Do you need a girlfriend? Maybe. But perhaps you’d be better off without one right now. These considerations will help you decide.
What I’ve learned over many years of teaching, mentoring, and coaching, is that my desires have not always matched those of my students and clients.
One of my most common recommendations for guys at all levels is to sleep with a few women before settling down with one.
I know – from both ends of experience – why this can be helpful for men. My first serious girlfriend was the girl I lost my virginity to. Then, a few months into dating, we had to shift to a long-distance relationship when I went off to college.
The relationship itself wasn’t bad, and I learned a lot. Additionally, my life has led me to where I am, so I have no regrets. But regarding that long-term relationship, there were many better paths I could have taken, given how many chances I had with hot, thirsty girls at college.
It’s tough to judge the past from the future, since it is self-evident that the past – every detail and crease – led to this future.
As for girlfriends, something that takes time and focus on your part... that’s a tricky subject.
When should you have a girlfriend?
The question “Do I need a girlfriend?” comes to mind, as a teacher of the romantic arts. But for many guys out there, it takes the form of “I need a girlfriend.” Two different sentiments, but both lead to the same inquiry if one is calm and introspective.
There are times in your life when a girlfriend is nice but not necessary. There are also times when you really shouldn’t have a girlfriend, and there are times when you really need one.