more than those timorous souls who duck their heads and prostrate themselves before whoever dares accuse them of things.

This can make all the difference between a woman who's disgusted with you, and one enamored with you.

It's Okay to Sometimes Put a Woman in Her Place

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

put her in her placeYou should never put a woman in her place. That would be controlling or misogynistic. Right? Well actually, sometimes it's exactly what she wants.

Ever put a woman in her place, and have her love you for it?

A lot of guys are afraid to do this today. They don't want to be disrespectful. They don't want to come off as sexist. They certainly do not want to seem controlling.

Every woman tests.

This is a thing we simply deal with as men.

Sometimes though, a woman will go into testing overdrive.

She's got a bee in her bonnet (or a bug up her behind) for whatever reason. And now she's just going to nag and needle and critique you.

You'll see this most in relationships. But you'll encounter it occasionally in-field too.

And believe it or not, if you allow yourself to set aside your normally calm demeanor, and firmly put her in her place, much of the time, perhaps to your surprise, women will love you for it.

Transmitting Bad Vibes; or, Why People May Not Like You

Frankie Bismarck's picture
bad vibesBad vibes can poison your interaction without you being aware of it. So how do you know if you have a bad vibe problem? And if so… how do you FIX it?

Why do some people simply not like you?

In this article we’re going to look at a common affliction guys have, which is to misinterpret or be unable to understand why others react in a certain – negative – way to their behaviour.

This then leads guys to assume that others are “out to get them” but that this isn’t their fault.

We’ll also go over how you can improve yourself so that others begin to enjoy your presence more, and some potential reasons why they may not be enjoying it presently.

The ego is adept at tricking you into protecting it and overvaluing it when you should be looking outside and not within. When you get too lost inside yourself it is akin to the side effects of clinical depression or chronic injury: you become less aware of your surroundings, to your detriment.

This can make sense from a purely technical point of view. If you have a chronic injury you need to attempt to placate the physical pain to whatever levels you can or, if possible, to heal it using all the tools at your disposal. So you get an added focus boost on this unsolved problem in order to be better poised to overcome it as best you can.

The problem here is that anything outside this problem (which is inside) is relegated to a secondary plane. When a person is suffering from chronic pain it is difficult for them not to transmit this vibe, because you can see it in their eyes, their pain.

And so others feel it by association.