Game Openers That'll Get You Girls | Girls Chase

Game Openers That'll Get You Girls

Chase Amante

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Ricardus Domino's picture

game openersIf you're keeping up on the latest in game openers, you're probably familiar with the now-canon advice to pay women a compliment when you approach them during the daytime… and, that actually works pretty well, sometimes.

I’ve met and hooked up with a lot of beautiful girls that way … a sincere compliment during the daytime is often unexpected, and women admire the courage it takes to pull it off.

Especially on a dead cold approach of a girl you’ve never met before – she will often be jealous. She might WISH she had that kind of courage, to be open enough to just meet strangers like that.

That said, there are a few serious disadvantages to this approach, which is why I’ve stopped doing it almost altogether.


Anonymous's picture

Hi Ricardus!

I've always been partial to situational opening, and I've had a lot of success with it, but it doesn't work with women on the move. I know I need to be direct with women that are not locked in, but I could never feel comfortable with the "complementary opening".

The "Are you single?" approach seems a lot easier to execute than the "complimentary opening", however, you essentially allow the girl to kill your conversation with an easy "No". Furthermore, girls often put a negative stigma on being single, so they'll not often readily admit to being single even if it's true. They'll think to themselves, "Well, I've been kinda seeing some guy(s) for a while, so I guess I'm not single."

I guess what I'm wondering is, how do you get any momentum going after you hear "No" to your question?

BW's picture

I'd say see chase's post on how to deal with rejection. Haven't field tested this yet, but top of my head, since it's such a high-demand opener, I'd say keep pushing but add a touch of humor--"are you just saying no or are you really off the market?" with a knowing smile. If she still says she's taken but isn't walking away, thread-cut and ask her name, then roll from there.

SomeGuy's picture

I stumbled across this site a couple of days ago and have read a bit of the blogs. The approaches and all make sense. At this point, I really just have one question.

Where do you get the opportunity to comes across all these available girls? For example, in this post you mentioned take 150 approaches and do so on. I know that's an exagerated number for most, but how does a regular every day Joe come across that many opportunities in any given week? In a regular work week, I drive to work, work, and drive home to do my regular routine. Then on the weekends, depending on who is hanging out, I may go out to a local bar/club. Even on the weekends, the prospects are very low. The women I usually see are hanging out with a much larger amount of guys. That's a cold call that I'm not willing to get into.

I'm just curious, do you go out with a group of guys that all have the same MO? Do you go out by yourself? I've gone out with my buddies and strayed away at times, but the prospects always seem to be low. It's not that I have high standards or anything, rather, there seems to be a rather small number of available women.

The point of this comment is not how to pickup, but how do you get into the situation to pickup?


Jeff's picture

How well does this opener work in bars and clubs and such? And does Ricardus ever answer any comments :P

Saurus's picture

This worked for me first go - just last night in fact. Gotta get your timing right though, move quick enough and the girl doesn't have time to respond with anything but the truth I guess

Ricardus Domino's picture

Exactly - you'll catch her off guard and you get the truth... or sometimes, the curve ball just makes them stutter which means she instantly loses the upper hand that she usually has when guys approach her... it can be quite comical to watch.

Keep it up man!

Anonymous's picture

I tried this with a girl today in high school, but it did not work that well. I went up to her and I said: "Hey, are you single?". And she said "no" and started to walk away. I'm actually getting a lot of crap from my friends saying that this will never work. Any advice on how to get high school chicks?

I would greatly appreciate it.


Ricardus Domino's picture


Yeah this opener is for approaching girls you don't know in daygame, in the street or the mall or whatever... not for hitting on girls in your school.

Also, you tried once and it didn't work... Try 100 times and then let me know how that went. I strike out way more often than I succeed too... but I also have total abundance in my dating life. Read this article on why striking out doesn't matter:

Have you ever heard of Michael Jordan...? He holds only one world record. Do you know what that is? Most missed throws!!

For high school, you'd be better off either getting her outside school ASAP with some pretense, or running social circle game... one of those two. Do a search on the blog for the latter.

Hope that helps,

Anonymous's picture

Thanks Ricardus, appreciate it a lot. Sick post.

Penguin's picture

Hey Ricardus :).
I did a cold approach today and asked the girl if she was single- She said that she had a boyfriend. What are some good things to say in response to that?

Ricardus Domino's picture

Hey Penguin... don't worry about it, just keep talking. Make more conversation... if she's not leaving you can simply ask her what she's up to or even what her name is and take it down a notch to "fluff" talk.

More importantly though, you need to approach a LOT more girls... think 100 per month or ideally 150, so you can really practice the skills.


SomeOtherGuy 's picture

I would like some more information on what SomeGuy asked, where do you get 150 women to approach? middle of the street? what are some good places to practice day game?

Ricardus Domino's picture

Yo... you know what, that's a great question because I've actually found something really interesting about daygame venues.

The first thing is you probably want to live in a city with a population of 2 million or more... in smaller places, awkward situations are likely to happen sooner or later if you really play the numbers (and 150 is a small number... 1500 is probably better!)

But more interestingly, I mostly went to malls to meet girls... but I'd still open some girls on the streets too, on the way there or sometimes as I was just walking around on the streets.

And here's what I found when I broke down my successes and my failures one day: Most of the girls I had actually gotten intimate with were girls that I had chatted up on the street... even though I did more mall approaches than street approaches.

