In the article that poses (and answers) the question "how much do looks matter?," a commenter asked the following about having a devil may care attitude:
“I don't know if you've heard the quote:
“The attitude dictates that you don’t care whether she comes, stays, lays, or prays. I mean whatever happens, your toes are still tappin’. Now when you got that, then you have the attitude.”
But I'm aiming for a Devil May Care attitude. And I would appreciate some insight on your attitude as far as badboy/alpha/dominant.. Etc.
Since mindset effects your outlook which effects your actions I think it's something to definitely touch on.”
I referred him first to the relevant articles on this site for adopting the actions and behavior patterns of the cool, indomitable outsider that women adore:
... but what his question really seemed to be about was not actions, but mindsets; what does it feel like to be that devil-may-care guy... how do you think about things when you are this way... and how do you get to be this way in the first place?
This article's about that. It's about what it feels like to get an injection of attitude straight into the artery, and it's about how you go about getting that injection in the first place.
Chase, my favorite teacher at school calmed me with this one today "Well Knight, in the overall scheme it doesn't really matter".
Big Picture
Yes, that's a great one. You'll find you can use that to calm yourself in all manner of situations.
I've been on airplanes that have hit bad turbulence a few times while crossing one ocean or another, and have felt the plane go into what seemed like free fall in a couple of instances. When that happens, and my amygdala wants to panic, I remind myself, "Worst case scenario? The plane plunges into the ocean and you die on impact and you won't even notice or care." The fear goes away. The worst thing that can happen is you die - and then it's all fine anyway.
On less life-and-death type situations, a nice way of doing this is asking yourself how important this seems from 30,000 feet. If you were flying on an airplane 30,000 feet over where you are right now, and looking down, how important would all this seem to you? Sometimes you'll do this, and just end up laughing... this thing that seems like such a huge deal is, really, nothing.
So let's say that you're a
So let's say that you're a devil may care guy and then a girl gives you the ultimatum - the "let's be exclusive or im out" talk. How does this guy handle it in this situation when he doesn't want the girl walking away?
He would decide whether he
He would decide whether he wants to be exclusive or not and acts accordingly.
This guy is not Devil May Care
The Devil May Care guy will know from the get-go what he wants from this woman, and he isn't surprised by the fact that the woman is finally giving him an ultimatum -- he is experienced, and he knows it is all part of the process of a casual relationship. Eventually the girl will demand more from him.
At this point, he knows that he's either going to finally give in, or finally let her go, and he knows that he is in control of this decision. But if he knows he doesn't want exclusivity with her, then he doesn't become needy and try to keep her around against her own will. He makes his intentions known and lets her go (while slightly sad about it), and he moves on with his life (and probably on to the next girl).
Remember, the Devil May Care guy isn't surprised by the situation... he anticipates that it is coming, and he already knows what he is going decide.
- Franco
Franco, I should have been
Franco, I should have been more specific. What I meant was, what is a way to cave in while still having a devil may care attitude and not looking like you are just giving into her demands? What is a way to cave in with some style and not letting her think she roped you in that easily?
Changing on Your / Her Terms
There's not really a great way to capitulate - the better way is to know what you want with a girl and structure the relationship to end up there from the start, so that it never reaches a point where she's forcing you into a corner where you've either got to do what she says or get out.
The best way is to be calm, tell her to relax, be surprised at the sudden emotion, and tell her, "Okay, whoa, just relax, hold on there a second. Where's all this emotion coming from?" Get her talking about things more logically and rationally. Have her explain herself.
Then ask her what the benefits are: "All right, so you think we should be exclusive. That's what you want. If we become exclusive, what changes in the relationship? Does this make the relationship better, do you think? How's it better for you, and how's it better for me?"
Get her to sell you on exclusivity. Make her make a compelling case. Ask her how it improves things for the two of you, and genuinely want to know why it's a good idea. Assuming she makes a good case, you can then say, "Okay - tell you what. Let's try it out. If at any point either of us decides we can't handle an exclusive relationship together, we just tell the other person, and we'll be sad and part ways. If both of us are happy, even better. Acceptable?"
Do this right, and you'll have deescalated from an emotional "capitulate or die!" confrontation into a rational weighing of the merits and selecting of the best option, so there's little or no damage to the existing power structure in the relationship.
Exceeding expectations, yet
Exceeding expectations, yet again. Thank you for the reply/post!
You're most certainly welcome, Anon - glad you liked.
gaming systems and abundance mentality
When I was a child even though I had a nintendo 64 I want a gameboy advance I want a ps2 I wanted a gamecube.but my mother would say there is no need to be obsess ed with this because their would always be better ones than these in the future.
Absolutely. All these things your emotions are pushing you so hard to get... much of the time, you wait a while, and the emotion fades, replaced by something else.
It's a transient world we live in.
