Tactics Tuesdays: Push-Pull for Getting Girls | Girls Chase

Tactics Tuesdays: Push-Pull for Getting Girls

Chase Amante

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Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

push pullEver hear of push-pull? It's one of the more versatile tools you can employ to help you get girls more easily and reliably. It's also one of the least-understood tools out there... how many people reading this article right now can offer a clear, coherent explanation of what push-pull really is?

Probably not too many of them.

What push-pull is, though, is intrigue, attraction, and emotional spiking wrapped up into one package. It's a means of ratcheting up a woman's interest, and it's one entirely under your control and not dependent on any given prompt or reaction from her.

In other words, it's one of seduction's dragon slayers - one of the best ways you can transform women with noses in their air to women tearing down your door.

And it doesn't require that you have any special skills or abilities. Only that you have enough self-control to pull it off... and that's why it's so attractive.

Most men don't.

Let's begin by looking at why.


Dave's picture

Question, does the push-pull work better done quickly like in your examples or should we try to stretch them out a bit?

Say instead of saying:

"You know, I bet we'd make a really good couple. Nah, scratch that, I bet we'd fight all the time."

Would this work better:

"You know, I bet we'd make a really good couple. Your more of a laid back person and I tend to be a bit more driven, we could really play well off of each other...nah, scratch that, I bet we'd fight all the time."

Or would that seem like I'm trying too hard to justify my initial comment? I am overthinking WAY too much aren't I?

Franco's picture

What Chase wants you get to get out of this, and out of most of his articles, is the concept behind the push-pull (or in this case, pull-push). Don't worry so much about using his exact phrases and instead understand what he is trying to accomplish with them.

In this specific example, he basically is trying to quickly paint a picture of you two together and happy, then swat it down with another image of you two together and fighting. The idea is that, in both scenarios, you are together, and the girl is painting a picture of it in her head.

Here's another quick example of a pull-push:

"You know... you have beautiful eyes. Too bad I won't be seeing them every day."

Here, I compliment the girl as part of the pull... but then I push away by saying I won't be seeing her every day. However, you leave her thinking, "well... what if I did see you every day?" If she's confident and witty enough, she might even respond with that!

Try to keep the main concept in mind and you'll be able to come up with your own verbal push-pulls or pull-pushes on the spot. And in general, keep in mind that, as with almost everything else on this website and in the art of seduction, "less is more." ;)

Dave's picture

I kinda figured I was towards the end of typing that, still a habit I'm trying to shed. Analysis is paralysis and all that jazz, unfortunately analysis is always what I've been best at.

Thanks Franco!

harrist's picture

just do what ever you think is right! just remember, there's nothing wrong with what we do, especially if we talk about love! and never say sorry! if we make mistakes! cause if we do, she will remember in his brain, and can trigger that mistakes for a reason! cause you don't want stupid reason that make her leave you ! right ? just remember, basically women is like number, they all same! and don't convince yourself that she's the one! because that would be suicide :)

Brandon's picture

I been dating this chick for a year. We broke up a few months ago because i moved away. We have been in contact back and forth. 3 weeks ago i hit her up and told her i missed her. She shut me down and said we are just friends now. So i said wat ever bye. She called me a week later saying she missed me and all this stuff so i told her i missed her too abd wat we had was special and she started crying. So we continued to talk for the next two weeks flirting and wat not. I sent her a heart and she started acting weird witch makes sense. Then i asked her wat her deal was. She told me to chill out. So i apologized for coming on so intense. She didnt answer. The next day i sent her a message telling her wat she is doing to me is not okay and i dont deserve how she pushes me away wen i get close and pulls me bak in wen i get to far. So she sent me a message back apologizing for being cold and saying it bothered her to flirt wen we cant see eachother. She also said she had a dream about me. She now wants to see me. Whats going on here. Am i screwed. Is she messing with me?

Anonymous's picture

I would like a serious opinion of what to do in these situations ... would it work if we use the "push- pull" as well?

heath humberson's picture

I searched everywhere online for sensible advice this makes the most sense. Other advice says tell her you are interested, be nice, or be an asshole etc or advice that doesn't make any sense. The stuff here is up my ally! Thanks :)

LeonidasTheLion's picture

Chase says in another article that he does not believe in talking to build attraction, that it is part of WHO a man is. And here he is proposing talking, that seems contradictory, no?

Len's picture

Hey Chase,

Like all the others, this article so eloquently puts into words what I have (with varying degrees of success) tried to do recently. You've been my idol for a good two years now. :) This site's got some fantastic stuff, and your IQ and writing skills are absolutely through the roof. Thank you!!

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