I'm not quite sure why that is... maybe girls get approached in malls more often than they do in the street, maybe a mall pickup seems contrived, like "oh he went to the mall to pick up chicks... no way a guy would go to the mall to shop"... or maybe it's simply that a street pickup inherently has a very spontaneous vibe. But that's the way it's been for me.

So another counter intuitive result here... street pickups seem a lot harder because the girls are walking somewhere, they're not just hanging out like they are at the mall... but it got me better results.

Sooo... very long way of saying... yes, middle of the street. :)

Cheers man and let me know how it goes!

Anonymous's picture

Hey Ricardus!

Great article man! I have utilized this approach numerous times and been successful numerous times. However, I would appreciate it if you could elaborate on the manner in which you approach women on the street. For example, does the direction in which they are traveling relative to you or whether or not they're alone matter when using the "Are you single?' approach? I live in Manhattan so I end up seeing a multitude of beautiful women on the streets, and I really want to perfect this approach.


Caffeine's picture

does this openers work with group of girls?

Marty's picture

Ricardus: totally agree that the "Pace", as you call it, can kill the interaction from the start, if it sounds even slightly apologetic.

To get around this, I have found that the best thing is to do away with it altogether and replace it with nonverbals: specifically, maneuvering the girl into initiating eye contact. This seems pretty effective so far in day game, both in the street and in a grocery store.

For example, in the street I might be approaching from behind, body language indicating that the woman will soon turn to cross the street. I continue nearest the curb, as she turns toward the crosswalk she cuts across my path and looks up toward me as if to excuse herself for the clumsy obstruction. I slowly meet her eyes, smile and open, direct or indirect-direct, without any need for apology or other "Pace"... I already have her attention.

Or in a store, I spot a woman, then arrange to be rounding a corner in a narrow aisle as she comes the other way, cart in hand. She meets my eye first, same principle. Indirect-direct: "Is this coffee any good? ...[momentary confusion] ...Actually, I just wanted to say hi" or, far better I think, direct: "I just had to tell you... [pause] have the most beautiful long hair I've seen for ages".

I'm working at it. I'm still a relative novice, but I like this approach. It feels right for me. I'd be interested to hear your views!

snipefield's picture

Hey ya'll,

Seems all I see around my neighborhood is gorgeous girls walking around in their short shorts now that the weather has gotten great.

My question relates to opening two friends who are walking. Any thoughts/advice on the openers described in this post for 2 friends who are moving?

I realize it's much harder to open two girls and get them to stop. Still, a lack of a strategy is bugging me.

Thanks in advance

Anonymous's picture

Demand Compliance – e.g. “Are you single?”, or “Are you married?” – This puts the pressure on HER, and completely shifts the power dynamic in your favor. As a colleague of ours says: “She realizes that she just lost ALL the power in the situation and she hasn't even gotten to talk yet.”

Lol at this

How does this shift the power dynamic in your favor? She doesnt realize jack. Your going up to a girl and asking if shes single she now has all the power to reject you.

Godsninja's picture

Hey, there's a part of the article I do not understand, there are a few double negatives that... make my head spin... I don't know if anyone else asked for verification of this:

"When you open without the false pretense of being disinterested in the girl, you operate under the assumption that she will be attracted to you… you should hence not show your attraction just yet, but demand compliance."


Tyler_James's picture

Thanks for this more realistic approach to . . . well, approaching!
It corresponds with my own successes or failures, which is always a good sign for advice. It is the SPIRIT of this advice that I most agree with, for MY OWN STYLE.

That being said, I read Chase Amante's article about approaching with a compliment, and find that, for some personality types and situations, well suited.
His opener allows you to feign cute, daytime nonchalance (daytime during work hours are a sacred political realm for most people), but also positions her to expect more a more traditional dating arc with you.

If you open in a cute, complimentary way, she'll expect you to be the dating type, more traditional, and even predictable to a point. You'll need to prove yourself to her later with a state shift into a more sexy, aloof energy, IF you land, let's say, a night-time meet-up with her.

Your advice, however, is more the style I agree with for underscoring sexuality in an approach. One example from me - I last approached a girl this way outside an elevator that we were both about to get on. She was dressed casually, which was out of the ordinary for our work building. I said. slowly, with a little smile, and with a tone that conveyed good intentions, "I would KILL for your dress code!"
She responded, "I'm dressed casual today. . . etc."
So I pushed the envelope a little.
"You get away with it, though, don't you?"

It's always this, what you're saying, to keep the tone of it that you're slightly annoyed that you're being attracted to her in the first place (how DARE she?!), that you haven't made up your mind yet about whether or not she's up to standard. And that leaves her open to wave a big green "GO" flag in your face, because even if she hasn't decided yet, she'll more than likely want you to be in pursuit, (which we all are at some point, face it - we have to learn how to make them stew over it)

Like this girl did, who ended the elevator ride with a smile and a sultry, "Well I'll try to wear something nicer for you next time!"
Green light all the way on the advice. Apologetic tones be damned.

AA's picture

Hey guys. I feel that a good response to her answering with a "no", could be something along the lines of; oh that's too bad. I have a friend and you're totally his type. If she may be being ambiguous with her answer, you should too. This way you retain your power and still get to know this girl better. This also makes you more mysterious as you haven't revealed all your cards yet and have thrown in the friend as the wild card.

Ricardo, I'm really curious to know whether you have any good openers for night game at bars and clubs.

Happy hunting! ;)

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