Movie seductions
Nice article, I really loved the dr no clip, I saw that movie last week and also noted that scene.
I think movies are a very good way to learn body language, attitude, and sometimes even dialogs (I'm betting that "you like to live dangerously" line comes from that very movie).
I think it's time for another "epic movie seductions article"
or also a "powerful characters" article, james bond would be the first example, but I'm sure there are more.
Re: Movie seductions
Duly noted. A few commenters have requested "Sexy Man 2.0" type article - I might role this concept in with that and include more video examples where relevant / available.
PD: About losing emotions,
PD: About losing emotions, you can always aim bigger. If you are an artist for example, you might get accustomed to play for 100 people, but you will probably feel emotion if you play for 1 million.
Aiming Bigger
Yes, great point. The emotions dull for the known, but they're still there for the unexplored and the unfamiliar.
As you become more skilled, if you want to continue to feel, all you need to do is keep pushing the boundaries. Excitement and liveliness and joy live always right at the frontier of what you think is achievable.
contradictions and the devil may care attitude
Keep up the great work my friend.
1)How is a devil-may care attitude congruent with being humble and vulnerable? –(you have articles written on both those traits as well)
2)If a guy has a devil may care attitude how can he show authenticity when using the “direct opener/ compliments”, he may not come across as genuine?
3) When you use chase frames, do you verbally and non verbally express to the girl that she is turning you on or do you remain calm/ indifferent like James Bond?
Congruence / Arousal
On this attitude with humbleness and vulnerability: a man who's devil may care will tend to have a sense of self-deprecation about him as a means of making himself more approachable and not overly high and mighty; he'll also have vulnerabilities that he will show glimmers of in passing, more intimate moments, which he'll then quickly "cover up" again or move on from - leaving the woman wanting to peel back the mask and find out more, to discover this hidden pain beneath the nonchalant façade.
When trying to couple devil may care with direct, you need to adopt a more tongue-in-cheek style - e.g., you might say, "Do you always dress this well, or only when you anticipate meeting scintillating new men?"
Chase frames - yes, sexy but unmoved, like Bond. You don't want to seem to be growing obviously aroused / excited, or else it's too much (and looks too reactive). You instead want the appearance of a man who is himself sexual, and who's simply projecting his emotions onto her and causing her to feel the same (which, actually, is what you're doing).
Hi chase, about kissing
Hello Chase,
Great article, I really like your writing style.
I have a question:
I am still a virgin.
I even didn't kiss a girl yet.
The reason is that my standards was too high, like you told here: "when people are inexperienced they think every girl may fall into the girlfriend role, so they disqualified her if she aren't perfect for that role"
Anyway, I know I need to act differently. so, I act as "fake it till you make it" (I can't show to girls that i'm a virgin).
The problem is that I afraid that it can be discovered that I never kissed a girl thru my first kiss with a girl. (that makes magic circle and make me anxious to kiss a girl that I want)
I actually don't afraid that it can be discovered that i'm a virgin in sex act becuase I fell like I know about sex (I know what to do in general, as opposed to kiss that I really don't know what to do. additionally, there are many articles about sex but not real that tell you how to kiss.).
I read you kiss articles but it didn't aimed to the one that really don't know what ot do.
Can you please make an article for that or even answer me here? (how to kiss - particularly mouth techniques).
Thanks you.
hey gal, i'm a virgin as well
hey gal, i'm a virgin as well and doing the fake it til you make it as well. i found a kissing buddy recently who doesn't mind that i suck and she's teaching me. I also would like to see an article on kissing technique. specifically getting them wet from it.
Kissing for Beginners
I can understand the fear of being "exposed" by not being a good kisser. In reality, you don't have much to worry about there - there are plenty of people in their 20s and 30s who still are awful at kissing too. If you never learn anything else about kissing, you'll still be fine. Same with sex - if you don't tell her you're a virgin, and you don't act overly nervous or shy, she'll just assume you're bad at sex or too drunk (if you were drinking before), rather than a virgin, your first time.
Aside from the different kissing techniques in the how to kiss a girl article, at its most basic kissing is:
Optional are things like stroking the back of her head while kissing, etc.
You'll figure it out pretty quickly as soon as you're doing it!
-Wes I know that there are
I know that there are girls who would like to teach you how to kiss well.
But, they will automatically assume that you are suck in bed and don't go further with you. (I even know girls that will go to bed with you just becuase you good with kissing).
About "getting them wet from it" I think it's more about the experience
itself, not just about the kiss. (even go to kiss their neck, and other parts, etc.)
Chase, correct me if I wrong.
As I said I actually dosen't fear about sex itself. the reason is that I fell that I know more about it, also, I know that sex is NOT one act as opposed to kissing.
