I'm pleased to announce after what seemed like interminable months of work (and a week of 18-hour days this past week with very little sleep), we've at last, somewhat behind deadline, completed updating to bring the site into the 20-teens.
My hat's off to everyone for putting in a big push at the end, and an extra special thanks to Mike from Greece, our guy on the IT end who built a custom metered paywall system for us after half the paywall companies wanted an ungodly chunk of subscription revenues and the other half simply didn't bother responding to customer inquiries. Mike, you're a life saver, and a hell of a coder.
I'll be back to writing posts and responding to comments and interacting on the boards again in a day or two... I'll grab a little rest and pay off a bit of my sleep debt and be back here before you know it.
In the meantime, have a look around the new site - I hope you'll find it cleaner, simpler to use and navigate around, and an overall more welcoming and usable experience than the previous version of the site was.
Welcome to the Girls Chase of 2013, gentlemen.