I mean that in sex even if I do something wrong in sex, like being less good in the penetration I still can be good in the foreplay so it's still looks like I know what i'm donig. but in kissing, all the judgement go to the mouth.
in realation to the technique you write,
French-kiss isn't the common one? or I don't even need to do it at all and can be regarded as good kisser?
when you say kissing moments you mean to slightly open and close the mouse and tild the head again?
Thank you.
nonchalant vs devil may care
Lover your articles! chase. your writing is truly inspirational, enticing and intellectually satisfying.
Would you say being nonchalant and devil may care be in same boat or is it something entirely different. Where one is entirely attitude and the other a way action is carried out.
Re: nonchalant vs devil may care
Next Time-
I used the two interchangeably sometimes, but they are actually slightly different.
Nonchalant connotes a sort of, "Okay, whatever," attitude about everything. Meanwhile, devil may care is more a knowing shrugging of the shoulders about something, with a hint of playfulness.
To see the difference, imagine two men playing roulette and making a huge bet. A woman excitedly points out to each man that he may lose everything if the wheel doesn't turn in his favor.
The nonchalant man looks completely bored and says, "Well, if it happens, it happens," as if he couldn't care less what the outcome is - he could win, he could lose; it wouldn't make an iota of difference to him emotionally.
Meanwhile, the devil may care man looks her square in the eyes, smiles his impish smile, and says, "I know."
feelings of disgust
What do I do when I see no.3? eg@people eating junk food,obese,homeless.
Re: feelings of disgust
See the article on being judgmental:
Stop Being So Judgmental: It's All Actor-Observer Bias
... and maybe the one on depression too, where I talk about judgment being a negative thought cycle that doesn't actually change anything about the world but does succeed in making you feel pretty miserable as you do it:
How to Overcome Depression
I'm taking control of my life
I'm taking control of my life thanks to you, your team and your articles. Also i'm interested in your friend's style on getting women to beg for sex. Care to share? sorry for the short choppy sentences I have limited characters.
Reversing the Sex Pursuer Roles
Awesome to hear you're making progress. I saw you have a "kissing buddy" now - nice going ;)
Yeah, I can do an article on the whole girls-begging-for-sex thing. I'll ask my pal if he wants to write it up or, failing that, I'm familiar enough with the general technique / have used it myself enough times that I should be able to do a pretty competent article on it. I'll throw it in the queue.
She's always with her friends
Hey Chase,
There is this girl I really like at my school but she is always with her friends and I never get chance to talk to her, how do I get her alone to speak to me without it being awkward or rude towards her and her friends?
Always with Friends
Probably the best solution for this is either approaching her with a group of your friends too, or approaching her and inviting her to a party or party-type situation where you'll have other people there who can occupy her friends and give her some time to get her one-on-one.
If you can't do that, there's always the ballsy approach - just walk up to her, friends and all, and say, "Pardon me for interrupting," to her friends, then, "Hey - I always see you and I've been meaning to come and talk to you, but you're always with friends. Would you grab an ice cream or a coffee with me sometime, and we can find out if we enjoy each other's company?"
Then ask her when's good for this, and grab her phone number. Say "cool" once you have it, and then, to the friends, "I'll let you guys get back to socializing."
Chase What can I do to seem
What can I do to seem more manly and sexy if I am still in high school? I can do cute sexy ok but I still seem young and untested and all that. Is there any other way to get sort of the beard effect by doing something else?
Sexy in HS
Check out my comment on the "sexy body language" article about younger role models here.
Unless you can grow stubble, you can't perfectly replicate the benefits of having facial hair while you're still young, but you can assume a sexier attitude / stance / fashion - there's a lot you can do to be more attractive aside from facial hair.
I need to get a haircut tomorrow! I have about eighteen hours till then and I have no idea what a sexy edgy hairstyle would be. Help? I look better in medium-long hair, and my hair is fairly long (like James Franco in Tristan + Isolde) now. What are some examples of medium-long hairstyles that are cool and sexy?
Re: Haircut
Right now, the most popular sexy / fashion hairstyle is the swept over bangs look, like these:
I have an upcoming article on hairstyles for whenever your next trim is - stay tuned!
Feeling in control
Hi Chase,
Your ability to clearly convey a difficult idea is downright masterful. I haven't read something that is so clear in such a long time.
After I've read your article, it seems to me that the key towards this attitude is the feeling of "being in control". So then I've also gone ahead and read your article on mastering your emotions.
My question is this: to be more in control you need experiences and success, as well as the ability to see things in a bigger picture. The first two will come with time. What are some good ways to train myself to start seeing things in the bigger picture? I find myself always controlled by the moment, unable to climb out of the ups and downs of the emotional rollercoaster. I can try to logically tell myself that in the long term it will be irrelevant....but sometimes that doesn't work either.
So what are some other good ways to start thinking in the bigger picture?
Ultimate devil-may-care...
... character is hands down Californication's Hank Moody.
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